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Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Ryo : 16500

Sake Release Empty Sake Release

Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:25 am
Name: Sake Release
Components:Water+ Yin + Yang
Appearance: Appears as a liquid either light yellow, white or blue in appearance. In techniques, the colors can vary.
Backstory: Sake Release originated deep within the lands of Rice, to the Village of Tanbogakure. The Kekkai Tota originally was a concoction of Sake, or Rice Wine, and the combinations of Yin/Yang to give it the properties of healing allies and intoxicating enemies to debilitate them. Since its acquisition and assimilation into the village of hyoga, it has been given several medicinal applications as well as properties to bolster allies.
How it is used:
The element is capable of being used in an offensive or supplementary manner, sticking to enemies to debilitate their senses and even intoxicate them or be used as a flammable source. Sake Release techniques are combustible by nature, and this effect is achieved when combined with fire release.

Special Traits:
  1. Are Ye Drunk Yet: Sake Release techniques are capable of putting people into a drunken stupor, with each application of a sake release technique, the afflicted individual either gains a debuff or gains a special effect depending on the technique's Jutsu Typing (For medical based techniques it can potentially cause  sensory depriving ailments with techniques that deal with debuffing enemies or medical type techniques that only heal allies potentially gain a bonus effect. Ninjutus based effects can cause lingering burns). To clarify the above statement, Sake Release techniques can apply a special effect to them dependent on the jutsu type and what the technique does. Medical techniques can only apply one or the other, never both.
  2. Hot and Sticky Sake Release is capable of sticking onto surfaces, items (such as armor or weapons) and even other characters, summons and etc . The liquid can stay on something for the duration of the technique.
  3. Some Like it Hot Sake Release has an unique interaction with any fire release technique where it will combust and deal DOT damage based on the technique used. Any additional effects will be notated on the application in question. For the purpose of this interaction, the DOT damage will be based on the stats of the Sake Release technique, not the fire technique.

Canon, Site-Canon, Bloodline, Village Exclusive: Village Exclusive

Last edited by Midori Terumi on Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:35 am; edited 5 times in total
Stat Page : Joro
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Ryo : 2500

Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:21 pm
Hey! I'm gonna be the trial mod for your app here.

1. For effect 1, how would this operate? Would the technique have to just be a base app. Or would this tack onto other things that fall into the special category? Also, this won't be able to be every technique. It would have to be a case-by-case basis.

2. Second effect seems fine. Will also be a case-by-case basis.

3. This is fine. But is the stats of the technique from the fire release or sake release technique? Please clarify this.

Let me know if you have any questions! Ping me either here or DM on discord once edits are done. Please and thank you!
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Fri Nov 22, 2024 5:45 pm
1. If its a Sake Release technique (whether its medical based or ninjutsu) it would have this effect. So if someone makes a Sake release technique that is medical and heals, it would then describe what the special effect of said heal is. If it is a debuff based technique then it will describe the interaction there. Both Specialties within the 1st ability have examples of what can be done.

3. It would have the stats of the Sake Release technique that is hit with the fire technique, not the other way around
Stat Page : Joro
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Sat Nov 23, 2024 3:29 pm
Midori Terumi wrote:1. If its a Sake Release technique (whether its medical based or ninjutsu) it would have this effect. So if someone makes a Sake release technique that is medical and heals, it would then describe what the special effect of said heal is. If it is a debuff based technique then it will describe the interaction there. Both Specialties within the 1st ability have examples of what can be done.

3. It would have the stats of the Sake Release technique that is hit with the fire technique, not the other way around

Okay, so for one. It can't tack on a debuff just because. The special effects is fine. And the third effect edits should be added to clarify that. Please let me know when that is done. Thank you!
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Sun Nov 24, 2024 12:53 am
...I think you are confusing yourself here. If someone made a Sake Release technique that is a debuff, since that is a jutsu category, they can add a special ability to said technique. That's quite literally all that means. Nowhere does it say it just tacks on a debuff, i just used that category as an example.

3. has been edited
Stat Page : Joro
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Sun Nov 24, 2024 1:12 am
Midori Terumi wrote:...I think you are confusing yourself here. If someone made a Sake Release technique that is a debuff, since that is a jutsu category, they can add a special ability to said technique. That's quite literally all that means. Nowhere does it say it just tacks on a debuff, i just used that category as an example.

3. has been edited

1. Like I said in my last post. But this is here if you need further clarification. As per your description of 'Drunken Trait,'. Here. "the afflicted individual either gains a debuff or gains a special effect depending on the technique (For medical based techniques it can cause sensory depriving ailments, debuffs or heal allies,". Your phrasing incorrectly suggests that all medical Sake Release techniques regardless of their type automatically include effects like sensory depriving ailments, debuffs, or healing simply because they are medical techniques. This is not only misleading but entirely illogical.

The correct phrasing should clarify that techniques of a specific nature can incorporate the 'Drunken Stupor' effect as a result of the sake release mechanic, rather than universally applying these traits to all techniques within a category. Please correct this immediately to avoid further confusion.

Thank you for addressing this promptly.
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Ryo : 16500

Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:56 pm
And again, you are misreading what is there. The keyword in that whole sentence is "can", not "will" . Two different meanings. Just because it says can, does not mean it automatically gets the ability, it is an example of what it could do. Hence my "phrasing" as you put it simply indicates the possibility of what can be applied to the technique when it is made. Nevertheless it has been edited.
Stat Page : Joro
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:20 am
Midori Terumi wrote:And again, you are misreading what is there. The keyword in that whole sentence is "can", not "will" . Two different meanings. Just because it says can, does not mean it automatically gets the ability, it is an example of what it could do. Hence my "phrasing" as you put it simply indicates the possibility of what can be applied to the technique when it is made. Nevertheless it has been edited.

Alrighty. Thanks for those edits. Final thing just because I pointed it out previously and is still lingering on the app. "The afflicted individual either gains a debuff." This will not be allowed. Because like I said earlier built in Debuffs would not be allowed. They would need to be Debuff techniques. Even if it's not the intention. This is how it reads that it gains that ability. Which isn't true. Please clarify that. And then it should be good to go.
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
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Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Tue Nov 26, 2024 5:24 pm
To clarify the above statement, Sake Release techniques can apply a special effect to them dependent on the jutsu type and what the technique does. Medical techniques that heal can gain an additional

This little sentence literally undermines your apparent issue. If the jutsu type (which in this case is debuff since that’s your current problem) is a debuff, then it gains said special ability. If it is not a debuff type
Then obviously it would not because it is not in that jutsu category.Literally clarified the above issue which is why the sentence is still above it.
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Sake Release Empty Re: Sake Release

Tue Nov 26, 2024 5:55 pm
Iscarot Ushitora wrote:To clarify the above statement, Sake Release techniques can apply a special effect to them dependent on the jutsu type and what the technique does. Medical techniques that heal can gain an additional

This little sentence literally undermines your apparent issue. If the jutsu type (which in this case is debuff since that’s your current problem) is a debuff, then it gains said special ability. If it is not a debuff type
Then obviously it would not because it is not in that jutsu category.Literally clarified the above issue which is why the sentence is still above it.

"Medical techniques that heal can gain an additional effect, or it can cause debuffs." This is wrong. You can't have an HP Regen and a Debuff on the same tech. Because they are special techniques. Please clarify this throughout the app. Please and thank you.
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