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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Midnighting as a bartender Empty Midnighting as a bartender

Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:21 am
Mission details:

Alu strode through the bustling streets, his red trench coat billowing slightly in the cool evening breeze. The new bar had caught his attention only a short time after its opening. It wasn’t the thumping music or the neon signs that drew him in but rather the need—a call for extra hands behind the counter. Alu wasn’t particularly interested in the idea of work, but the thought of immersing himself in a crowded, chaotic environment was too fun to resist. After all, it was an experience he hadn’t yet collected, and his curiosity demanded satisfaction.

Upon entering the establishment, the scent of alcohol mingled with the chatter of patrons and the occasional burst of laughter. Alu pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose, scanning the sea of faces. The bartender, a burly man with a grizzled beard, waved him over.

“You’re the new guy?” the man asked skeptically, his eyes flicking over Alu’s lean frame, his raven-black hair tied loosely at the nape of his neck.
“New, yes,” Alu replied with a faint grin, his red eyes catching the dim light in a way that made the man’s brows furrow. “But you’ll find I’m quite adept at… handling things.”

“We’ll see,” the bartender grunted before tossing a rag towards him. “Start by wiping down the counter and follow my lead. Don’t screw it up.”

The first hour was a whirlwind of activity. Alu’s sinewy frame moved with a practiced swiftness that betrayed his training, as he weaved between patrons and other bartenders, his red trench coat removed and draped over a chair. His long fingers, clad in white gloves emblazoned with unknown symbols to the ordinary folk, worked swiftly, pouring drinks with precision. Each motion was deliberate as if he were performing a ritual rather than merely serving beverages.

Curiosity spurred him to study the bottles behind the counter, his sharp eyes noting the differences in labels, colors, and scents. A patron’s request for a cocktail unknown to him sent him into a brief fever of experimentation, but he produced the drink with a dash of showmanship that earned a cheer from the customer.

Despite the chaos, Alu remained calm. He thrived in the high-pressure environment, and his natural charm made him a hit with the patrons. Yet, there were moments when his smile lingered a fraction too long, his gaze a shade too intense. One patron, emboldened by alcohol, leaned closer and whispered, “What’s with the gloves, mate?”

Alu tilted his head, a sly grin curling his lips. “Just a precaution. You wouldn’t want me to get carried away now, would you?”
The patron laughed nervously and backed away, though not without a lingering glance at Alu’s unnervingly crimson eyes.

As the night wore on, Alu found himself entranced by the bar's rhythm. It was a dance, a cacophony of voices, clinking glasses, and shouts for refills. Yet, amid the noise, he felt a peculiar sense of belonging, not because he sought connections but because the chaos mirrored his own restless spirit.

By the time the crowd began to thin, Alu had earned nods of approval from the other bartenders. The grizzled man who had first greeted him clapped him on the back.

“Not bad for a first-timer,” he admitted.

Alu chuckled softly, his yellow-tinted sunglasses back in place. “It was… enlightening. I may even return.”

As he retrieved his coat and stepped into the night, Alu reflected on the evening. The bar had been a microcosm of life—a blend of chaos and order, curiosity and indulgence. It wasn’t freedom in its purest form, but it was close enough to satisfy him for now.

The experience had been worth it, he decided. And as always, Alu’s journey continued, one peculiar adventure at a time.


WC: 629
+1000 Ryo, +5 AP
Using 600 WC towards training purely AP at 4 AP per 100 WC
+24 AP
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Midnighting as a bartender Empty Re: Midnighting as a bartender

Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:37 pm
Alu wrote:Claims:
+1000 Ryo, +5 AP
Using 600 WC towards training purely AP at 4 AP per 100 WC
+24 AP

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