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Ilvari Yamaguchi
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 4000

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Sun Nov 03, 2024 2:16 pm
Ilvari was relaxing at the springs enjoying the moonlight that reflected in the sky. She meditated on the previous days leading up to today. She finally recovered from the beating she took in the training and her face luckily did not have any scars left over. Her skin seemed to shimmer in the night light. she enjoyed being here as it reflected her beauty in an unnatural way and it made her ecstatic. "If only I could look this way every day."

She stood up from her spot and continued her training. She was going to make sure that ugly display of combat she endured earlier did not happen again. She left the door open to her training area on purpose in hopes that she might meet some new faces. She knew that her friend was probably asleep but perhaps someone else enjoyed training at night.

WC 146
TWC 146
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 9500

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Sun Nov 03, 2024 2:39 pm
Another gorgeous night in the Land of the Moon, the glow of such a massive moon in the skies tonight. Takashi, however, found himself as he normally did. Facedown on the cherrywood bar of the Red Moon Resort, he lifted his head ever so slightly looking at his residential friend Sanji who at this point had grown accustomed to finding the vagrant passed out here. Sanji placed a single shot of hot sake in front of him, with a smile he took hold of the choko glass and shot down the delicious liquid before making his way to his room. Jumping into a quick shower, washing his long brown hair and getting refreshed for the new day. He stepped out of the shower and began dressing, putting on his kimono and hakama and tightening them to his body in a good fit. He reached to the floor by his bed, taking hold of the woman’s kimono from earlier this evening. The vibrant pink kimono draped over his shoulders, the delightful floral decor was a nice addition to the otherwise drab black and white he wore. With his sandagosa as the final touch, placed loosely on top of his head letting the ties dangle like his thin ponytail as he made his way from the resort and toward Shinoda Springs.

After a short walk, Takashi lifted his kiseru pipe to his lips using his fiery chakra to heat the bowl and ignite the tobacco as he took a puff. He arrived at the springs, entering the main hall with just a thought of indulging in some training. It had been a little while since he saw Oda, perhaps he’d run into him on his night adventure. As he walked through the halls he stumbled upon an opening to one of the training grounds, assuming it to be a vacant training location he entered as the smoke rolled from underneath his sandagosa. As he ventured further into the large clearing he noticed a small girl with a look of determination, deciding it was best to speak than to seem some kind of weirdo creep sneaking around.Good Evening, I’m sorry to disturb your evening. May I ask what brings you out this evening? He would take a puff from the kiseru, ensuring the exhaled smoke was not directed in her direction. He awaited what might be her response.

(WC 396)
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 4000

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Sun Nov 03, 2024 3:45 pm
Pausing her training she jumps back and dismisses a clone that she had out for a pseudo tactic she was trying out. Hearing the man's voice she swivels to look at the new person and smiles politely. She was excited to see someone else tonight she needed to talk to anyone after her hospital stay she was craving a conversation of any kind really. She moves her hair back to show her face. covered in a small layer of sweat she responds respectfully.

"I am just getting some training in. It's been 3 days since I have moved much and I needed to get some energy out. They released me a few hours ago ha, ha."

She bowed perfectly and continued.

"My name is Ilvari of the Yamaguchi clan. It's nice to make your acquaintance!"

WC 135
TWC 281
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 9500

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:11 pm
Takashi continued to puff from his kiseru pipe, he watched as the apparent clone dispersed and the young woman turned her attention to himself. She swept aside her hair, a small damp texture from training and beginning perspiration. He listened as he blew a smoke ring, she noted being released and he began to wonder from what form of restraint she was once held. But he dismissed the statement and responded to the introduction with his calm and slightly jolly demeanor, Good Evening, I am Takashi Terumi. he smiled as the chamber of the kiseru began to glow as he took another puff, exhaling another smoke ring. He thought on the idea of training before again choosing to speak, “If it’s training you’re after, I could attempt to assist if there is something in particular you are attempting to work on.” He would maintain his smile as he awaited a response from her.

Takashi, as she responded, would take his right hand and grasp the kiseru from his lips using the pipe like a pointer to point towards Ilvari as he would ask one last question given an opportunity to ask "I don’t believe I see a headband, would perhaps be in the local academy? Takashi would slip his katana from his belt still in its sheath, stabbing it into the ground making it stand like a tall cross. He’d then remove his floral kimono and drape it on the katana along with his sandagosa, exposing his long brown hair and an unshadowed version of his face. Returning his kiseru to his lips he would take another puff and again exhale a ring of smoke into the atmosphere.

(WC 278)
(TWC 674)
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 4000

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:37 pm
She raised her head and nodded to the man seeing the katana she could tell this man had had a bit of training and skill far past hers. "I am yes, I joined it recently but I think I am about ready to take the exams soon just need to train up more for the test so I can be ready. I am currently looking to learn more techniques to fill my roster. I already know a few techniques for passing the exam but I need to learn more if I plan on getting anywhere as a genin."

She went to standing in a proper manner showing respect for the man in front of her. Taught by her parents she always acts a little more serious around strangers until she gets to know them more. "Do you have a headband?" she questioned not sure if it was obvious that she was not looking at him all that much but looking past him. She was not trying to be rude but she does this as a way to look at people or look like she is looking at them without embarrassing herself.

WC 191
TWC 472
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 9500

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Sun Nov 03, 2024 5:23 pm
As Takashi turned away from his equipment he watched as she changed the way she held herself, not looking directly at Takashi but taking note of his gear as he set them aside. She shocked him with the question about a headband, Takashi grinned as he removed his kiseru and knocked the ashes out of the bowl and placed it within his robes. I am not a village shinobi, I’m a vagrant, a wanderer if you wish to give a title. Your leader was kind enough to give me refuge for a time. He would await her reaction to learning he was not of the village, but would continue on when most suitable. “Well if you wish to be a Genin, I know the most common jutsu they request across the land is…” He would use his right hand to sign the Ram seal, a clone of Takashi appearing beside him. He would then sign with his left hand the seal of the Dog, while he would place his right hand on the clone transforming it into a kodiak bear standing on its hind legs. Can you perform both the Clone and Transformation Techniques? Takashi hoped he wasn’t being too much for her as he was only attempting to help with visual displays.

(WC 213)
(TWC 887)
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 4000

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Mon Nov 04, 2024 1:00 pm
She watched the man make his motions with his smoking instrument. She listened as he informed her of his position as an outsider. It worried her a little but he seemed alright so she relaxed back to her normal position. "Oh interesting, not a village ninja. First time I've ever met someone like that before!" She was excited and had so many questions to ask him. Before she could though he responded with a question of his own. She watched him use the clone and then transformation technique and she smiled.

"I can! it's one of the few techniques I have learned to use during my time at the academy." She would cast the clone technique, trying to show off she created 3 clones of herself. Seeing the man use a combination of the two she decided to try it as well. Using transformation on the clones to turn them all into tigers. One poofed into the tiger but her control was not well enough to control that much at once and they all disappeared.

"Oh, dang, I thought I could pull it off!" She looked back at the outsider and laughed with an embarrassed tone. "Well I can do it I promise it's just uh...still recovering and all that!" she lied trying to cover up her fumble.

WC 219
TWC 691
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 9500

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Mon Nov 04, 2024 6:30 pm
Takashi watched as the girl's body language changed for a moment, but returned to a more relaxed demeanor after a moment's thought. She proceeded to acknowledge his unaffiliated stature amongst the village, he grinned slightly as she mentioned never meeting someone from outside the village. He had met several people in the village so far during his time here, all of them were nice so far and she seemed the same. She was enthusiastic in a manner that reminded him of his friend Oda, as she created three clones and carried on to use the transformation jutsu to transform one into a tiger. Takashi released his jutsu causing his kodiak bear clone to burst and disappear into a puff of smoke, he believed her as she adamantly pushed her ability to perform the jutsu he had asked about.

Takashi chuckled for a moment and then spoke calmly, Don’t worry I believe you are a very capable young woman. He would pause a moment, as he thought a bit on something he could share with her to advance her knowledge. Perhaps this is something a little more your speed. Takashi would use his right hand to sign the seal of the Ram, looking out to the other side of the clearing and initiating the Body Flicker technique. In a blur Takashi seemingly disappeared as he moved at a speed of 193 darting to the location he had selected. That technique is known as the Body Flicker technique, it allows you to move at an extremely high speed. Good for evasion or closing a gap on your target with great speed. Takashi would walk back over to the girl, allowing her to respond whether it was to comment on what just happened or even just ask a simple question.

(WC 297)
(TWC 1,184)
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Ilvari Yamaguchi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 4000

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:08 pm
She smiled with confidence at his response to her aptitude. She had always been told she was fairly average in everything except looks. She was hoping someone would finally acknowledge her skills. This man definitely was a confidence boost for her. She looked at the man as he explained the new technique he was talking about. Seeing it in action she blinked for a moment and he was gone. No time to tell what or where he went until he responded again and she turned around to see that he was behind her all the way at the other end of the training room. As he walked back and explained the technique further she stood there thoroughly impressed.

"How did you manage to do something like that?" She asked out of pure curiosity and excitement. "That would be a great move to learn if I wanted to get away from trouble and use my other skills more effectively!" She was nearly jittering with excitement at the thought of dashing places. All the help it would bring and how much time she could save walking. "Could you teach me something like that? I would love to learn to flicker around like that regularly."

She bowed when she asked the question in a polite and respectful way making sure to keep her hair out of her face when she did so. She could tell right away this man was someone who could probably teach her quite a bit!

WC 246
TWC 937
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 9500

Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon. Empty Re: Meeting new faces while reflecting on the moon.

Tue Nov 05, 2024 4:35 pm
As Takashi returned to the young girl, he could tell she seemed interested in the jutsu. To which his notion was proven to be correct as she began questioning the Body Flicker technique and its usefulness. Takashi chuckled slightly at the enthusiasm before he began to speak, “The Body Flicker technique is pretty simple really, You’ll sign the seal of the Ram.” He would pause his statement to show Ilvari with both hands the Ram seal, “After words, you will control and instill your muscle mass with chakra to give it the feeling of vigor.” He would do as he instructed and fill his body with his chakra, “Then you pick a destination and use your movement imbued with chakra to move, like so.” As his sentence finished he would seemingly disappear into a blur just as before moving at great speeds putting roughly 15 meters between them. He would be facing the young girl as he spoke his last sentence, “Ilvari, give it a shot and if you have questions just let me know. I am willing to help if I can.” He would reach into his kimono and take out his kiseru, adding tobacco to the bowl and igniting it with his chakra as he took a puff. Blowing a smoke ring he watched to see if he could see anywhere she might need assistance.

(WC 227)
(TWC 1,411)
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