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Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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This Ninja Stuff Isn't Easy! Empty This Ninja Stuff Isn't Easy!

Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:09 pm
Another failed image faded, and standing there was Zakari Akari. He bent over, and rested his hands on his knees to support him. He was obviously trying to catch his breath. "How-huh-long-huh-is-huh-this-huh." Zakari finally stopped talking, and just tried to catch his breath. Once he was sure he was not gasping for breath anymore, he spoke "How long is this going to take? I have been at it forever." This was said to no one in particular, since Zakari was did not see anyone near by. 
Being a ninja was suppose to be fun and exciting, but so far all it got him was exhaustion and long days, by himself training. 

"Maybe, I was not meant to be a ninja." As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them. A memory popped up in his head, one he would rather not remember. It involved him talking to his dad, and him telling his dad how great of a ninja he would become. His dad spoke coldly to him "You can not become a ninja with a weak heart and your discipline."

Zakari quickly snapped out of his little trip down memory lane, not wanting to relive that moment. Although, the memory did help. Now, Zakari could feel a fire in his stomach. A fire that was telling him one thing, I can prove you wrong dad. I am going to become an amazing ninja, better than you ever were.

He had been practicing the Transformation jutsu all day, but all his transformations looked like some weird abstract art. He took a seat on the ground as he tried to gather his thoughts, and let his chakra replenish. Plus, he just needed a quick breather. He pulled out the scroll that contained the Transformation technique.

His eyes scanned over the hand seals, while his mouth read them out loud. "Dog, Boar, Ram." He sighed in frustration,since he had been hoping that maybe he had messed up the hand seals and everything could be fixed easily. He spoke to himself once more, "I already know this, so why won't it work." Talking to myself is becoming a bad habit. People will think I'm crazy. 

He continued reading the school looking over every word. Finally, after reading it three times through some words popped out at him. I have to constantly put out chakra. I've been letting out sudden large burst of chakra, out of pure frustration. I just need to take it slow. 

With a plan now in his head, he stood up from his position on the ground and began to gather his chakra. He needed to pick something to transform into that he could remember every detail. The answer was obvious, his dad. He had been with the guy everyday for his entire life, so he definitely had a clear picture of him.

Alright, time to do it. He began to emit his chakra, but made sure to slow down the release, making it steadier and easier to control. Then, he focused on his transformation. He started thinking about every detail of his father. The man's stern expression, his green eyes, even his blonde hair. It was all so  vivid inside his head. Then again, any image would be clear if you had seen it you whole life.

Suddenly, he felt it. He could not see the technique take place, but he could feel something had changed. Zakari quickly ran over to the small pond, and looked at his reflection. Sure enough, what he saw was his father staring right back at him, except with uncharacteristically joyful smile.

"Just you wait dad. I'm going to be a better ninja than you one day." 

WC: 613 (Requesting Transformation Technique and +3 stat points)

Last edited by Zakari Akari on Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:17 am; edited 1 time in total
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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This Ninja Stuff Isn't Easy! Empty Re: This Ninja Stuff Isn't Easy!

Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:57 am
Please list your claims / exit. Once, done throw up another post in topics needing replies for me and I'll take another look.
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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This Ninja Stuff Isn't Easy! Empty Re: This Ninja Stuff Isn't Easy!

Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:29 am
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