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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : 界王和
Mission Record : [X]
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 33505

界王和 - Coach For A Day Empty 界王和 - Coach For A Day

Wed Dec 11, 2024 2:26 am

It was a serendipitous day for Kai, who agreed to his next job bleary-eyed and out of cash, for the clouds covered the sky in its entirety so as to blind the sun to the land below. His task today was to help coach the students in their drills and exercises, to show off developing shinobi skills he himself hadn’t entirely mastered, though he knew enough at least to keep them from hurting themselves or each other. With the sun covered by the clouds, shadows were hard to come by, one of the most important tools in a shinobi’s kit. To reflect this, Kai simply ran target practice drills, allowing the students to develop their throwing arms.

Half-closed eyes on a resting smirk-face glazed over the line of children throwing shuriken and kunai at the dummies at the other end of the field. He said he’d be good and keep track of the students progress; not to be afraid to have a favorite, watch out for that one kid who cries after three throws, and being good felt good, satisfying a certain itch he hadn’t had since--

Kai was overcome with a quake in his being, and he was reminded of what all those kunai and shuriken could do. How they could dance if put in the hands of a lover, how they slaughter at the behest of cruel masters. A memory unbidden loomed in his shadow and took form in his mind, the traces of the time he was stabbed in earnest. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before, and nothing like he would ever think. As a matter of fact it was exactly a nothingness he felt when the kunai was thrust into his body. There was the pain of cut skin, sure, but that only revealed writhing threads. The void of physical pain caught Kai and his assailant in a split-second of confoundment, before Kai felt the rush of power knowing that he had a critical advantage. The recognition of the weak spot exposed that Kai was only ever so eager to strike with all his might, his heart, and a little bit of tongue--

”Hey teach I can’t reach the target how do you throw this shit again?” one of the students snapped Kai out of his reverie of violence for- what the fu- advice?

”You’re wasting time aiming at the target. You need to aim at what’s beyond the target and just let it get in your way.” Kai replied as he gazed off into the distance, the student turning his head to see what Kai saw.

”Alright, um, thanks,” the student replied as he just wandered back to his post. One of the better things Kai got to do was to give advice in the most frustrating way possible. It’s a practice that he was taught to no end of frustration, and only when you see others struggling with what you dealt with do you understand the appeal of deceptive honesty.

Claiming! [TWC: 505]
231 for Black Threads: Tau Weaponry [500/500] now at C-Rank! (previous training here and here.)
250 Mind Read
24 for All-Father’s Voice [24/500]
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP
+5 to Chakra Stat
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

界王和 - Coach For A Day Empty Re: 界王和 - Coach For A Day

Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:55 am
Kaiowa wrote:Claiming! [TWC: 505]
231 for Black Threads: Tau Weaponry [500/500] now at C-Rank! (previous training here and here.)
250 Mind Read
24 for All-Father’s Voice [24/500]
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP
+5 to Chakra Stat

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