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Daikuri Hyuuga
Daikuri Hyuuga
Stat Page : ダイクリ
Mission Record : ミッション
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu [体術]
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Spooktacular Season Empty Spooktacular Season

Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:27 am

It was that time of year again where everyone in the village got in their holiday spirits because Halloween was almost around the corner. Daikuri on the other hand wasn't really excited as everyone else was, Christmas was more his speed. He just rather gifts than cany and pranks along with. Halloween was more for the kids, so it was best to let them partake in this holiday. It was early afternoon and being a little hungry Daikuri decided to take a trip to one of his favorite Ramen shops located in the Hyuuga district, his stomach was growling!

He was walking along the busy street taking a look at the various Halloween theme decorations some shops had on display as he waked passed them. One store had a naked skeleton wearing the village headband sitting on a chair surrounded by empty pumpkins with evil faces carved on them. The skeleton was placed near the entrance of the shop, and it was holding a cigar to its mouth, it was creative and a little funny and it caught Daikuri's attention as he let out a small chuckle. "People are getting more creative every year." he said as he turned a corner on his way to get some food.

Now approaching the ramen stand, he took a seat on an empty chair and greeted the shop owner "Monzo" who they were both familiar with each other due to Daikuri being a regular customer. "Hey, how's it going" Daikuri said as he grabbed his seat with a faint smile. "Nothing much just the same old regular stuff going on around here...whatchu you up for? the shop owner replied. "Just some Miso ramen with pork... extra pork please." Daikuri said. Monzo then gave him a nod as he turned around and got to work, steam smoking and rising, covering his face as he made the order. After a few minutes of patiently waiting Daikuri meal was ready and placed in front of him and he wasted no time digging in. He grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started to devour his food.

Another few minutes had passed before Daikuri had finished his meal, stuffed, filled, and satisfied as ever he then started to reach in his pockets to pay for his food when he heard a tiny voice speak from behind him. "Hey mister!" Turning around, Daikuri looked down before him and it was a kid, a male boy about 5 years of age with long dark brown hair and few freckles on his face. "I couldn't help but say something you see, i thought you was my older bother you really look like him from far!! Look like him a lot!!" Not knowing what was the meaning of this was Daikuri said "Uhhh.. thanks, I guess??"
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