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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Once more for Permission Empty Once more for Permission

Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:09 pm
Shikami walked into the kages office, it had been about two weeks since his departure, and he would walk to the door. Certain that the kage had his ever seeing eye active, like last time and that the man would recognize him. Shikami would open the doors, and if given way, he would walk through. " I want to say several things, First I want to congradulate you on the promotion, my feelings prevented me from sayin such when I witnessed it happen, You did best me, but I hoped to have more time to collect more power to challenge you for the deputy seat and eventually be the one to obtain the hat from Akabyashi himself. I did have a request to ask last time, but I wanted to be corteous first to you and offer assistance in any way I could give it. But the nature of such things, I must go ahead and ask the permisison now, before I could get around to reading the scroll myself, I knew of a technique within the vault that I wish to learn, and seek your permission to do such. I get if you would deny it, knowing my intentions to one day also wear the hat again, but I wanted the truth out there and appologize like I said for lack of control over such emotions." Shikami would take a breath and pause after getting off of his chest a weight that had been pressing there for two weeks now.

Something about Shiro made Shikami wish they had a better relationship, but he hoped that maybe its at most a friendly rivalry. Maybe with Shikami aspiring for more power and Shiro knowing Shikami's wish, it would help to push Shiro to further levels as well, and they could chase such things parrell but on seperate paths for a time. Shikami would take a seat at that moment as he relaxed a bit, but tension still ever present as he awaited an answer from his new kage.
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Wed Dec 04, 2024 12:20 am
The chill of late autumn was upon Kirigakure. With it came a whole host of challenges regarding food, trade, and housing. Kirigakure was built to survive harsh weather. Given it’s murky environment, Kir never had to worry much about the winter besides a few snow falls. Some said that the waves were eternal, having never been frozen since Neo-Kirigakure had been rebuilt following its destruction. This office was one of the few things that has stood the test of time. Kirigakure’s leadership had become fractured given the previous kage's deaths. He had heard whispers of a few shinobi within his own forces who believed that Shiro would be another in a list of shinobi who would not last as the Mizukage. It was here, that the young Hyuga began scribbling down signatures for a specific project that he had begun to work upon. He needed to write that letter to that village in Moon country. However, he had become backed up with work due to the new projects he wished to develop.

It was here that Shikami came striding into Shiro’s office. He looked up, dark blue eyes registering that it was Shikami for one moment before glancing back down at the paper that requested for more funding regarding what Shiro simply labeled as “Dundorma”. Shiro had seen Shikami’s quick leaving of the room after that fateful day as reasonable. He too would have been pissed if the other was chosen, even if there was a clear choice in the matter. What he didn’t need right now was an enemy within his own walls that held influence. As such, Shiro neatly slid the papers into one pile, tapping them on the desk to even them out, before gently placing them onto the right side of his desk.

“Evening, Shikami. I understand your emotions over what happened that night. However, as a seasoned shinobi, you could have had a little more. . . grace with your departure from my office. However, I’d like to know first and foremost what technique you specifically request access for inside of the archives. Don’t wantcha potentially steal something I might not even know about . But, I wanted your opinion on an idea I had, specifically regarding the Storm Barrier that protects this village?”

Shiro smirked, just before continuing on, “I wish to create a mechanism that could allow us to sense, or even, mask the storm barrier itself to have it not affect people until we remove that mask. Similar to how one would reveal their hand in a game of cards, when their victory is nigh guaranteed. What do you think, Warden?”

As such, he waited for Shikami’s response.

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:16 am
Shikami from his seat heard the words from Shiro. He already admited his faults of that particular day, Shiro was piling on at the moment, but also stated it was understandable at the same time. Shikami was at least not childish and outwordly boisterous at the time, he did show maturity to a degree. When Shiro reached a point of asking of the technique Shikami wished to learn, before Shikami could answer, Shiro had also brought up that he wanted Shikami's opinion on something. This actually suprised Shikami a bit. He had gotten a sense from Shiro that would have been quite the opposite, that Shiro would ignore any suggestions that Shikami gave, but instead asked something of him.

Firstly, Shikami noted the smirk with the words that followed.Shikami would rub his chin in thought at the prospect. "Firstly to honor your question as to which I seek, It is called as I understand it, Great Shark Channeling Technique, as for the barrier. What entirely are you envisioning. Would the veil be lifted to ones sight, or would it rather just have us completely invisible? Also if its not a constant storm, would that than mean that if someone entered the barrier unauthorized that the storm would suddenly form on top of and around them? I could see the desire for such things, but if I may, as my Tenure of Kage, I noticed we were not utilizing our one asset when it comes to concealing. The Pillars which power the barrier are all located on ground, above sea level, would it not be more practical for them to be hidden away amongst the sea? That would help prevent such situations as easily destorying the Odd pillars randomly placed. I see however the Benifit is such a rouse, but are not most villages protected someway somewhat naturally, if one did not see or notice a Natural event or location that seemed defensive for the village would it not put them on alert? if they have a mind about them anyways? I see the genius of hiding our location however, except that most captains know of our location, we would have to move the island as a whole." After a certain point Shikami was mostly rattling off to himself, thinking aloud as to what ideas could be most viable and which to ultimately suggest .

If the Kage wished to continue with this masking idea, It would require a mix of Sensory and Fuinjutsu. Shikami would begin to run the calculations in his mind with his understanding of both subjects. And than he would finally speak aloud once more "You would need someone proficient in both Sensory and Fuinjutsu, Fuinjutsu to hold onto the technique more or less, and Sensory for several mechanics, the masking Mechanic as well as the triggering mechanic, since it requires the ability to sense to trigger itself. It could ultimately work, but I personally still worry about suddenly seeming like an open target, If we had at least a mist or something to hide within, live up to the name, that would be something." Shikami finally wrapped up his lengthy explanation and opinions on the matter at hand.

The thought of the technique he wanted to learn had now become back burnered for the time being, he continued to forumlate within his head how he would make such a thing work if it was him.

TWC 904
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:19 pm
Shikami was too small, or perhaps too inside the box in regards to the storm barrier. Shiro noted Shikami’s ideas about potential concealment of the Storm barriers pillars and that they were an obvious weakspot in regards to the actual barrier themselves. He’d have to focus on potentially hiding those pillars with the use of the idea he had in mind. His cerulean eyes tilted upwards, facing Shikami now with a glint of amusement at Shikami’s ideas.

“None of those ideas really fit for what I’m going for besides that I’ll need someone that has an interest in Fuinjutsu and Sensory like capabilities. No, what I want to make is something for more dangerous. In the cae of Akabayashi, he threw these daggers along the battlefield. I don’t know why, all I know is that he threw them away. Potentially as a diversion, or something more. However, there are those that can easily escape the jaws of defeat and escape back to their own borders. I want to be able to shut them out of that opportunity if possible. Think of it like a trap rather than a defensive measure. The villages defenses are designed to keep people out, however, given our current position in the world, we should be letting people inside of village, expanding trade, and forming bonds with other villages. Something that you did not do, and neither did I before Akabayashi showed up. However, if I can find a way to instead entrap our opponents and cutting off their retreat while also keeping the storm barrier as a trump card more than a simple defense. Villages would fear Kirigakure once more. We cannot be the bloody mist anymore, but the village known for its storms and tempests. That is the kind of future I wish to have, one of success, and one of strength.”

Shiro’s eyes focused on Shikami, the one part of Shikami’s speech replaying in the back of his mind as he spoke. The person before him had failed as a kage once. He would not fail this village a second time. He had always known Shikami wanted this seat back, yet to seemingly so brazenly say that he eventually wanted the position again made Shiro snap. Black and blue chakra surging around the entire office, with the Hyuuga’s two Byakugan surging to life and staring down the Shinkou before him with murderous intent in his eyes. His face remained calm, yet his lips had become a small frown. His right hand resting itself upon the sword sheathed on his left hip.

“I will not grant you access to the technique you seek. Mention taking my hat again, and I will kill you where you stand, Shikami. Send me a report of Pelican Island and it’s inhabitants. You are dismissed.”

With that, Shiro’s chakra dropped back down. His eyes returned back to their cerulean hue while he grabbed the pen right next to the letter he was writing, not caring if Shikami had anything else to say.

Prosperity WC(1.5x):1416

Exit, will make claims later.
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:37 am
Shikami stood unfazed by Shiro's Show of force, to him it was bluster, and Shikami almost dared Shiro to do so. But Shikami would take a deep breath and slowly exhale, calming himself and the yuumei within which wanted to snap back at the mizukage. " You mistake my intentions of that M'Lord, but I do understand, and I will find another way, maybe I will create something myself utilizing the Tempest Element I learned during my time, as for the Island, I can already give you a report, Speaking of, there is a Missing Ninja of low level I had apprehended that I wanted to make sure was okay to let out onto the streets with you first, She is currently under a Paralysis Seal until you make a decision. Since I did not know your stance on Missing ninja yet." Shikami would offer up and stay for a moment to see if Shiro had something to say.

If there was nothing else or he had an answer on the missing ninja Minnow, he would than take his leave of the Kage as he had been dismissed.

TWC 1091 (1.5 = 1637)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Mon Dec 16, 2024 4:04 pm
Shiro Hyuga wrote:
Prosperity WC(1.5x):1416

Exit, will make claims later.

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Mon Dec 16, 2024 4:05 pm
Shikami understood he was ignored at this point. He would turn around and leave, he would have to bring up the Missing Ninja issue later. Shikami would stand up and turned around, walking out of the Office, knowing he would need to revisit Shiro after he had time to cool down from the recent issue at hand. Shikami would reflect back on how he had looked into everything that happened. He was curious tho why the no was so pushed off and why Shiro played as if it might be a chance if he planned to say no since Shikami mentioned he wanted to one day wear the hat again as well. He even asked him an opinion on one of their villages defenses. This all confused Shikami. He decided he would look into things dealing with the Tempest Release, it may be a harder route but to be honest, asking for the technique he did was a bit of a cop out in comparison to the two options.


TWC- 1891 (Including Prosperity) will claim later
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:13 pm
TWC- 1891

1500 Wc to Learning Genjutsu Over Sensory

391/750 To Swap Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Once more for Permission Empty Re: Once more for Permission

Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:06 pm
Shikami Shinkou wrote:TWC- 1891

1500 Wc to Learning Genjutsu Over Sensory

391/750 To Swap Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu
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