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Jun Tenkai
Jun Tenkai
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Jun's Recorded Missions
Ninjutsu Default
Wind Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6000

Frozen Pilgrimage (1) Empty Frozen Pilgrimage (1)

Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:57 am

The cold of Hyogagakure was a close companion as Jun Tenkai walked toward the forge of Andre the Blacksmith. Snow covered the path, its whiteness capturing the morning sun and seeming to nourish its warmth. Jun's breath billowed from him, a slow exhalation of warmth giving way to the chill that was his constant wintertime companion. His eyes, the color of a sunlit afternoon, were anything but dull, catching the soft light and turning it into something almost shield-like. They framed a face whose unchanging expression offered nothing in the way of a clue to what Jun might be thinking.

The village lay frosted and still. Even the wayward wind found no sound to make as it slithered past the wooden homes and the few stout stone structures. But in the smithy, there was life and work and warmth. "Andre!" Jun called, crossing the threshold into the heated air bubble.

"Jun," Andre responded with a smile that indicated his pleasure in Jun's presence. There was never an occasion when Andre didn't welcome a visitor as if they were the most critical person in the world. At that moment, Jun had the impression of being the most vital person in the world because he was in the presence of Andre, a blacksmith in the snowy, frostbite village.

"Jun! You are right on time," boomed Andre, his deep voice sounding like the hammer of a forge. "Come! Your armor and mask are here and ready for you!"

The workbench was where Jun's armor awaited him, shining with an almost unnatural glory in the light that filled the cabin. The armor was not unlike the SPF gear worn by the soldiers who guarded the frontier; however, it excelled in ways that set it apart. The slate-gray plating was polished to perfection, and even the subtle, delicate stitching of his father's insignia—an artful version of the family crest appearing on Hyogagakure's flags—seemed more pronounced and perfect than anything a soldier's gear might display. Each curve and joint had been reinforced, not just for flexibility and protection, but for something else. Jun could not quite describe something else; he could only guess it was there to keep the armor from interfering with his combat movements.

Jun picked it up and admired the design. The mask was an elegant blend of intimidation and artistry. It was made of reinforced black ceramic and bore a sleek and minimalist shape covering his face's upper half, leaving his mouth free for speech. Two angular slits marked the eye holes, enhanced with a faint gold trim that mirrored his beautiful irises. The mask's surface featured subtle, swirling carvings, an homage to the icy winds of Hyogagakure. It was not merely a piece of equipment but a statement of his identity.

"Andre, this is excellent," Jun said, running a gloved hand over the exquisite carvings. "I have just one request. Could you add an attachment here?""He pointed to the edges of the mask, envisioning a hood that could be attached for added concealment during missions. Andre nodded, noting the request for future reference.
"And the weapon?" Andre urged.

Jun directed his gaze to the assortment of weapons displayed on the wall. His hand floated indecently before finally settling on and picking up a sleek chokutō. The blade was a magnificent mix of steel and frost-forged metal that, he figured, was perfect for swift, decisive strikes. "This one," he said, lifting the weapon to inspect its balance, which was flawless. It felt right—an extension of his will. When swinging in the air, the blade's sound had a light wisp tone, almost as if cutting the fabric of the atmosphere in the icy wind.

Andre enthusiastically articulated the maintenance methods, describing upkeep, augmenting, and attuning as though talking about a vital living process. Jun took it all in, listening intently and committing every detail to memory.

Emerging from the forge, Jun had a rebirth. He was newly clad in armor, mask in hand; at his side, the sheathed chokutō. Jun was ready now, more than ever, to serve Hyogagakure. His name—a symbol of the poise and determination that characterized him—was to be honored across the realm. The howling winds seemed like voices in a chorus, bowing to him as he made his way across the snowy landscape; there was no denying he was an unstoppable figure.


Total Word Count: 723
Reward: 1k Ryo, 5 AP, SPF Armor, Reikonmen, and weapon of choice will be Heaven's Sorrow Ninjato
Jutsu: 500/500 "Body Flicker[v7.2]
Remaining 223 towards Shadow Clone [v7]
Stat Claim: 5 Stat points towards Strength (10 -> 15) and two stat points towards Chakra (20 -> 22)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Frozen Pilgrimage (1) Empty Re: Frozen Pilgrimage (1)

Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:51 pm
Jun Tenkai wrote:[Exit]

Total Word Count: 723
Reward: 1k Ryo, 5 AP, SPF Armor, Reikonmen, and weapon of choice will be Heaven's Sorrow Ninjato
Jutsu: 500/500 "Body Flicker[v7.2]
Remaining 223 towards Shadow Clone [v7]
Stat Claim: 5 Stat points towards Strength (10 -> 15) and two stat points towards Chakra (20 -> 22)

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