界王和 - Wealthy Person Security
Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:19 pm
- Wealthy Person Security - D-Rank:
- Mission Location: Universal (Missing-Nin Exclusive)
Task: Although missing ninjas are known in the shinobi world as criminals, they can also be found performing jobs that most would consider regular tasks of Shinobi, such as this mission and others. Protect a wealthy person attempting a business deal with some shady folk. Protect the person, whoever they may be, at all costs so you can be paid. The only way to fail the mission is to allow the wealthy person to die.
Word Count Requirement: 1,000
Reward: 2,000 Ryo / 10 AP
- TWC: 1,344:
In a similar fashion to the rest of his day, Kai came back to life to find himself in some sort of situation. This time the context was on display, men in some sort of storage room, four in a row across from him and two in Kai’s left row beside him. The tension alone was enough to let Kai know that wherever he was, it was best to keep his mouth shut, and to let his eyes do the work. Two men in notably more luxurious wear than these shinobi who came with arms crossed and weapons at the ready, were sitting down at a table playing a simple game.
Kai presumed it was a game of Poker by the habits of these men handling their cards in their hand, shuffling their hands and wiping their cards on the table. It might not have actually been poker, though, playing cards usually aren’t sleeved with plastic and artworks depicting women in swimsuits. He wasn’t entirely sure it required each participant to have their own decks, spending half the time searching for cards to just put into their hands right in front of each other, but some of those times were because they played a starter? And went into an extender?
”...and after all that, your board is trashed, and mine is set.” said the man who was opposing Kai’s client in this deal. ”You get one more turn to make sure my dragons don’t blast you, make it count!” In front of this man were three copies of a card, each depicting the visage of a mighty dragon rearing its head and letting out a mighty roar. Evidently just one of these things was supposed to be something worthy of awe, a solemn submission to oblivion at the hands of an engine of pure destruction. All depicted on some holographic trading cards.
Perhaps to an ordinary shinobi it would seem they were to bear witness to kings who governed the land with their very wallet doing nothing more than playing a children's card game. Kai knew better, though, he knew better than to underestimate the power of games. It was the Golden Games, after all, that led him down this path of darkness, of the ways of strategy and sacrifice, but never to cope with the blood. This was one of those games that held lives at stake, where every move had to count or you would find yourself relinquished. Kai’s client was in a cold sweat, paralyzed at the prospect of fighting, not one, but all three of one of the strongest cards in this game and Kai didn’t blame him one bit. Over what seemed like an eternity, the client slowly moved his hand over his deck and rested two fingers on it and closed his eyes as he drew in a deep breath. Kai barely made out a mumble from under his breath, something about the heart, before he drew that last card of his from the top of his deck.
”I know there’s nothing in there that can help you out, man.” his opponent began with a very condescending look on his face, the kind of self-assurance you’d love to see twisted to suffering. ”It was a good game, so go ahead and pass it and let me end it.”
And that’s when something unexpected happened; Kai’s client simply raised an eyebrow. At the lack of desperation on his face, it was almost comical how the outermost edges of his opponent’s smile flattened into something unamused.
”Well, normally I’d take that advice, but I’m afraid I’ve gone ahead and messed up your plans.” said Kai’s client. ”It’s because I drew my Out, you see.” he put the newly drawn card onto the table and began drawing in more bravado. ”Cozmon Connector. You know what happens now, right?”
”It lets you summon out another Cozmon from your deck. Okay, go ahead and build up, I wanna see the best this pathetic deck of yours has to offer.” his opponent replied, the client already searching for the aforementioned Cozmon of his choice.
”Ooh I can offer a lot, my friend, I can tell you that.” he said, a semblance of coolness and humor coloring his interactions as he shuffled his deck. ”Let me offer you my Cozmon Aquarion, how do you like him?” Kai couldn’t help but let his eyes linger on the cards he saw, depicting some wonderful artwork as well as a whole game to go with it, a whole new way to interact with art and with people! It took hold of him in a way he didn't realize he was missing, like arms from a time gone by that you used to rest easy in. Comfort in greeting the end on your own terms, and skating along the edge as an ice-skater would a razor thin rail. Or rather, as thin as one of those cards.
”You don't like my Aquarion?” the client said with so much smugness. ”Here, I'll trade them out. I'll just go ahead and use them as material and link summon Petalfall, the Knights of Alll-Mer.” he picked up the two cards he just put out, notably having an orange background, and discarded then to a pile next to his deck. He then put out another card from a smaller pile on his other side, one that had a distinct blue background as it depicted two female knights in bloody armor standing side by side.
”And once she comes out I get to add my good ol’ Solar Crusader to my hand. It also lets me send something to my discard pile so I'll go ahead and toss my Alll-Sword of Yggagetsu which in turn will let me summon out Renkal, Rook of Alll-Mer.” he had abandoned shuffling his deck, making it obvious that among these cards depicting otherworldly entities that these would not be the last to blatantly search out. Kai was almost mesmerized at the lengths this man was going through in his game to achieve his goal, not too dissimilar from how he was about games before his greatest.
”Alright that's enough!” his opponent grabbed a card from his hand and slammed it down onto the field, it depicted a machine with vague symbols and appendages representing arms, a single eye, and the feeling of unease. ”You think I'm just gonna sit here and let you just shuffle your shit until you get whatever cards you want? You're gonna have to complicate your combo better than that you broke motherfucker! I activate the effect of Bekkeal from my hand, which will bounce your Petalfall back where she belongs.” he finished with an almost manic look on his face, that of a man who finished a very difficult job and is doing more than what he can to keep things nice and orderly.
And order he had achieved, it was as if the client had been running like a machine that was just unplugged who's extended limbs now hung limp in the air. He dropped the cards in his hand and picked up the card of Bekkeal to read the miniscule text crammed into a tiny text box. He let the card fall on the table and sighed.
He had deflated, he had been beaten, his legendary turnaround that would have been the point of discussions for centuries had been slapped away by the hands of fate. Thankfully it didn't need to turn into a bloodbath, the game was settled and the price was given to the winner. Kai was about to ask where he could get his own cards when he found himself alone in the room. One card was on the table, it held no text on it but had a golden eye on it, decorative and mystical. Kai picked the card up and showed it away before leaving himself.
- Ayato HyuugaHogokage
- Stat Page : ㊆
Mission Record : ㊆
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens
Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700
Re: 界王和 - Wealthy Person Security
Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:09 am
Kaiowa wrote:
- Wealthy Person Security - D-Rank:
Mission Location: Universal (Missing-Nin Exclusive)
Task: Although missing ninjas are known in the shinobi world as criminals, they can also be found performing jobs that most would consider regular tasks of Shinobi, such as this mission and others. Protect a wealthy person attempting a business deal with some shady folk. Protect the person, whoever they may be, at all costs so you can be paid. The only way to fail the mission is to allow the wealthy person to die.
Word Count Requirement: 1,000
Reward: 2,000 Ryo / 10 AP
- TWC: 1,344:
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