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A taste of Theatrics Empty A taste of Theatrics

Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:49 am
Mission Details:

Alu adjusted the wide brim of his crimson hat, his red eyes scanning the bustling market square below. From his vantage point atop a weathered rooftop, the energy of the city seemed almost intoxicating. The assignment was clear: collect 500 ryo through panhandling without drawing the ire of the local authorities. To Alu, the challenge wasn’t the task itself but the artistry of executing it. This was no mere act of begging; it was an opportunity to craft a performance.

Sliding down from the roof with fluid grace, Alu landed softly in a shadowed alley. His lanky, sinewy frame moved with an almost feline agility, his black attire blending seamlessly into the dimness. From within the folds of his red trench coat, he retrieved a small cloth sack, tattered just enough to appear genuine. With a flick of his wrist, he draped it over his shoulder and stepped into the sunlit streets.

The market square was alive with activity. Merchants shouted their wares, children darted between stalls, and the aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the tang of sea salt from the nearby harbor. Alu’s crimson eyes flicked from face to face, gauging expressions, observing movements. His clan heritage whispered a faint hunger in the back of his mind, but he silenced it with practiced control. This mission required finesse, not indulgence.

He chose his spot carefully: a shaded corner near the busiest thoroughfare, where people’s hurried steps might linger just long enough to notice him. Removing his gloves, Alu placed them delicately beside him, the cryptic symbols catching the light. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, well-worn instrument—a wooden flute. With a deep breath, he began to play.
The melody was haunting, a lilting tune that seemed to carry the weight of distant places and untold stories. Heads turned. A few passersby slowed their steps. Some even stopped, captivated by the music. Alu’s long black hair swayed gently as he played, the notes weaving a tapestry of sound that spoke to wanderers and dreamers alike. When he finished, he let the final note hang in the air before bowing his head slightly, his crimson eyes peeking through dark lashes as if to say, “Thank you for listening.”

The first coin clinked into his sack. Then another. A small crowd began to form, and with each piece of silver or copper that fell, Alu would meet the donor’s eyes, offering a smile that was both warm and enigmatic. Some commented on the beauty of his performance; others merely nodded and moved on. Alu’s curiosity flared as he studied each face, storing away their reactions for later reflection.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, Alu tallied his earnings. 450 ryo. Close, but not enough. He decided to add a touch of theatrics. Placing the flute aside, he stood and removed his hat, bowing deeply. “Kind souls of this fair city,” he began, his voice smooth and rich, “I thank you for your generosity. I travel far and wide, bringing melodies to those who will listen. Should you find it in your hearts to help me continue my journey, know that your kindness shall not be forgotten.”

The final push worked. A few more coins dropped into the sack, and Alu’s total reached 520 ryo. He tucked the sack into his coat and tipped his hat to the remaining onlookers before disappearing into the labyrinthine alleys.

The mission was a success, but Alu’s mind lingered on the faces he’d encountered. Each coin told a story, each interaction a fleeting glimpse into another life. As he slipped into the shadows, the thrill of the experience simmered within him. For Alu, the journey was never about the destination—it was the moments in between that truly mattered.


WC: 631
+1000 Ryo, +5 AP
Using 600 to train purely AP at 4 AP per 100 WC
+24 AP
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A taste of Theatrics Empty Re: A taste of Theatrics

Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:33 pm
Alu wrote:Claims:
+1000 Ryo, +5 AP
Using 600 to train purely AP at 4 AP per 100 WC
+24 AP

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