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Village : Missing Ninja
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CapalotDelaware Character Creation Empty CapalotDelaware Character Creation

Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:52 pm

*CapalotDelaware Character Creation Image_swj8CCYg_1679754254126_512

Character Name Here: Rizuno Tokiyaki
Character Rules and Template 9n6aBPK

Basic Information

Age: 19
Birthday: August 18  
Gender: Male
Height: 6 foot 5 inches
Weight: 210 Lbs.
Appearance: white spiky hair with headband covering his scarred eyes, Casual Black Joggers with an black hoodie carrying a katana on his back

Personality: Calm guy with a passion of training and becoming the best ninja to live!
Likes: Writing, Sleeping, and training
Dislikes: Being annoyed

Nindo: N/A
Greatest Dream: Become the strongest shinobi  

History: When Rizuno Tokiyaki was little he was one of the most hard working ninja in the snow village, he trained everyday and missed out on so much sleep to become the best ninja in the world. He'll always ask his brother to watch him train so he'll get better. Unfortunately he couldn't always watch him since he was the hokage of the snow, but he tried his hardest to see him. 5 years later Rizuno Tokiyaki was walking in the woods alone, on his way back to the village when he noticed there were alot of screaming and yelling coming from his village. He runs to see what was happening, he sees his village has been ambushed from another village leaving it on fire. He runs home to check on his mother, unable to save her he walks through the burning flames. Even though he knew it was over he sat by his mom and cried holding her dead corpse, the fire grew stronger taking Rizuno Tokiyaki vision away leaving him blind in both of his eyes. His brother came in to save him from the flames leaving his mother in the burning house. After a while Rizuno Tokiyaki learns how to get around using his surroundings, he masters it after a couple of years. one day he thought about getting revenge, so he tied a black scarf his mom made him around his eyes, grabbed his katana and went to the village that ambushed his year ago. When he arrives he scopes out the village and started taking out the ninjas one by one, no ninja in that village could stop him, leaving the whole town red scatter in blood. after a while he returns to his village, but he was stopped at the entrance by his hokage brother. "I got a message by the other village saying you went on a rampage on their greatest shinobi, you shall now return here or you will be executed". Hearing this scared him leaving him no choice but to become Rogue and hideout in the Hidden caves.
Ninja Traits

Rank: D Rank
Village: Snow village
Element(s): Lighting
Specialties: Specialties Here
Clan: Tokiyaki Clan
Clan Focus: N/A
Bloodline: The Bloodline of your character, if applicable.

Vigor: 15
Chakra: 25
Speed: 50
Strength: 10
The Player

Other Characters: None
Face claim Name and Series: Info Here[Any character can share the same face claim on this forum.]
Roleplay Sample: **Roleplay Sample: Rizuno - The Missing Ninja**
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