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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : 界王和
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Ryo : 29505

界王和 - Cleaning Duty Empty 界王和 - Cleaning Duty

Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:38 pm

”Now remember, commoners, this kitchen is to be absolutely spotless and entirely operational by the stroke of midnight!” the butler blustered as he marched, displaying his grace and discipline to this skeleton crew, bearing witness to the greatness that comes with serving the Kitanishi family. Of all days to break legs and cough blood, his reliable crew had to choose last night to get themselves injured carrying up the ice sculpture to the hall. He was left with no choice but to place a Help Ad and invite whoever was able to read through the maze of instructions designed to weed the unworthy out. Unfortunately, it seemed the minds of the wretched were far more cunning than he anticipated.

The first two men were tall, reaching six feet or higher. The first was a sculpted mountain of muscle with long red hair that looked like rising fire, he was dressed for shuffling kicks with the other barbaric fighters rather than to work an honest day, and the look in his eyes made the butler feel very small. The second man was dark, lithe, with shaggy black hair that almost always covered one of his eyes, his clothing was dirty and unremarkable, and that easy smile on his face infuriated the butler. The second set of men nearly mirrored the first, only differing by their height. One looked like a professional criminal with a long scar underneath his sunglasses, while the other blonde one seemed to be disturbed from his rest by this briefing.

The butler breathed deep to steady himself, careful not to inhale the horrid scent of ash and, no doubt, blood and other such grime these men were probably used to doing.

”One minute past midnight, and if one thing is amiss in here, it’s out the door with all of you and not a penny in your pocket! The Kitanishi family has a reputation to uphold and I know none of you have volunteered to ruin it. Am I understood?” he had little faith in these laggards before him, not one of them had proper posture and the smell of tobacco was pungent even several feet away.

”Hai!” all four replied. With one last sneering gaze, the butler turned on his heels and strode off, slamming the door behind him and leaving them to it.

The scarred man with sunglasses lit a cigarette and began walking toward the sink. ”Right on, I’ll get started on these dishes here,” deadpan with an edge of contempt, whether it was for his lot in life or for the grime on his target was strangely vague. ”Masa, I'll need you to help dry them off and put them away, alright?”

”Uh- yeah! On it, boss man!” the blond man snapped back to reality, hurriedly dogging behind his boss man.

”Tch! I can barely hold one of these weak implements without crushing it, how am I supposed to clean?!” seethed the red mound of muscle, staring at his hands with the rage of a thousand years. He had only taken on this job to prove something to his son, he was expecting to do much heavier labor like landscaping, nothing to do with the finer details of pathetic rich society.

”I’ll start on the ceiling and detail.” Kai announced, grabbing a dust fluffer he headed to a corner of the kitchen and did something you may or may not have seen this week. Kai took the bandages off his arm to reveal a deep scar that ran all around it, indicating that it had been severed once before and was just freshly put together. Except that wasn't the case, the stitching along his scar seemed to come alive and undo itself, separating his arm from the elbow, kept together by what seemed to be several ropes of black threads. Kai raised his hand and extended it upward toward the ceiling and began to dust.

The man in red looked more annoyed than impressed. With a sweeping gaze he found an unattended mop and bucket set, probably the only thing that wouldn't immediately shatter in his grasp. Thankfully it was made off good, solid wood, he's at least be able to mop and say he contributed something.

So clean was the room when the clock hit 12 and the doors swung open, the butler was immediately blinded by how well his recruits had performed.

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

界王和 - Cleaning Duty Empty Re: 界王和 - Cleaning Duty

Wed Dec 04, 2024 4:14 pm
Kaiowa wrote:

Claiming! [TWC: 743]
743 for Black Threads: Tau Weaponry [769/1,000]
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP

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