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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Clan Focus : Iryōjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 6250

Learning The Ropes Empty Learning The Ropes

Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:11 pm

Mission Name: Learning The Ropes

After a long restless night of nightmares, Vh'idrruss woke up in a bloody sweat in the small apartment he rented in the borders. The sun just began to shine in the small dirty window, letting him know that it is still morning.  Washing the blood off his skin and donning his robes, he stows his possessions in his pockets and bags. Vh’idrruss then set out to explore the small village’s marketplace that he heard so much about.
Several nights ago, he heard that this small village had some good, yet affordable equipment, and Vh'idrruss was in desperate need of some. With only about 500 Ryo on him and hardly any other possessions, he was willing to make the long trek to the borders.
Making his way to the marketplace, Vh'idrruss took in the sites and sounds of the small village. It seemed like any other village he has been in, with its throng of people busily visiting small shops for their needed goods or morning meals.
Traveling along the main street towards the central square, the crowds slowly thickened, and the sounds of the village’s central marketplace began to drown out the thoughts in Vh'idrruss head. Making his way to the open marketplace the smell of food and people assaulted Vh'idrruss senses. A blend of bloody meats and other scents left a small grumble in Vh'idrruss stomach. “I haven’t eaten in ages,” Vh'idrruss said to himself.
Walking through the maze of stalls and kiosks, Vh'idrruss is now the hunter. His predatory senses taking over. Following the scent of blood, he is in full mode to search for his next meal. “There we go,” Vh'idrruss says to himself slowly walking up to a meat vendor in a darkened corner of the marketplace. “How much for your bloodiest and rarest meat, my good man?”
“5 Ryo for our bloodiest steak,” says the butcher working the stall. “I’ll take it,” returns Vh'idrruss. Flipping 5 Ryo to the butcher, Vh'idrruss grabs the steak and with the intention of devouring his meal, but then he hears in the commotion of the marketplace someone say loudly, “That’s him.” 
Curiosity getting the best of him, Vh'idrruss turns to look to see what it could be about; he sees a young man in colorful robes with black spikey hair, pointing his finger in Vh'idrruss direction. Vh'idrruss notices several shinobi surrounding the young man, who are now looking at Vh'idrruss. “Great, now what?” Vh'idrruss thought to himself.
Making sure he still had his newest prized possession, which he quickly stows in his pack, Vh'idrruss makes his way into the thick of the markets crowd as nonchalant as could be. Watching the shinobi quickly make their way over to where Vh'idrruss was last seen, he makes eye contact with one of the shinobi who loudly says, “There he is,” to the other shinobi in the group. The other shinobi begin to turn in the generally direction of Vh'idrruss, while Vh'idrruss quickly fades into the crowd, and quickly and silently makes the handseal of the Dog.
Using the Transformation Technique, which he only recently remembered from his days in the war. He takes the form of a lone middle-aged female woman, with a vibrant pink scarf and pink hair tied up in a bun. Her short gray and white sleeve shirt, accents her gray baggy pants. Her skin tanned from a life of hard work in the fields on the borders. A coin pouch is tied to her waist, which jingles softly with the small amount of Ryo she has on her.
She appears calm yet focused, looking at the stalls and kiosks with the intention of spending her hard earned Ryo on something practical, yet affordable.
Walking up to one of the merchant stalls, she points at a scarf on one of the clothing merchant shelves and asks, “How much for this scarf?”
“10 Ryo, my lady, and might I add it will look marvelous on you.” 
“Hmm, do you think I could get a discount?” she asks politely yet sincerely, and adds “I don’t get paid till the end of the month.”
“I’m afraid that is as low as I can ask,” he says disappointedly. 
“Let me think about it for a while and I will be back if I change my mind,” she says. 
“I’ll be here till later tonight, and I hope you will reconsider it,” he states. 
“I assure you it’s worth it,” he adds with a hint of pride in his stock.
She walks away and continues engaging in friendly conversation on any deals or specials that the merchants might be having on this sunny day in the market. 
Moving further and further away from the direction the confused shinobi are having trying to locate Vh'idrruss, the middle-aged female woman makes her way towards one of the shadowed alleyways with the hopes of escaping this marketplace.
Unfortunately for Vh’drruss the alleyway is just a dead end. With nowhere to go Vh’ddrruss must quickly come up with some other plan that might help him get out of this marketplace.
While in the shadows of the Alleyway, Vh’idrruss makes the handseal of the Ram and creates a clone of his true self. He sets the clone to run through the marketplace in the complete opposite way he plans to go. Using his concentration to make sure that this clone seems like himself while running though the marketplace while dodging people and making sure that the shinobi will take notice.
“Hook, line and sinker,” Vh’idrruss thinks to himself, as several of the shinobi chase after the clone, as it runs through the crowd avoiding any people and looking as real as he can make it. He directs the clone to run onto one of the streets where he will end the clone, making the shinobi think he got away.
The shinobi that gave chase start combing the streets that the clone went into. “Hopefully they will be searching for a while,” Vh’idrruss quietly says to himself.
“Divide and conquer,” thinks Vh’idrruss.
The shinobi that were left start to make their way back to the general area where Vh’idrruss was hiding. “Hmm,” thinks Vh’iddruss.
Stepping out the alleyway Vh’iddruss still transformed as the middle-aged woman runs up to one of the shinobi guards and with fear and concern in her voice says, “Help, someone just tried to steal my coin purse!” She points in the opposite direction of the main entrance of the marketplace.
“What does he look like?” one of the shinobi asked. She quickly describes Vh’idrruss in a frantic and scared voice. They look at her, and then start to run in the direction she pointed in.
Quickly dodging back into the crowd and making her way to the main entrance, she continuously scans the area making sure that there are no more shinobi in her vicinity and makes her way onto the main street.
After walking along the main street for a while and making sure that no one is following her, she thinks to herself that she will have to wait some time before going back to the marketplace. 
Reaching into her bag, she grabs the bloody steak and takes a big bite out of it. “Delicious,” she says with crimson red blood flowing down her chin.

[WC 1212]


Last edited by Vh'idrruss on Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Learning The Ropes Empty Re: Learning The Ropes

Sat Dec 14, 2024 1:42 pm
Vh'idrruss wrote:Claiming! 1212 Words
Ninjutsu Spec.
1212/2000 to Apothecary for a total of 2000/2000 [Estate Sale]
10 Stats into Chakra
2 Stats into Speed
D-Rank Promotion
1000 Ryo / 5 AP
Substitution Technique 
Clone Technique 
Transformation Technique
Surface Walking

1x Vagabond Headband
Approved - milestones are claimed on your stat page so make sure to do so and put up for approval as well
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