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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : 界王和
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 29505

The Ties that Bind Us Empty The Ties that Bind Us

Wed Jan 01, 2025 1:52 pm
That snug feeling of suppression, the security that comes with being completely closed off to the things that can hurt you, it was something Kai appreciated at the best of times. Unfortunately he awoke in a cold sweat and in a bit of a panic, needing to move, to escape! He burst out of a pile of blankets in the alleyway lit by sunset, setting Kai off to dive again into the pile. He did his usual routine of calming himself down before going about his day, the sun was always going to be there, she was always watching. He got on his feet and began to stretch his limbs, filled as they were with threads in lieu of muscle, Kai didn't actually know if this did anything for him. All he really knew was what nerves he had were satisfied when they were contorted in certain fashions, a pleasure Kai enjoyed tasting from time to time.

Thinking of pleasures, Kai had to make sure that as long as he recognized and reconciled with the darkness that lurked in the wider world and even in the dark corners of his own mind, it was necessary, paramount even for him to seek something worth keeping. For a long time, Kai denied himself for delusional reasons of growth, hoping to hyper-fixate on the pain within to gain power. Something was missing, though, as if he was still dreamily coasting along, the true emotional severity of Samui's crimes not quite reaching him. That said, Kai knew better than to just go on as if nothing happened. How could he? He had nothing to return to. At a rumbling in his stomach, Kai realized he was dawdling and still had some organs to take care of.

It was fortunate that he still had some ryo left to get him some breakfast before returning to the grind. He sat down and ate while pondering on how exactly the food in his stomach got distributed to the rest of his body, seeing as how he didn’t have all the necessary flesh. He assumed that at least a few threads are dedicated to replicating tubes, carrying the various fluids throughout his system while some were dedicated to extending outward. After reading some of the new books he got, he was actually thankful for some quiet so as he could ponder on the nature of his own biology.

EXIT / TWC: 400:
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The Ties that Bind Us Empty Re: The Ties that Bind Us

Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:43 pm
Kaiowa wrote:

EXIT / TWC: 400:
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