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Kirigo Hanade
Kirigo Hanade
Stat Page : Da Hard Stuff
Mission Record : Da Work
Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:42 pm
Kirigo was shocked to see the state of the man Nemui came running back with. He turned his head slightly to watch as Shiro worked quickly and carefully. Repairing the man's injuries with the skill of a surgeon. He was amazed at how quickly he was able to bring the old man back from the brink of death, the wounds healing and his breathing evening out right in front of his eyes. He listened as the man told Shiro what had happened to them. Cringing slightly as he spoke about the monster impaling him on the tree. His clones scanning the area around them the entire time to make sure everything was safe.

The wave of power and anger the came off of Shiro as he finished talking with the man triggered something in Kirigo. His vision took on a tint or red and he clenched his fists.This was his home and now that he was a shinobi it was his job to keep it safe. As Shiro gave them their orders his blood was roaring in his ears almost drowning out the Kage’s voice. Mixed in with the roar of the blood were the voices from his visions. He could hear them Irving him on. Telling him to claim these people for Lord Jashin.

Kirigo’s eyes were locked on Shiro watching for his move. Right when he shifted his weight Kirigo would be ready to move with him, following as quickly as he could behind his Kage, and his clones following behind. As they broke into the clearing he could see Shiro already fighting again the large creature on the other side of the camp. Jaiden had caught up with him as they’d come up on the camp, pushed by a mighty wind. Kirigo rushed forward towards the main group of the robed figures directly in front of him forming two hand seals quickly, the small streams of blood pouring out of his thumbs began to run quicker, the blood flowing down his hands and arms and falling to the ground before swirling around his feet. His two clones stayed close behind him copying his movements all of them activating their Blood Dragon: Ascension Jutsu.

The blood swirling around their feet quickly began to lift all three of them up into the air. Kirigo and each of his clones would stand on the tops of the dragons heads as they formed rising to the full 8 meters, the dragons heads 2 meters wide each. Once reaching their full size they would all the rush forwards riding their dragons into the group of cultists the large fangs of the beasts tearing into them as they went. His clones would break off to the left and right as they approached the bonfire clearing out the cultists closest to the flames before meeting on the other side. As they split they activated Fish Spit, spraying the flames around the hanging man to extinguish them. Kirigo had his own dragon take him up to the man so that he could release him and grab him. Once he had the man safely in his arms he would go over to where Jaiden was lowering the cabins laying the man on the ground in front of one of them before returning to where his clones were, still taking out cultists near the now extinguished bonfire.

Kirigo and his clones formed and intricate dance of destruction weaving through and around each other as the dragons tore through flesh. He noticed a few of of the cultists trying to run and would quickly activate his Mist Servant technique causing illusions of himself to appear of the ground and trees around them pushing them back into the fray. He quickly caught the attention of his clones showing them so that they could do the same if they seen any escapees.

Kirigo could feel the blood spraying across his face and arms as they went through the camp careful to avoid the area where cabins were. The warmth as it splattered exhilarated him, pushing him farther into the combat. A smile covered his face, the screams of the cultists fueling him as he thought about the destruction they'd caused at the campsite. Compared to what he would to them it was nothing though. He could hear the voices from his visions as the blood flowed, urging him on his destructive path. These people had destroyed and killed innocents. Now he would claim revenge on them and send them Jashin. Spill their blood to feed his Lord.

When they'd dwindled the group they had down to just a few Kirigo signaled to his clones. The two clones began circling the remaining cultists one of the going clockwise the other counterclockwise and pushing them towards Kirigo still mounted on his dragons head. When they'd gotten them all together the clone going counterclockwise would reverse circling clockwise with the first one and Kirigo would join. They would circle around the group trapping them in the center before stopping with the dragons tails wrapping into each other forming a circle and Kirigo and his clones forming the three points of the triangle. They would each flash another hand sign causing the dragons to open their mouths wide building up chakra within before they each expelled a large beam of blood chakra into the center decimating the lasts of his group of the cultists.

Looking around he could see Shiro had finished off the large beast. The creature laying on the ground laying split on the ground. Kirigo also noted Jaiden and his fire spider display impressed by the way he was tossing the cultists into the flames and moved that way to help push any remaining towards the spider or devour them with his dragon as he went.

Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 209790

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Sun Dec 08, 2024 8:25 pm
Nemui sat helplessly as the man he brought to Shiro continued to suffer. That was until the Mizukage, in a flash of movements, reversed what the boy had always thought to be a death sentence. The branch practically evaporated before the wound and the damage spreading from it were cured. Nemui’s hands which had been applying pressure around the branch still rested there but as the man began to speak, he slowly removed them, still taken aback by what he was seeing. A sense of relief overcame him, as well as a newfound admiration for Shiro’s abilities.

Looking to his hands, Nemui still had the sickly black blood stuck to them and while his immediate thought was to clean it off, he paused. Between the man’s panicked explanation, his mention of their assailants refocused the boy’s attention. Nemui rose to his feet, ensuring that he didn’t touch any part of himself or his clothing while doing so. Looking at Shiro, the man appeared to exert a pressure not felt from him before. It was clear that something was about to happen and Nemui prepared for it, allowing Salt Release to flood his body and initiate the technique of Purifying Strength.

Then, as Shiro took off at a blinding speed once more, the large man named Jaiden appeared to have his own plan involving Nemui and Kirigo. To his statement that he’d stick with the two, Nemui shook his head slightly while stating in his usual soft tone “Keep the kid safe, I’ll see you after.” Then he departed the two, racing ahead with Crashing Thunder Charge once more. Following the trail of Shiro, Nemui would circle around and past him and the beast he now engaged in combat. He had faith in the Mizukage and the people he’d chosen for this mission, so there was no reason to doubt their success.

Nemui figured the leadership would be close to the beast and this thought would be proven fact as he saw crouched figures, huddled together with a circle between them. The sound of Nemui’s approach with Crashing Thunder Charge alerted the group, which he counted as five. As the nearest one turned their head to face Nemui, the boy lurched forwards, reaching his right hand out for the figure’s face and slamming it down into the center of their circle. This marked the end of his Crashing Thunder Charge technique, standing then where the cultist leader he’d aptly dispatched once sat.

Nemui’s facial expression bore a coldness he’d never expressed before as he looked down at the four who remained. The nearest two leapt towards him, producing daggers from their cloaks and aiming for his throat. In response Nemui raised both of his hands and utilizing Jotun Grip, grabbed them by the wrists as their daggers nearly reached him. Pressing forwards, he shattered the wrists of each cultist while redirecting their blades, forcing them to stab each other in the chest. While this wasn’t a mortal wound, he followed it up immediately with Full Moon Elephant, launching the pair skywards.

Only two remained, the pair had leapt backwards at the same time as the previous pair attacked him, so the boy figured they were ranged attackers. A pair of scythes then manifested through the tornado created by his Full Moon Elephant, aiming to intercept each other with Nemui at the center. The boy simply positioned his left and right forearms and using the technique Block, stopped each of the blades against his seemingly impenetrable skin. With the momentum of each scythe completely halted, he reached for their handles and yanked on them. The straightened lines of each chain gave Nemui their locations, to which he’d immediately reach his right hand out before pulling it back towards himself with the technique World in Sleeves.

Then, still unable to see the pair, he was able to confirm their deaths by the sounds produced, two people screaming in horror as they were crushed together. Looking around, Nemui quickly confirmed that all of the cultist heads were dispatched, simultaneously allowing the two he launched skywards earlier to fall and break upon the ground. It seemed there was no more for him to do at this location except for one thing, quickly producing a unique handseal he’d launch a Daytime Tiger at the circle before him, just encase. This eviscerated the body he planted head first into it alongside the ground it was drawn upon.

Job done, seemingly, Nemui figured he’d best reconvene with his teammates and rushed back. Along the way he’d see Shiro had easily dispatched of the beast, while Jaiden and Kirigo had rescued the civilians and dispatched of the cultist masses. It seemed his decision to split from them was correct, in this case. Nemui stopped once he’d reached Shiro and would either walk alongside him, or wait for the others to reconvene with them both. At the same time as feeling relieved that everybody survived, he didn’t like the look Kirigo had.

While the cultists certainly deserved death and Nemui would not argue against that, the young boy appeared elated with the violence he’d committed. Despite feeling this way he’d say nothing about his thoughts for the moment.

WC: 868
TWC: 2761
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Mon Dec 09, 2024 7:13 pm
He sensed his fellow shinobi trying to keep pace with him, Nemui was the only person inside of this group that could keep up physically. A talent like that only came once in a generation, yet Shiro had focused only on the cultists at this point in time. His eyes peered down at the corpse of what they once thought was a god. His blade coated in the basts blackened blood. Some kind of experiment was one of the few answers he could think of. No natural creature would look so deformed as this. Multiple skulls within its body. Its bones and muscle was shaped like that of a human, yet it seemed what was once a human was no more. Instead it was worshipped as a god, with the cultists killing villagers and citizens all for their god. Shiro’s eyes trailed towards the rest of the encampment, noticing that his fellow shinobi had come to aid him. Kirigo had already dealt with the ones who were hung up on the wooden stakes by the ever growing fire. Jaiden had created a massive spider of fire that scorched the very ground with fire itself. All the while Nemui had launched two cultists into the sky, right before somehow motioning his hand, leading to the two cultists being sucked towards Nemui’s arm. The two cultists had been crushed together, a small bloody clump was left of the two, right before a massive explosion of wind emanating from Nemui’s hand. The older of the two enhancement techniques, Eight Gates was a similar technique to that of Shiro’s own Shimi Daikon. However he didn’t expect to see such power come from a chunin at that. However, Shiro knew that he had to focus on what was most important.

His eyes caught what looked to be an underground part of the wooden cabin. Darting towards the splintered remains. Shiro found what looked to be nearly 15 chakra signatures all crammed into a 5 meter by 5 meter space. Above them was a massive metal sliding door, with a small seal attached to the lock. Shiro’s blade suddenly surged with the kinetic energy of Shimi Daikon. His arm surged forwards, immediately destroying the sealed lock, and opening the door to see what was below. People from underneath the bunker were covered in rags, disheveled from head to toe and covered in filth. Some looked terrified to see him, yet a small child with orange hair peered upwards at him, walking up from the bunker and wrapping his arms around Shiro’s leg. Shiro could see that the rest of the cultists had been taken care of with haste, allowing him to usher the rest of the 15 people out from the bunker. A few of the elders had to be helped, resulting in the young kage carrying what looked to be 3 grandparents on his back.

“Nemui, Jaiden, Kirigo, I found the rest of the survivors! Let’s get things wrapped up!” His shouted. His eyes could see a few of the cultists trying to escape, knowing fully well that the three Shinobi had what it took to take care of them.

After a few hours of checking up on the victims, a few more anbu appeared. Shiro motioned to begin taking the victims of the cult and those that were about to be burned at the stake. Cerulean eyes would turn back to the three shinobi before him after everything was said and done. He had a look of pure pride on his face. Shiro’s hands at his side while he addressed the three Shinobi.

“You all showed Valor today, without you three this could have been a lot worse, especially you two, Jaiden, Nemui. You both showed strength that was comparable to even my own when I was a Jonin of the village. As a result, I feel as though a few promotions are in order. Kirigo, you did a damn fine job yourself for someone so young. I look forward to seeing your progress on future missions. I am sorry however that you three got wrapped up in this mess.”

He lowered himself slightly when he addressed Kirigo first, placing his hand on Genin's shoulder, “You did a great job, especially for someone of your stature. You did a good job with helping your fellow citizens. I couldn’t ask anything more from my fellow shinobi.”

He turned towards Jaiden, having to peer upwards when facing the goka member before him. The Hyuuga’s eyes stared down at the older gentlemen before him.

“Jaiden, for helping with the defeat of the cultists, and the dedication you’ve shown to this village and your people. I reward you with the rank of Jonin. Your Flak Jacket will be sent to you as well. I thank you for helping me on this mission with your fellow Kiri-Nin.”

Then finally, he focused specifically on Nemui, placing his hand on the Chunins shoulder.

“Nemui, you showed strength that’s even comparable to where I am now. Henceforth, you will be known as Kraken to your fellow Anbu. I will have a mask and outfit sent to you in the near future. I’m proud to have you as one of my own shinobi,” He said. Removing his hand from Nemui’s shoulders, he nodded towards the three of them in acceptance at their growth.
“I look forward to going on missions with you 3 again, and I look forward to your progress and as members of Kirigakure No Sato. You 3 are dismissed.”

With that, Shiro weaved a few hand seals, before placing his right index and middle finger on the top of his forehead, vanishing without a trace.


Exit and Claims

Claims and Exit:
Jaiden Hyuuga
Jaiden Hyuuga
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Jaiden Hyuuga
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 28500

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:14 pm
As the fight wore on Jaiden took note of everything and everyone around him. He saw the incredible strength of Nemui and the impressive jutsu from Kirigo, he never thought he would see a blood dragon such as that but what was more impressive to him was what the kage did. He saw the creature at his feet slain as the cultist that he had entrapped with the spider burned. Jaiden would look back at the fire and once again made another lowering platform just like with the cabins. "Here's your new grave." He said as his fiery eyes turned away from the cultist as his clone, that was still on top of the spider, released the jutsu just for another one to go off causing an explosion taking the cult members that was with the spider along with him. Jaiden would sigh before looking up and noticing that the kage found another cabin full of survivors. Jaiden second clone would start to bring the ones he dropped back up and help guide those out safely. When everyone reconvene with each other he would place his hands behind his back as he saw the kage's face beaming with pride. Jaiden couldn't help but feel accomplished at this moment as the kage spoke. He haven't been given such praise before, well not from a fellow Shinobi or kage he usually gets it from the kids and those around the orphanage.

When Shiro talked about promotions the 28 year old Genin thought this was gonna be good. His first step to getting better and now he was closer as he figured he was gonna be given the rank of chunin, but he was so very wrong. When he was told his rank was jounin Jaiden eyes would nearly pop, he was stunned but a smile did crack his lips as he softly bowed towards the kage. "Thank you so much sir." He did it, he's a jounin now he was gonna do more then he heard something that really shook him. One of his teammates, Nemui, was to become an anbu and what really got him was that he was younger than him. Jaiden would nod to himself as he clenched his fist, he now knows he needs to aim higher. When Shiro left he would smile before nodding again as he turned to face both Kirigo and Nemui. "Boys it's been a pleasure I do hope that we run around together again in the future. I must return back to the orphanage I have a lot of work ahead of me and Nemui. Congratulations." He said as he put both fist out for each of them to bump if they did, or didn't, Jaiden would nod once more before throwing up a hand that formed ram before he took disappeared in a puff of smoke as he made his way back to the gates then home.
WC 485
TWC 3602

Exit claims :
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Tue Dec 10, 2024 9:11 am
Jaiden Goka wrote:
28,500 ryo
142 AP

Fall poster

120 fall fest tickets

Jounin claim

25% discount
Shimi Daikon

750/750 Feeding Roots (A-rank)
750/750 Summer Bloom (A-rank)
750/750 Fading Stem (A-rank)

1313/1313 Stomp and stop

Kirigo Hanade
Kirigo Hanade
Stat Page : Da Hard Stuff
Mission Record : Da Work
Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:17 am
Kirigo looked around the battlefield as the carnage died down. He lowered himself down from his dragon, letting it melt into a puddle of blood as he did. His two clones followed suit, lowering themselves near him and jogging the short distance over to him. “Nice work guys! This was fun, we'll have to do it again soon!” Kirigo yelled to them as they approached, smiling and giving each of them a high five that ended with a spray of blood as they melted into puddles. He wiped his hands across his face to clear the blood and sweat a smile still on his face as he noticed that all his teammates were still safe. He heard Shiro calling to them to wrap things up and headed to where Jaiden was bringing the survivors up.

Kirigo kept replaying the battle in his head as they checked up on the hostages. He was beginning to think that maybe being around people wasn't so bad. Especially if they were just gonna end up dead anyways. He chuckled slightly as he pictured the faces of the cult members as they'd rode through them, tearing them to pieces. The faces of people who knew that their time had come. Faces that knew they had no time left to reconcile their wrongs and hope for better passage. The terror and awe in their faces fed into him like a drug. To think he might still be cramped up in his parents' shop, sweeping floors and dusting shelves, missing all this glorious destruction. He changed so much in such a short time that he barely recognized himself in the mirror anymore. The small lanky kid with ocean eyes and anxiety issues giving way to a tight muscle packed frame and eyes that trap a person's soul. The visions that he’d thought were tormenting him had simply been preparing him for his true calling and today he’d tasted his first blood.

He looked around with his Ketsuryugan noting people's heart rates as he moved around helping out. All of them steady, for the most part, steady enough anyways. They didn't beat like the hearts of the cultists. Rapid beats that gave away their owners deceptions and fears. Beats that called out to him, screaming to be judged. He shook his head with a sigh, making up his mind that he was going to find a way to feel that power again as he walked up just in time to hear Shiro start addressing them.

The look of pride on Shiro’s face made Kirigo glow, a large smile covering his face and the thoughts of bloodshed pushed aside for a moment. Since he'd started his training he'd been somewhat of a recluse even among his own parents. Even now that they had finally started talking again he could see the way they sometimes looked at him. Not that he could blame them after all they'd seen lately. It felt good to be getting some recognition. He beamed at Shiro for the praise, almost bouncing.

When Shiro announced the promotions for his comrades he was elated for them. Clapping softly and excitedly as Shiro addressed them. He couldn't believe he’d been invited to come on a mission with such strong people at such an early time in his ninja career. A Jounin, an ANBU and the Kage and they'd let him join them on their mission. He’d expected to be a burden to them from the beginning but even with Jaiden constantly trying to keep an eye on him he hadn't felt like he hadn't felt like he was slowing them down. Jaiden just seemed like he wanted to make sure everybody was safe.

Kirigo was kind of disappointed that Shiro left without giving them any more insights into the Hunter-Nin training he mentioned earlier but that was fine. He had a lot of work to do before he'd be ready for that position anyways. In the meantime he could look into doing some of the Hunter missions he had seen to prepare himself for the big leagues.

He fistbumped Jaiden when he offered to hold out his other fist to Nemui too. “That was wicked guys. Imma be cleaning blood out my hair for a week. Not that that's anything new. We should get together again sometime if y'all aren't too busy with your new positions.”

After saying his part and claiming the most epic of fistbumps he would walk back to where he'd been stacking up bodies. He put his hands on his hips, taking a deep breath and letting the iron in the air sting his nose. Kirigo had tasted first blood and he was itching for more.



Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 209790

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:47 am
After meeting up with Shiro, Nemui saw him rescuing civilians while ordering for the group to get things wrapped up. Planning to assist with the rescue, he initially began to step forward; however, realizing he still had blackened blood on his hands he’d stop and crouch down by a puddle. Rubbing his hands together in the water, Nemui did his best to rinse off the blood and muck before standing and running to help them. With a smile on his face that discouraged thoughts concerning the fates of their captors, he approached each civilian with care to ensure they were uninjured and comfortable. Nemui would continue tending to each person individually over the hours it took for reinforcements to show up and escort them back to the village, after which he would finally take a moment to breathe.

He’d look at Shiro and notice the expression he wore, signalling a job well done, to which Nemui felt relieved and allowed himself a genuine smile in return. Then he’d approach the Mizukage as it seemed he wished to address them all together. When he began speaking to them, complimenting their strength and promising promotions, Nemui felt excited but confused. He watched on as Shiro addressed Kirigo and encouraged him to continue working hard, then further as Jaiden was promised the rank of Jounin. Nemui expected a similar rank to be given to himself, however, when Shiro muttered his intentions for the boy, he could barely hide his surprise.

“I-Thank you sir” Nemui stuttered, attempting to comprehend what he’d just heard. “I promise my continued dedication to the village.” He’d bow with the latter statement, thinking that would be what was expected of him. After Shiro gave a few more words, he made a surprising exit, vanishing from sight. Nemui looked to the others with a wide-eyed expression, eventually snapping out of his confusion as Jaiden began to speak. He wasn’t sure what to make of the large man earlier but with his words, he seemed friendly enough and mention of working at an orphanage cemented that he was surely a good person.

Feeling reassured that he’d met someone new that didn’t seem to doubt his abilities, Nemui took a deep breath and reached his right fist out to bump Jaiden’s, alongside his left for Kirigo’s. The boy uttered some words about the situation that seemed out of place but, after everything that just happened, Nemui disregarded them. Before Jaiden’s departure, he would share some words with the pair as well. “I’m glad to have had the company of you both on these missions, stay safe until we see each other again.” With a nod, Nemui left to ponder his new position in the comfort of his home.

WC: 456
TWC: 3,217

Mission Rewards:

Base Rewarded Ryo: 28,500 Ryo
AP Rewards Converted to Ryo: 7,100
Chunin Rewarded Ryo: 6,000
Total Rewarded Ryo: 41,600
1 Fall poster
120 Fall Fest Tickets


Rank up to ANBU.
Rank Up Rewards: 40,000 ryo for the first time a character achieves this rank.

Old Ryo: 145,190
New Ryo: 226,790 (with mission and rank up rewards)

ERF: Flowing Aura 1220/1875 > 1875/1875 (655)
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke C-Rank - 0/750 > 750/750 (750)
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke Handseal Mastery 1 - 0/750 > 750/750 (750)
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke Handseal Mastery 2 - 0/750 > 750/750 (750)
Purifying Haze B-Rank - 0/1125 > 312/1125 (312)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:14 pm
Kirigo Hanade wrote:[Exit]



Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:33 pm
Nemui wrote:
WC: 456
TWC: 3,217

Mission Rewards:

Base Rewarded Ryo: 28,500 Ryo
AP Rewards Converted to Ryo: 7,100
Chunin Rewarded Ryo: 6,000
Total Rewarded Ryo: 41,600
1 Fall poster
120 Fall Fest Tickets


Rank up to ANBU.
Rank Up Rewards: 40,000 ryo for the first time a character achieves this rank.

Old Ryo: 145,190
New Ryo: 226,790 (with mission and rank up rewards)

ERF: Flowing Aura 1220/1875 > 1875/1875 (655)
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke C-Rank - 0/750 > 750/750 (750)
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke Handseal Mastery 1 - 0/750 > 750/750 (750)
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke Handseal Mastery 2 - 0/750 > 750/750 (750)
Purifying Haze B-Rank - 0/1125 > 312/1125 (312)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Will Not Fall In Love. (Event Thread)

Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:36 pm
Shiro Hyuga wrote:

Exit and Claims

["Claims and Exit"]Promoting Nemui Hiyu to Anbu

Promoting Jaiden Goka to Jonin
Memorizing Jaiden Goka Chakra Signature:2000/2000
Memorizing Nemui Hiyu Chakra Signature:2000/2000
Ryo obtained 58500 + 7100 = 65600
Current Total Ryo:789400
120 Fall Tickets
Festival Poster
Using Max Stat Discount on the following

Way Of the Sword Saint:1500/1500

Tempest Release:1500/1500

Armor of Resolve:1875/1875

Discarding remaining WC:45

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