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Hisui Tsurara
Hisui Tsurara
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission
Remove Kanjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Frozen Pilgrimage Arc Part 1 Empty Frozen Pilgrimage Arc Part 1

Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:15 pm
Mission Link

Tsurara Stat Sheet

Tsurara could feel the heat of the forge from from outside of the building. The snow around brick work was thick and turned to slush as she stepped in to it. The loud twang of metal upon metal informed her of the smith’s presence inside. Taking a deep breath, she walked to front door, and loudly knocked upon it with her knuckles.

The sound of metal on metal ceases and a gruff male voice answers her.. “Yes!” 

“Pardon the intrusion, you are Smith Ametsuchi correct yes?”

Tsurara hears heavy footsteps thud toward the door, which promptly swings open to reveal a tall but aged man, with long silver-gray hair and beard and immaculate mustache. His frame was huge and muscular, and Tsurara couldn’t help but stare at his hairy pecs.

“What do you want.” He demands.

“My name is Hisui Tsurara, Im a academy student. I wish to receive my uniform, armor, and my mask..” She sats cautiously.

“No Weapon?”

“No..I mean yes. Yes I would like a weapon.

“Come.” With that he abruptly turns and leads Tsurara into the building.

The heat was even more intense inside and Tsurara felt herself begin to sweat profusely. She repeatedly began to wipe her face with her robes. Old Man Andre takes a seat beside his burning forge, the source of this inferno. With a look unspecific to her plight, he asks  “Details.”

“Details..yes. I heard that that uniforms were designed to keep in heat and stay warm. I was talking with some other Yuki clan members and they mentioned, you could make outfits that do the opposite, that let heat escape as quickly as possible?”

“So no fur on the outfit. Anything else?”

“If possible could you make it look like my kimono here.”

“Done. Anything else?”
“Not for the armor, no.”

“Mask Next then.”

“I’d like a mask that is representative of a woman’s face in Noh Theater. Only with blue eye brows, lips, closed eyed, and stripes that go down from the closed eyes like tears.”

“Done. Now weapon.”

“I was thinking of a bladed iron fan, attached to a rope like a rope dart.”

“Interesting. Done.”

“So..when can I come back to receive these items?”

“3 days.”

“I’ll see you in 3 days than.” Tsurara says hurrying out of the forge.

3 days would pass, and Tsurara would return to the forge. She cautiously tries the front door, entering the building upon releasing it was open.”

“Hello. It’s Hisui Tsurara. I am hear to pick up my equipment.” She says as she very slowly walks into the forge. As she approaches she catches Andre working, his hammer clanging repeatedly into a metal ingot. Andrei stops as she hears her approach.

“Your items are complete. Check the back shelf. You can change back there too.” And with that he goes back to work.

“Thank you.” She says as she heads into the back of the forge. Her items were were Andre said, folded into a neat pile, her mask and weapon placed atop the armored kimono. Picking them up, she’d duck behind a shelf and begin to strip down to her undergarments.

Slipping on the kimono she’d find it fit very well. Most peculiar as she had not given Andre her sizes. It fit her remarkably well actually. Her long sleeves and and skirt were reinforced with cured leather, and fitted with iron plates inside. They had some weight to them as she spun around to test them.

“This will take a little bit to get used too.” She says as she moves to pick up the mask. She runs her fingers along the prominent eye lids and lips.

“How lovely” She says as she places the mask on her face. Her chakra network is promptly tapped into it and the mask clings to her face without strap.

Panicking for a moment, she tries to remove the mask, and breathes a sigh of relief as it pops off her skin.

“Smith Ametsuchi? Is meant to interface with your chakra automatically?”

“Yes.” Was the only reply she got.

“Well at least its easy to deal with.” She says picking up the weapon. This need to be tested outside.

She’d return to Andrei. “Thank you for the equipment.”

“Two things you should know know about your equipment. The first is that its made of a special material that interfaces with your chakra network. It will grow with you, and always be wearable. And two, its that your mask can store a secret technique. Your shinobi elders can explain the exact details, but for now, think of a technique that you’d like to activate using that mask. Once you have one, we can break down the steps to imbuing that mask with said technique.”

“A technique to use with this mask. I see. Well thank you Smith Ametsuchi. I will put some thought into it. Please be well.” With a bow she departs, not just from the building but from the glacial wastes. She needed to cool off in the chilly winds. This was so much. So much to think on.

TWC 849 [Total Word Count]
Stat Claim 7: 1 Vigor 6 Chakra
Jutsu to Claim
655 to   Hidden Arms Technique
194 to Mizu Senbon
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Frozen Pilgrimage Arc Part 1 Empty Re: Frozen Pilgrimage Arc Part 1

Fri Dec 13, 2024 6:03 pm
Hisui Tsurara wrote: Mission Link

Tsurara Stat Sheet

TWC 849 [Total Word Count]
Stat Claim 7: 1 Vigor 6 Chakra
Jutsu to Claim
655 to   Hidden Arms Technique
194 to Mizu Senbon

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