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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Ryo : 6250

Abracadabra Empty Abracadabra

Fri Dec 13, 2024 1:01 pm

Mission Name: "Abracadabra"

Vh’idrruss finally made it back to the Land of the Hotsprings after visiting the borders, which he had hoped he would of been able to get some much-needed equipment.  Unfortunately, that turned out to be a complete loss of time and effort.  The walk was nice though, the weather was sunny, and had not a problem in the world on the long walk back.  

Not to mention the blood steak he got from the marketplace was worth every Ryo he paid for it, very juicy and rare.  His palate had changed over the years, and while he still enjoyed the taste of pure blood, some of the food that the everyday people enjoyed had grown on him.  Plus, it sated the hunger, which allowed him to eat in public places without the locals trying to burn him at the stake.  

He never did find out why the man pointed him out at the marketplace but was glad he didn’t get interrogated by the local shinobi.  Their methods of extracting information are not pleasant.  That thought ran a shiver down his spine.

All in all, while things could of went better, they certainly could have been worse.

“I’ll take a trip back to the marketplace in the future, after things have calmed down,” he thought to himself.

While exploring some of the areas he knew in the Hotsprings he was approached by a nice lady he had talked to on more than one occasion.  Even considered her somewhat of a friend.  Why she lived out here, when there were so many other places she could have lived, was beyond him.  She ran a small shop in the Yugakure no Sato area, with her husband and kids.  They made hardly any money, and her husband was bad news, but they continued to put bread on the table for their children, so it could not be all that bad for them.

“Where have you been?” she asked.  “I have not seen you in days,” she added.

For the life of him he could not even remember her name.  

“Went for a long walk to think about things,” he partially lied.  “But enough about me, how have you been?”

“The shop still going strong?” he questioned.

“Yeah, that’s kind of what I wanted to ask you about,” she said.

“Some of the kids in the area have been bored and I thought that a magic act could give them something to do,” she stated.

“Why me?” Vh’idrruss quizzed.

“Most of the people in this area could care less about the kids, and my son recommended you.  He's grown fond of you in a way.  Looks up to you in a way,” she said with a huge smile with some crooked and yellowish teeth.

“How can I say no to such a beautiful smile,” Vh’idrruss said with a smile of his own.

“So how do you want to do this?” he asked.

“Tomorrow I can get the local kids to my shop, and you can put on a magic act that these kids will never forget.”

“Abracadabra,” he said as he bowed.

“Always the gentleman,” and added, “I do not know why you stay here.  Nothing is holding you down and you have always been sweet to me when we talk.”

“I wonder the same, hopefully sooner than later I will be able to put all this behind me and just explore the world in all its beauty,” he cheerfully replied.

They bowed out of respect to each other, and she smiled and turned to go back to her shop.  

“A magic show?” he thought, “Could be interesting.”

Vh’idrruss left to go to the little room he was living in to wash up and rest.  “It’s been a long couple of days,” he said in a low voice, “I can’t wait to get some much-needed rest and relaxation in.”

Making his way to his humble abode, he passed by people walking around that either looked lost on some substance or another, or some who looked like they were looking for trouble.  Vh’idrruss was a soldier and old man, and through years of living on the streets knew better then to get involved with these types of people.  No good could come of it.  “I should take her advice and just leave,” he thought to himself.

His room was basically just a one-bedroom hole in the wall, with no amenities, but the price was right.  As long as he helped out around the owner’s place, she said he could stay there.  The owner was no where in sight, which he was thankful for.  Unlocking and opening the old wooden door to his room, it let out a low and long creak on the rusted hinges.  He took note that his stuff was still there, not that it was a lot, but it meant that she had not kicked him out, yet.

He had a small wash bin on the dresser, and taking the washcloth he began to clean up.  After cleaning up he Slipped his boots and robes off and crawled into his bed and quickly drifted off into sleep.

Years of torment assaulted his dreams.  Memories of being starved almost to the point of death, over and over again filled the long night in his restless and turbulent dreams.

Waking with a scream on the verge of his breath, he abruptly realized that it was over, and he was free from their torment.  He let out a low growl and sat up to clean the cobwebs from his eyes.  Hoping that these dreams would stop, he got up and remembered that he had some kids to entertain.  Thinking in his head several scenarios he could do drove the memories of his restless night far away.

Grabbing his robes, he set out, hoping that he could at least put a smile on one of the kids’ faces.

Opening the door to the shop, a small bell rang out announcing his presence.  From the back room a voice yelled out, “One Second.”  The nice lady, whom he could not remember her name stepped out of the back and with a giant smile on her face said that the kids would be here soon.

“You need any help around the place?” he asked.  

“Oh no, I got it,” she politely stated.

“Find a place to relax, while I clean up the shop.”

He walked over to a chair and ottoman, which he sat down and began to go over what acts he was going to do for the kids.

“Hey, do the kids have any heroes?  Someone they respect and look up to?” he asked.

“The Hokage of course,” she excitedly said.  “Why?” she asked.

“Just a little something I’m trying to cook up.”

As time rolled by the kids started showing up.  They entered in small waves, and Vh’idrruss was just about done running his skit through his head.

After everyone was there, they made their way to the courtyard, where the owner whose name, he still could not remember sat all the kids down.  The courtyard got quiet, and Vh’idrruss, while out of view of the kids cast the handseal of the Dog, and with the little bit of his memories of the Hokage, did his best to make sure that the kids would be fooled.

Walking to the courtyard the Hokage in his silk robes made his entrance.  The kids lost it.  They started clapping and cheering, the Hokage than waved over the audience and kids got silent, as they waited for the Hokage to speak.

“Fear not, young shinobi!  It is I, the Hokage—defender of justice!  I’ve come to your village because I’ve heard whispers of the great potential of the young boys and girls of the Hotsprings.  You, yes you, could one day be the future Hokage!”

The Hokage paused, while looking over the young children with a heroes smile on his face.

“Yet, my arrival here is not without peril.  I have heard from my fellow shinobi that the dreaded menace known as “The White Wolf” is here in the Hotsprings.  This White Wolf has been terrorizing the countryside and needs to be brought to justice to face the wrath of the Hokage!”

The kids began to murmur and talk amongst themselves excitedly.

The Hokage raises his hand to quiet the crowd.

“Do not fear! For I shall face this White Wolf, but alas I cannot do it alone.  I will need the help and strength of your cheers and the power of your belief to overcome this menace!  Are you with me, brave shinobi?”

The kids let out a loud shout, “Yes!” and they began to cheer excitedly.

“We can do this. With your spirit and courage, we will overcome “The White Wolf,” and drive him from the land of the Hotsprings.  
The Hokage secretly makes the handseal of the Ram and out of nowhere "The White Wolf,” appears.  The clone of Vh’idrruss lets out a terrifying howl and begins to circle the Hokage, baring his fangs and claws, while snarling.

The kids are wide-eyed, but their courage and cheers do not stop.

“Your reign of terror ends, White Wolf! There is nowhere for you to go, and the strength of the shinobi shall overcome, and bring you to justice!”

The Hokage reaches for his katana and slides it out of its sheath with the fluid movement of a great shinobi.  

“The White Wolf” lunges towards the Transformed Hokage, but the Hokage quickly dodges and shouts, “You will have to be quicker than that, White Wolf.”  The White Wolf let out a vicious snarl and with his razor-sharp claws, swipes at the Hokage, but again he dodges the attack.

The kids are awestruck and continue to cheer on their favorite hero.

The Hokage says in a heroic voice, “You didn’t think that it would be so easy White Wolf?  I’m the fastest shinobi in the land!”

The White Wolf rears his head back and with his most guttural howl, stops the cheers of the kids, and practically freezes the Hokage in place.  The White Wolf charges the Hokage, but then the true courage of the kids takes over, and their cheers and chants began to start back up.  The White Wolf stops and then freezes, as if the courage of the kids has brought him to a stop.

The White Wolf struggles, as if he knows he’s defeated and then slowly collapses and disappears in a puff of smoke, revealing that it was a clone all this time.

The Hokage bows and slowly materializes back into Vh’idrruss, and with a courageous voice tells the kids, “Remember, with courage and bravery, you too can overcome any obstacle.”

Vh’idrruss ends his bow, and rises up as the White Wolf, and the kids somewhat confused slowly began to cheer and clap, realizing that it was just a magic show.


Claiming! 1815 Words
(1000/1000) [C Rank] Basic Medical Ninjutsu
(250/250) [E Rank] Hangover Cure
(565/1000) [C Rank] Chakra Absorption
15 Stats into Chakra
3 Stats into Speed
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Abracadabra Empty Re: Abracadabra

Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:28 pm
Vh'idrruss wrote:


Claiming! 1815 Words
(1000/1000) [C Rank] Basic Medical Ninjutsu
(250/250) [E Rank] Hangover Cure
(565/1000) [C Rank] Chakra Absorption
15 Stats into Chakra
3 Stats into Speed

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