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Hisui Tsurara
Hisui Tsurara
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission
Remove Kanjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Creating a Gateway. Arc Pt 1 Empty Creating a Gateway. Arc Pt 1

Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:15 am
Mission Link
Tsurara Stat Sheet

Tsurara exited the room with a finger to her lips.

“Risk Assessment evaluation.” She muttered to herself.

Her father had spoken a little bit on Samurai in the past, but she’d need more information on them and their country. To that end, she’d venture into the academy and pursue the scrolls on the wall, picking out the one’s she needed. With a bundle of scrolls, she’d head to a table and begin her research.

First step was to unfold a scroll of the countries, to remind herself of where the nations where.

“Don’t we have a port down on Ginza Island… and there is a port down here too. And boat’s would be faster on average, especially if we need  to ferry goods.. yeah..” She nods to herself.

“Now lets look into the country itself.” She says opening the scrolls on the country.

“Lots of snow, warrior culture, prone to challenges of might… how truly boorish.” She says putting down a scroll and picking up another one. This one’s contents however caught her eye.

“Ooh seeds of rebellion ready to catch fire any moment. And the great leader’s are… these five men right here.” Tsurara jots down their names for further reference.

With a rebellion brewing they’d likely face some combat. Samurai were heavily armored warriors with precise chakra control, and were quite skilled at using chakra infusions. This placed the average one around chunin level, though frontal combat wise they are probably closer to special Jonin in talent. Direct assault against them was highly unwise however…

“Traps and hiding in the snow Jutsu seem to be our best bet. We might also be able to play the samurai’s sense of honor against each other with timely use of the transformation technique.” She writes these thoughts down on a scroll as well.

“Now as for the actual mechanism…Ajin Shipping might be able to do it..” Tsurara gathers her things, and heads over to communication sector, where she sends a carrier pigeon over to one of her family connections.

She’d send another carrier pidgeon to her family’s estate as well, to verify a detail. With both of these tasks done, she’d return to give her mission briefing.

“Sir after careful research I believe the most optimal position is this. Hyogagakure possess many shipping connections, including several my family the Hisui have worked with. I propose we leverage our shipping connections,  and take a boat from Small Crackle Island at the tip of the land of snow here” She unfurls her map once more and points at it with her finger.

“I can guarantee we will have access along one of two boats. We can travel along down the eastern curve of Land of Iron until we reach Dumpling point right here.” She say tracing a finger down the map.

“Once at this point, we can cut straight through the ocean and hit the land of Tea. It should be simple as long as we keep the land of iron in sight."

“You seem determined to have us avoid the Land of Iron as much as possible. Do you have a reason for this?” The Instructor queries.

“Yes I do. The Land of Iron is predictably under going a period of unrest. Conflict can breakout at any time. If we were to enter the Land of Iron more typically it increases our chance of getting swept up in this conflict, which obviously be less than ideal.”

“Civil Unrest?” He repeats.

“Yes, you can find the details in this scroll, but the shortened version is that 5 warlords have began making grabs for power. Each one is supposedly Master of their element. While we can handle typical samurai with planning, these samurai warlords would require us to flee on sight.” She continues, handing the instructor her scroll.

“And what is this planning you speak off?” He asks opening and reading the scroll.

“According to my analysis and research, Samurai are powerful fighters but, straight forward to a fault. We’d start by pre-placing traps all over the battlefield. Spikes, pits, any other hazards we could thing off. Then we’d wait berried in the snow. We’d position our squad in a Snake Eye Formation, and attack them from the side in teams of 2, while the other two draw their attention. This should let us topple a few Samurai, and buy us time to gather more information and act accordingly.”

“I see. Very Well then.”

“Thank you Sir.” Tsurara bows.

TWC 745 [Total Word Count]
Stat Claim 7: 6 to Speed, 1 to Vigor
250 to Transformation Technique
250 to Clone Technique
145 to Substitution Technique 145/500

Last edited by Hisui Tsurara on Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hisui Tsurara
Hisui Tsurara
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission
Remove Kanjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Creating a Gateway. Arc Pt 1 Empty Re: Creating a Gateway. Arc Pt 1

Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:40 am
Changed of Land Of Tea to Land of Rice. Got the country name wrong for some reason
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Creating a Gateway. Arc Pt 1 Empty Re: Creating a Gateway. Arc Pt 1

Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:39 pm
Hisui Tsurara wrote:
TWC 745 [Total Word Count]
Stat Claim 7: 6 to Speed, 1 to Vigor
250 to Transformation Technique
250 to Clone Technique
145 to Substitution Technique 145/500

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