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Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:11 pm
Yes I do, I had enough JP for it.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:19 pm
Chapter 7:The battle of final wits

Last time..."I am, Ultimate Anchor Android Diamante. UAAD. I have increased to the next level of AAD." he said as a large beam began to charge. The beam became three meters big as it shot towards Kakushi, then his true ability bloomed. In the speed of sound, Kakushi was able to punch the UAAD in the face as it's face came to the right side. Luckily the side didn't have much there. The UAAD was confused, Kakushi hit the ground as his fist hit the floor. "It seems that, I have increased. I have increased to the next level of shinobi! Get ready for taijutsu focus!!" Kakushi said out loud. Kakushi then looked as it seemed he was still on the ground with his fist, the UAAD began to charge a palm explosion and then Kakushi appeared next to his face socking it making the UAAD topple to the floor. Back in the west side of Icer...Daichi had taken out his Death Spear fighting a AAD. Except this one wasn't a UAAD. Daichi began to try to slice it to pieces, where he was hit by a palm explosion. Daichi then hovered into the air, doing hand signs he activated the Fire Ball Jutsu. The fire ball hit the head of the robot where it showed a huge robotic opening. The AAD fell to the floor neutralized, as for the one at the meeting. The AAD activated a HUGE palm wave where it destroyed the base. They all fell down to where they were all scattered. Ironically, Shamaoo and Taki were in a room with the AAD. But in this case it was a UAAD. Shamaoo wielded his trident as he stabbed through the robots stomach and chest. Lightning sparkled as the robot gripped his trident. Shamaoo drawed back as he struck the trident again but it was blocked with the UAAD's arm. Forcefully, Shamaoo was spun back and hit the wall. Taki wielded his Excalibur Sword as he cut one of the UAAD's arms off. But part of it grew long spider-like legs climbing up to its place and reconnecting. "Darn! Shamaoo! Are you all right?" Taki asked as he blocked a Palm Wave. The palm wave was to strong as it struck Taki's stomach, sending him flying. Shamaoo recovered as he gripped his trident, "Saki, this guy is a bit strong..But unable to defeat me!". Taki quickly recovered where he said, "Shamaoo how about we do a Fusion? You can host it.". Shamaoo looked over to him walking towards him then slapping Taki across the face,"Even though as much as I hate it, lets go with it already". They both gripped each others shoulders as the Trident and Excalibur fused there bodies as well. Finally with one forced blow, they struck the UAAD through the stomach as it began to fall down slowly. "I am Shaki. The warrior and jungle beast of Shamaoo and Taki" he said. And then the UAAD got back up roughly...Shaki's eyes grew wide as the robot charged a red palm missile. The palm energy was shaped like an oval, it completely went through Shaki's arm. Shaki fell to the ground, the UAAD came up to him beginning to charge a beam. Shaki dashed to the head of the robot immediately striking it with full force. The head did not roll, instead the UAAD smacked Shaki in the face. The Fusion wore off where Taki suffered the lost arm injury. Holding the arm Taki looked to Shamaoo, "How will we defeat him". "I'm going to flee..." Shamaoo said as his body started to dissemblance. "Shamaoo you can't leave me here!!! What about the treaty?" Taki said gripping his leg. Shamaoo then grabbed onto Taki taking his Excalibur, "The weak die, but your more then weak. You ARE worthless scum." Shamaoo said as he was gone into the air. Then the UAAD delivered the last energy palm as Taki busted out with blood his final words were, "A true king doesn't die from the blood he drips from his body, his soul stays of the planet he is defeated on, a man doesn't just go out of life, a man goes out of life forgotten" Back in the jungle...The UAAD got back up firing a lazer towards Kakushi. Right before Kakushi saw it he then reappeared slugging the UAAD in the face. Kakushi then fell to the ground breathing fast. The UAAD was about almost destroyed where it looked towards Kakushi firing another beam, Kakushi jumped out of the way where the shock wave hit him on the back. Kakushi fell to the ground where blood dripped from his forehead. Kakushi looked both ways before he jumped again attempting to punch the UAAD again. "GODDAMNIT!" he said as he would get hit. Without his Yin Release speed he wouldn't be able to move as fast anymore. He had yet to unlock Yang Release. Kakushi could feel as if he was drowzy., he remembered a bit about Medical Ninjutsu. How his mother taught it to him, and how he would master it soon. And then there was a large swords slash where it compeltely cut through the UAAD. Kakushi looked over to where the Jungle Leader Shamaoo carrying a Excalibur and his trident. "The kings sword!! What happened to the king?!" Kakushi said. Shamaoo had blood nearly all over you where he eyed Kakushi then began to laugh. He walked aside from him passing him by, Kakushi then clenched his fist as he turned to Shamaoo. "Oh? You want to fight? Hmp." Shamaoo said. Kakushi eyed him as he slammed his fist against the ground thinking of nothing but taijutsu. He then looked towards Shamaoo. "You left him to die?" Kakushi said. "What's it to you?" Shamaoo said laughing. Kakushi's eyes grew bigger as he then dashed towards his foe. Shamaoo then took both his trident and Excalibur out. Kakushi clenched his fist as he used Yin Release:Supreme After Image and Taijutsu Focus together he appeared in the air sending a punch towards Shamaoo's face. Shamaoo was rather weak where he flew in the air smashing through three trees. Kakushi fell on his knees as he began to cough, he was rather damaged from using Supreme After Image. For Kakushi he was still stronger then before. His teammates were probably getting stronger.


+5 JP

Last edited by Bee XXX on Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:21 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Chapter number)
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:09 pm
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:10 pm
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:27 pm
Approval Granted.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:27 pm
Chapter 8:Kakushi's Rage! The Battle Of the Jungle

Last time..."GODDAMNIT!" he said as he would get hit. Without his Yin Release speed he wouldn't be able to move as fast anymore. He had yet to unlock Yang Release. Kakushi could feel as if he was drowzy., he remembered a bit about Medical Ninjutsu. How his mother taught it to him, and how he would master it soon. And then there was a large swords slash where it compeltely cut through the UAAD. Kakushi looked over to where the Jungle Leader Shamaoo carrying a Excalibur and his trident. "The kings sword!! What happened to the king?!" Kakushi said. Shamaoo had blood nearly all over you where he eyed Kakushi then began to laugh. He walked aside from him passing him by, Kakushi then clenched his fist as he turned to Shamaoo. "Oh? You want to fight? Hmp." Shamaoo said. Kakushi eyed him as he slammed his fist against the ground thinking of nothing but taijutsu. He then looked towards Shamaoo. "You left him to die?" Kakushi said. "What's it to you?" Shamaoo said laughing. Kakushi's eyes grew bigger as he then dashed towards his foe. Shamaoo then took both his trident and Excalibur out. Kakushi clenched his fist as he used Yin Release:Supreme After Image and Taijutsu Focus together he appeared in the air sending a punch towards Shamaoo's face. Shamaoo was rather weak where he flew in the air smashing through three trees. Kakushi fell on his knees as he began to cough, he was rather damaged from using Supreme After Image. For Kakushi he was still stronger then before. His teammates were probably getting stronger...and now. Kakushi felt a sweat drop coming down from his head, where he looked over to Shamaoo. Kakushi felt like he would have to defeat him, defeat him for king taki. Kakushi lifted his head looknig straight at Shamaoo who was standing straight towards him. Kakushi released his Taijutsu Focus. "I see so your giving up.." Shamaoo said as he twitched at his hurt wounds. Kakushi turned his eye to him, "A true shinobi would never leave a man down, even a warrior wouldn't. Your not a true king, your a fraud". Shamaoo began to laugh as he looked down upon Kakushi, "Now you know that you have lost, and one last thing there is no true king in this world". Kakushi chuckled, "You know. Your right...There isn't a true king in THIS world" Shamaoo looked towards him, "What are you implying". Kakushi looked up to him once again standing tall, "There are true kings or kages in the SHINOBI WORLD!". Shamaoo close his eyes, "Taki was right, you are special. We will fight again. Kakushi Uzumaki"...and with that he vanished. Kakushi's wounds hit him again as he tremendous someone had gripped onto him. Kakushi then reopened his eyes where he saw Daichi and Mai standing next to him. Mai was crying and Daichi was pouring healing water over him. Then there was a foot step, they all looked over to the frozen area of Icer. They were on the borders of the jungle. There walked a man, known to have vanished and known to be dead. He walked towards them, blood dripping from all parts of his body. He was shivering as he folded his arms, Kakushi got up looking closely. "W-What happened?" Kakushi and Mai said. The man looked towards him and spoke, "N-N-Nothing At A-A-All..." The man was Saki, and as Daichi poured healing water on him. He wanted to speak to Daichi in private. Kakushi and Mai went into the jungle. "It's better if they don't hear this" Saki said as he started to tell about his great sacrifice. But in the process he had lost part of his stomach and his ear was chipped. Kakushi was then in the jungle practicing one of his mother's old techniques. Mai was blushing over, but Kakushi didn't know why. He finally finished as he came back to put the healing leaves upon Saki's body. He did that where Saki spoke, "So Kakushi how was the Grand Meeting?" Kakushi shook his head and told about how the UAAD's attacked. Daichi also noted how a AAD attacked him, Saki was shocked where he said, "What about the South Side??!". All of there eyes grew wide, except for Daichi, and then they all began to rush towards the north side. Saki was on Kakushi's back, as they arrived there was no 'south' side. Just rubble and dust coming from a mass explosion. Saki and Mai busted out crying. Kakushi could only see the terror of what cursed there and in his eyes were rage. "I TOLD YOU I SHOULD HAVE ALREADY WENT THERE" Kakushi shouted. He dumped Saki to the floor where Saki attempted to get up while cussing at Kakushi. Kakushi started to stretch where Daichi gripped his collar. "Boy, you can not go there yet. You still have much to learn and if you just go charging there. You will surely die a horrible death. I have examined you and see that you lack Stamina" Daichi explained. Kakushi was rather aggressive, but Daichi was right. Kakushi had to learn more. Daichi then showed Kakushi a quick jutsu, but Kakushi didn't catch on. It was a fire ball jutsu, Daichi sighed as he tried to do one more thing. Placing his hand upon Kakushi's head he then sent him to a inner mind dimension. Kakushi looked around where the air was green and the sky was completely gray. There were large cubes where Kakushi could stand on around. And there at the bottom was a black hole. This was where Kakushi would train for the time being. Daichi finally appeared wearing his usual cape, "Kakushi this is time for you to be strong. It is time to unlock your true skill. I can see that you have finally unlocked your Yin Release. For your Yang Release is nearly coming to you." Daichi said as he crept around. Kakushi's next thing to see would give him wide eyes.


Medical Ninjutsu Specialty Achieved.

+5 JP
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:37 pm
Approved the Medical Speciality.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:16 pm
Chapter 9:The exclusive training!

Last time... "So Kakushi how was the Grand Meeting?" Kakushi shook his head and told about how the UAAD's attacked. Daichi also noted how a AAD attacked him, Saki was shocked where he said, "What about the South Side??!". All of there eyes grew wide, except for Daichi, and then they all began to rush towards the north side. Saki was on Kakushi's back, as they arrived there was no 'south' side. Just rubble and dust coming from a mass explosion. Saki and Mai busted out crying. Kakushi could only see the terror of what cursed there and in his eyes were rage. "I TOLD YOU I SHOULD HAVE ALREADY WENT THERE" Kakushi shouted. He dumped Saki to the floor where Saki attempted to get up while cussing at Kakushi. Kakushi started to stretch where Daichi gripped his collar. "Boy, you can not go there yet. You still have much to learn and if you just go charging there. You will surely die a horrible death. I have examined you and see that you lack Stamina" Daichi explained. Kakushi was rather aggressive, but Daichi was right. Kakushi had to learn more. Daichi then showed Kakushi a quick jutsu, but Kakushi didn't catch on. It was a fire ball jutsu, Daichi sighed as he tried to do one more thing. Placing his hand upon Kakushi's head he then sent him to a inner mind dimension. Kakushi looked around where the air was green and the sky was completely gray. There were large cubes where Kakushi could stand on around. And there at the bottom was a black hole. This was where Kakushi would train for the time being. Daichi finally appeared wearing his usual cape, "Kakushi this is time for you to be strong. It is time to unlock your true skill. I can see that you have finally unlocked your Yin Release. For your Yang Release is nearly coming to you." Daichi said as he crept around. Kakushi's next thing to see would give him wide eyes...and now. Kakushi took a breath before realizing that he could have died by jumping into the portal, looking around he heeded Daichi's words. It WAS time to unlock his true abilities, for he would have much to learn. Kakushi then saw about three AAD's appear, "The old models?" Kakushi asked. "Why yes, we start from the bottom" Daichi said. The first AAD jumped into action, from the air onto Kakushi's block. It charged a laster kneeling its head to Kakushi's stomach, Kakushi activated his Yin Release: Surpreme After Image. He would reappear on top of the AAD activating his Taijutsu Focus where he slammed his fist against its back. There was a crater where Daichi examined the power, the AAD fell off the block, where Kakushi landed as the robot was torn to pieces. Kakushi looked as another kept firing palm energy beams towards him, Kakushi jumped into the air dodging them with forceful remarks. Finally he got to the AAD, taking two palms he slammed his hands against the robots stomach. The robot went flying and into the hole it went, finally the third AAD came along and slammed its arm at Kakushi's face. Coughing up blood, Kakushi noticed he had almost fallen to the hole, gripping onto another floating block he climbed on. He looked towards the robot as a image of him stayed put, he reappeared behind the robot slamming a leg into it's face. Kakushi touched the block where the robot fell to the ground. KAkushi began to cough where he wiped the blood from his lips. "Level 1 Completed:Next Level" Daichi spoke as five AAD's on the same block appeared all charging beams. Kakushi's eyes became wide as he was blasted at the same time. Which opened a hole on the block, Kakushi fell from the block as he turned to his burned hands. Five seconds from the black hole where he used his Surpreme After Image to teleport to a near by block. Kakushi coughed looking as all the AAD's charged another beam of energy, Kakushi notice this time they fused blasts. Using his After Supreme After Image he appeared again punching the robot that had impacted. Three robots fell where the last two combined. Kakushi was whacked as he would crash into a block, Kakushi rubbed his head standing up. Once again he cracked his knuckles as he reappeared, this time in front of the robot. With one swell punch the robot had went flying off into the distance. Kakushi smirked as then again, the robot came back blasting Kakushi. Kakushi fell as he was almost to fall into the dark hole, but Daichi watched as Kakushi's skin was torn. "DAICHI HELP ME!!! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! PLEASE HELP ME! DAICHI!!!" Kakushi screamed. And then one of his eyes were torn he looked into endless darkness as his whole body torn apart. Kakushi fell into the room, he spotted a man. The man was known as Takisho K. Senju, he was completely naked. But his back turned to Kakushi. Takisho turned around to Kakushi then turned back where the man opened the gate and the gate slammed shut behind him. Kakushi then saw the AAD's that came down too. It was weird, the AAD's stood up and went through the gate showing there robotic parts. Kakushi saw the structure but was a bit amazed by the technolgy. He stil had to figure out how to get out and go back to Daichi's training to kick the Anchor Tank Guys ass and get back in his own world. It wouldn't take too long from now, but it already has taken long ever since he meeted Mai. A beautiful girl who had helped Kakushi a bit. Kakushi sighed as he sat down he thought of what was going on until a boy just like him sat ahead of him 1 meter away. He looked the same but had no clothes. "I am...." and the next statement he mad shocked Kakushi out of the most deep.


+5 JP

+5 Stamina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:45 pm
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aim to the Next Status [Training,Single Topic]

Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:51 pm
Chapter 10: On the other side

Last time.."Level 1 Completed:Next Level" Daichi spoke as five AAD's on the same block appeared all charging beams. Kakushi's eyes became wide as he was blasted at the same time. Which opened a hole on the block, Kakushi fell from the block as he turned to his burned hands. Five seconds from the black hole where he used his Surpreme After Image to teleport to a near by block. Kakushi coughed looking as all the AAD's charged another beam of energy, Kakushi notice this time they fused blasts. Using his After Supreme After Image he appeared again punching the robot that had impacted. Three robots fell where the last two combined. Kakushi was whacked as he would crash into a block, Kakushi rubbed his head standing up. Once again he cracked his knuckles as he reappeared, this time in front of the robot. With one swell punch the robot had went flying off into the distance. Kakushi smirked as then again, the robot came back blasting Kakushi. Kakushi fell as he was almost to fall into the dark hole, but Daichi watched as Kakushi's skin was torn. "DAICHI HELP ME!!! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! PLEASE HELP ME! DAICHI!!!" Kakushi screamed. And then one of his eyes were torn he looked into endless darkness as his whole body torn apart. Kakushi fell into the room, he spotted a man. The man was known as Takisho K. Senju, he was completely naked. But his back turned to Kakushi. Takisho turned around to Kakushi then turned back where the man opened the gate and the gate slammed shut behind him. Kakushi then saw the AAD's that came down too. It was weird, the AAD's stood up and went through the gate showing there robotic parts. Kakushi saw the structure but was a bit amazed by the technolgy. He stil had to figure out how to get out and go back to Daichi's training to kick the Anchor Tank Guys ass and get back in his own world. It wouldn't take too long from now, but it already has taken long ever since he meeted Mai. A beautiful girl who had helped Kakushi a bit. Kakushi sighed as he sat down he thought of what was going on until a boy just like him sat ahead of him 1 meter away. He looked the same but had no clothes. "I am...." and the next statement he mad shocked Kakushi out of the most deep...And now. Kakushi looked straight at him to where he said, "I am.....Ihsukak". Kakushi was shocked to where he fell back. It was Kakushi's exact name backwards. Kakushi stood up as he tried to gain focus becoming more serious, "Where can I get out from here?". The boy pointed to the large gate behind him, "It's the only way but you will have to pay a price of pain" Ihsukak said. Ihsukak stood up as he pointed to the large gate that had just appeared behind Kakushi. Kakushi spinned around where Ihuskak said, "This is the gate which you will experince your memory and maybe be able to become stronger". Kakushi head almost exploded the last time he regained his memory but he would gain much stronger through pain at the other gate. Kakushi hit his chest looking at Ihsukak, "I am Kakushi, and I pick the gate of extreme pain". Ihusukak laughed as he said, "I am also known as truth, god, other, one, holy, spirit, will, power, dream". Ihusuka walked to the gate of pain where Kakushi followed by. Ihusaka began to fade away but Kakushi didn't notice. Opening the gate large black strings gripped all around Kakushi, "Hey! What's the big idea?". They began to strangle Kakushi's arm as they wraped his muscles with painfully scared him. Kakushi shouted as more and more large black strings came eating him away into the gate. Ihusakak was about to disappear as he began to cry. The gate closed as Ihusakak was to his neck fading, a large foot stomped the door bursting it open. Kakushi stood there attempting to grab the strings pulling them. He pointed a finger to Ihusakak, "DON'T SHED ANOTHER TEAR! IF YOU REALLY WERE ME I WOULDN'T CRY JUST FOR THAT! I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU! YOU HEAR ME?". Kakushi didn't feel it but Ihusakak did. The gate closed as Kakushi turned a gigantic eye with a large red pupil came in the opening as everywhere but Kakushi's eyes was straped. Kakushi looked into the brick of time and space as he raced against the side lines. He was forced to close his eyes unable to hardly see anything. And then it hit him, he was right in the face of a UAAD. Twenty of them charging beams, as Kakushi looked up to see he was back in Daichi's training realm a smile crossed his face. He was ready to fight. Kakushi activated his Yin Release: Supreme After Image which led him to appear in front of one. Kakushi gripped it's head being able to crush it's head completely. Kakushi then flipped over past the other nineteen of there beams where it hit the others which led them to falling off the brick. Kakushi landed on the brick as he slammed his fist against the floor activating his Taijutsu Focus. Appearing again he came across the last UAAD's face using Yang Release: Rapid Preassure which completely destroyed the UAAD's face and leading a explosion to it's body. Landing Kakushi caught his breath looking up to Daichi who started clapping. Even then Kakushi could see in Daichi's heart that he was smiling. Kakushi was nearly at the breaking point to learn Yin-Yang Release. But in his heart he was going to become someone stronger then anyone else who would oppose. Kakushi smiled as he saw a few wounds from the gate of pain. Ihusakak ringed in his head as he sighed. Kakushi was ready to train more.


+5 Stamina

+5 JP
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