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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : 界王和
Mission Record : [X]
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 33505

界王和 - Abracadabra Empty 界王和 - Abracadabra

Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:44 am

”Alright class!” the teacher said with a clap, commanding silence from the rowdy students. ”As a reward for your excellent grades this week, we’ve brought for you today a guest speaker who’s going to tell you a bit about the world outside and what you’ll need to know as the next generation. Everybody give a respectful welcome to our guests today; Jinzo and Kai!”

The door slid open and in walked two men, both were tall, though where one was shrouded beneath a hat and dark hair that covered his face, the other had his hair slicked back in a ponytail and an energizing smile that shone in the room like an invasive flashlight. ”Afternoon pupils, my name is Kai. This is my assistant Jinzo, and as I understand today, we will be performing some useful tricks and explaining some useful tips.” he said with a shining smile half closed eyes with so much darkness under them.

”I come to you from a place few should ever expect to tread, and even fewer to survive. The Golden Games, they were called.” Kai pulled out a kunai from his robe and began tossing it up in the air and catching it by the ring with his finger. ”Just like this academy you’re attending, the games were designed to find the best of the best.” Upon catching the kunai again, Kai gripped it true and slashed at Jinzo. The horror on the students faces were palpable as with a thud, Jinzo’s left arm hit the ground, a cut to clean there was barely any blood leaking out. Kai held up a hand as if to stay the children’s objections.

”Jinzo here wasn’t such a lucky participant; he’s practically coming apart at the seams!” Kai simply laughed it off. He brought out a second kunai and began to juggle them. ”But don’t feel too bad for him, often it’s the way of the world that we’ll encounter something beyond our capabilities.” Kai began to walk slowly to the other side of Jinzo, who seemed unbothered by the loss of his arm. ”You’ll take every measure, account for every possibility, and even if you’ve identified every single factor.” With a crossing slash, Kai swiftly cut Jinzo’s right leg out from under him, forcing Jinzo to scramble in balancing on one foot. ”There are just some things you won’t be ready for.” he took a third kunai from his robe and began juggling them, eyeing his project more than the students at this point.

”The important thing, though, is how to keep your cool in the face of just such an obstacle. It’s important that in the face of danger, in the chaos that permeates the work we do, that we have to keep our cool and not let our emotions rule us, am I right? A few ways I’m sure you’ve been told are repeating mantras to yourself, breathing exercises. One thing I’ve found that works for me--” Jinzo shot his hand through Kai’s chest, his entire hand going right through his ribcage and heart. He was still like that for one excruciating second, bloody and horrified, before he dispersed into a cloud of smoke. Jinzo reached down and put his leg to his stump, and after a few seconds he stood up, seeming completely stable. He did a similar thing to his arm and he was able to move it just fine despite it being on the ground for a minute.

”Anyway one thing I like to do is to see those obstacles more like ideas to take inspiration from.” said that same voice coming from Jinzo. He pulled his hat off to reveal that Jinzo was actually truly Kai! The students lost it.

[TWC: 643]
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : 界王和
Mission Record : [X]
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 33505

界王和 - Abracadabra Empty Re: 界王和 - Abracadabra

Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:41 pm
Claiming! 643 WC
500 for Tau Thread Arts [500/2000]
143 for EGF: Mystery [155/350]
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

界王和 - Abracadabra Empty Re: 界王和 - Abracadabra

Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:47 pm
Kaiowa wrote:Claiming! 643 WC
500 for Tau Thread Arts [500/2000]
143 for EGF: Mystery [155/350]
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP

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