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Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
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Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Mon Oct 28, 2024 12:25 am
Herozen was glad about the easing tensions between the newcomer and himself. Herozen not one to back down, also didn’t like being viewed as a fool. And Kensei seemed vastly knowledgeable about this sort of thing. Herozen wasn’t ready to throw in the towel so to speak about this being something more then a hoax, but his mind was open to the possibility these guys were on the right track. It would make sense if there was a spirit in the lamp as to why they found the home where it used to live. If Kensei were telling the truth they found it with help from the lady in the lamp. If there was no spirit Kensei could have just led them here trying to spook Travin and himself out. The explanation of why he couldn’t hear the lamp made sense. Travin and Kensei would enter the house, Herozen wanted to have a look around the property and he needed another cigarette. He would watch as Kensei and Travin would enter the house cautiously and then light up a cigarette.

It was getting cold in Kumogakure with the full moon and lanterns lighting the street. When Herozen noticed four silhouettes slowly marching down the street, it made sense it was Halloween kids would be collecting candy at this hour, but something just wasn’t right. It was quiet, too quiet, Herozen felt no wind, and where there should have been the sound of children running door to door, he was met with none. The silhouettes were marching towards the house Herozen and the others were inspecting. He looked down at his burning cigarette and noticed the smoke that was usually furrowing and bending due to the slight breeze that swept through Kumogakure every minute wasn’t burning; it was just the redness of the cherry. As he noticed this phenomenon taking place, he thought to himself. I must be in a genjutsu. He would use his genjutsu release, but was still stuck in this weird time stop phenomenon, and the silhouettes were still approaching him. He was about to call out to the others when the silhouettes reached the property line and everything returned to normal. The sounds of children playing in the night, and the smells of the fresh breeze and the smoke coming off of his cigarette. He would quickly finish the remainder of his cigarette and make his way to the basement after hearing Travin cry out that he had fallen and found it.

It took a few moments for Herozen to find the stairwell that led to the basement. He was sure to check his footing that the old wooden stairs wouldn’t give way to him because of old age. When he got down the stairs he found Travin, he had found a warn leather bound book, that Herozen would make an assumption was a journal or a science log book, either way Herozen was only interested in it to find a way to help the lady in the lamp. Travin would reveal the way to breaking the spiritual chains would be to break the cursed objects. “Hang on, Travin, didn’t the old man say he tried to break the lamp and it just followed him around? Maybe we have to free the other’s cursed into captivity in an order to however their soul was captured?” Herozen would offer this insight because he remembered the old man where they found this lamp had warned them about this lamp. It was weird that Herozen was now so quick to believe souls captured in objects after what had happened to him a few moments ago. “What if we break the lamp and it ends back up with the old man?” Herozen would ask hoping Kensei would have more sight to how they could solve this problem, “Also now we have four more objects to break? How are we going to figure where they are?” Herozen was starting to think this mission to free the lady in the lamp was becoming hopeless, but he knew if anyone could solve this mystery it would be the three of them, they were Kumogakure shinobi after all and that’s when he heard it, a small voice.

“You were visited in the garden by the souls of those damned to be imprisoned into the objects by the necromancer shinobi. I will tell you and your friends where they are, but I must be the first to be freed and then they can be set free wherever you break the objects at. I think the house has a sealing jutsu that surrounds it so when my object breaks here, I will break it. I know you didn’t used to believe in spirits or cursed objects, but now your eyes have been opened. Thank you, Herozen.” After the lady in the lamp quit talking, she gave addresses to Herozen that he would write down so he wouldn’t forget. He would then relay the message to the other two just incase they couldn’t hear her. Just finding out about spirits being real he wasn’t quite sure on how the rules worked, if he could be the only one that heard her or if everyone could, none of it really made sense to Herozen.

“Okay, guys, I think we know what to do, we each take an address and then meet up for the last object and then we can call it a night.” Herozen chuckled, “But first we have a lady to rescue, Travin, or Kensei who would like to do the honors of setting her free?” Herozen would ask, he felt like he shouldn’t have the honors since he was such a staunch skeptic before he had his vision. He would look around the basement and he would find signs of sealing jutsu, so the lady in the lamp was telling the truth, there is hope for the others trapped. Herozen would watch as one of the guys broke the lamp and a beautiful specter of a kunoichi broke free from the lamp and attacked the seals around the house. Herozen watched in disbelief as her spirit dissipated as quickly as it had emerged from the lamp. He would look at the others who had different looks on their faces. “We good with the plan?” He would gesture to Kensei and Travin. Would they have objections with the plan?

TWC: 3106
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
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Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Fri Nov 08, 2024 1:50 pm
With everything that had been going on, Kensei was a little...shocked about how everything had been handled. It was probably because he often used his analytical skills to find out key information and use it as it should have been, or maybe because even in his young age he had been gifted with an acute sense of situational awareness. Either way, as he stood in what looked like a living room and seeing Travin taking the area, he would turn on his heels and head toward what appeared to be a spiraled staircase. What was left of it looked traversable, but when he got halfway up he soon realized he would have to employ other means to get to the top. Weaving a few quick seals he would begin to channel chakra into the soles of his feet and thus through his boots as he slowly walked up the wall. He was unsure if it would be able to take his weight due to the sheer age of the house, but so far so good. A few more steps would land him at the top floor of the house. As he deactivated his technique, he would begin to activate his sharingan, the three tomoe state taking form as he began to scan the area intently. He had no real reason not to use it among his current company, but since he was now alone it was the best and more optimal time to use it to gain more clues. The only thing he could hear besides the creaking of old wood beneath him and the soft clattering of his boots had been the house moaning as if it was trying to settle. A small sigh escaped his lips as he swatted a few empty webs out of his way and checked each room the best he could. From what he could tell this could have been a multi-family house, but some of the rooms were lost to time and the eventual unkemptness of the house as time went on. Door he wished to try were destroyed and rotted inward as well as parts of the roof caved in making it quite impossible to traverse unless he brute forced his way in. From the rooms he could go through, he found a few moth eaten articles of clothing and books strewn about in the same fashion. Knowledge lost to time and unable to be deciphered even by his own eyes.

There had been one book however that had been on the destroyed bed that had seen better days and if he had been a betting man looked as if it had been gone through recently. Picking it up with his gloved right hand, he would carefully flick through a few of the passages on the worn pages, reading to himself for a few moments. It would have appeared to be a diary of some sort of the man of the house, detailing what he had been doing and what he had hid in the baseme-. The internal thought was cut short as he heard a loud THUD! come from the floor underneath him and one of two things came to his mind. Someone had fallen through the floor or the entire first floor hand finally given out. Closing the diary he would slide it underneath his arm and begin to head out toward the staircase. Jumping down he would employ another useful technique in his arsenal to blanket his fall so that he too did not fall through the floor, and would head toward the sound of Travin's voice. Seeing that this was the latter and not the former, Kensei would let out a small sigh as he jumped through the same hole that Travin and fallen through, landing safely on his feet in a crouched position to protect his knees from the shock. Standing back up he would begin to look around and before anyone could get a good look at him, deactivate the three tomoe sharingan and return to his normal icy blue eyes.

It would seem that this is where most would say, where the magic happened, as detailed in the males diary. As he walked around he would begin to see trinkets littering the walls of the basement and he was about to ask, when Travin had did him a favor and explained. As the genin did, Kensei would open the diary that he had going through a few pages of it and nodding. Everything the male had been saying was lining up with the information in the diary and as he closed it, albeit a little too had he could feel it crumbling under his strength," At least what you found in that book is confirmed in this diary left here. It does not go into great detail but does advise of what kind of experiments he was doing and who he had experimented on. Likely these were his family, the first to be used and ultimately failed. As for what you've detailed he failed to mention in here probably for good reason," probably to avoid people finding it and being able to condemn him for his actions. Setting the diary down, he would turn on his heels to face the others to see what they should do next. A slew of ideas came into his own mind, but the lantern had given them what they had needed. For some reason or another he would ponder on what should have been done, but seeing the other three objects were in other places made it difficult. He would shrug and begin to head toward the hole that would lead to the upper floors of the house, but before he left he would back to the other two," Figure it out among yourselves. There less time to dawdle and more time to find these houses. Whenever this is done this house needs to be destroyed and its contents lost to time and history...forever this time," and as he finished he would crouch and jump upwards unsettling some dust and debris as he landed on the first floor and headed out.

He had decided to head to the house furthest out from the village, one he was vaguely familiar with and only because of the area it had been inhabiting. He passed it maybe once or twice on an alternate path from the mountains, and with it being the furthest he could cover the distance rather quickly. As he left the house, he would employ the same technique to lift himself up through the air as if he was bounding or walking off of it, landing onto the roof of the house that he was just in. Activating his Sharingan once more, he would take in a deep breath and let out a large surge of lightning chakra from his tenketsu to bolster his speed. Getting into position he would take off the roof and into the sky as he essentially flew through the air like lightning toward the fringes of the village. As he moved his mind went to what he would have to find inside of this house that housed a spirit. One thought it would be something that stuck out among a decrepit home, but people of these mindsets often had a sick and twisted sense of humor so he prepared himself for the worst of it all. Streaking through the air like lightning, he would find himself a few meters out from the house as he landed and dispelled his technique, straightening his jacket and walking into the yard properly. As he did he wondered what kind of people lived here before they were used as an experiment and their lives forever changed. The thoughts themselves played in his mind as he tried the door and for whatever reason it had been stuck, locked even. Sighing he would roll his wrists and with a quick 'snap' punch not only through the door but blast a hole through it. Stepping through the dust that was kicked up by the door going backwards, he would wave his hand in front of him as he let out a small cough and chuckled," Maybe I used a tad too much power in that but it got the job lets see what we have to find here," he mused to himself as he began his search.

He started on the ground floor of the house, leaving no stone, rather furniture, unturned. He made each movement with purpose as he checked high and low and once he had checked off the first floor he stood in the middle of the living room and listened. If these items were like the lantern he would be able to hear the tortured spirit. Something should have called out to him. Unlike the other home however this one was a single story...or so he thought. Looking down he would place his hand onto the ground and feel for a moment. As he moved in a circle he would find a small wind, an updraft coming from the floor as he stood over it. Smiling he would crouch down and pull his right hand back before letting it loose, punching with enough force to cave in the floor that he was standing on. Falling through the hole he would find himself in the basement of this home, and one that had seemed to have been built after the fact. One could tell based on the infrastructure if it had been build during the original building of the home, and this was not. The angles of the walls looked as if they were made with a jutsu and not by hand. Even with his sharingan he could faintly see the inner weavings of chakra in them, likely enforced with a fuinjutsu of some sort. Before he had gotten sidetracked he would begin to look around the area, his doujutsu still active as he scanned each corner intently. Nothing outwardly stood out to him, though as he walked he could hear something faint. As if it was tugging just outside of his natural senses. Turning his head he would begin to listen intently. Pushing past the creaking of the house. Past the wind that had been pushing through thanks to the hole in the front. Past the dust setting from the hole he made in the first floor.

As he stood there it finally began to come clear. Something was calling out to him, almost childlike. Turning his body he would begin to slowly move toward it until after a few moments he had been standing in front of a chest. It had a lock on it, like most things, but unlike most things he could not punch it. So he decided to crush it. Reaching forward he would grip the lock in his right hand and with a flex of his strength crush the old and rusted lock until it was dust in his hands. Opening the chest slowly he would use his sharingan to look for any kind of trap, which luckily it did not detect, and once he had opened it he found something interesting. A children's book. What had been odd about it though was the state of it. Pristine. As if nothing had touched it. From it however, he could hear the voice of a child coming from it. Crying. Asking for its mother and brother. For a moment he couldn't help but feel bad for the child, but he also knew he was here to free it. The book would be in his right hand and as he slowly rose his left hand he would offer a small rite to the child before ripping through the book with his lightning infused hand. The book would let out a shrill cry before it disintegrated, the wisps of a spirit slowly flowing out of it before it had dissipated presumably going into the pure lands. Bringing his hands together he would offer a small prayer of passage for the child, hopeful it would find its family in the lands beyond this one.

One last thing stood. The house. Moving out the same way he had came in, he would stand in front of the house, folding up his jacket and sitting it outside of the splash zone as he jumped up and down lightly before activating his Eight Gates technique. As he activated the fourth gate, he would slide his right foot back before swinging it forward and performing a planted axe kick, causing a vortex that would envelope and engulf the house. As he brought his foot down violently to complete the action, another vortex would crash downward destroying the house. From the very bottom of its foundations through the top of the house would become deleted from this world as nothing would remain inside of it. Deactivating the technique, he would take in a deep breath as he put his jacket back on and rolled his shoulders. Now that he was done with that, he would head back to the original house and wait for the others so this night could be done. Once they had returned he would assist in destroying the last item and with that bid his farewell.

WC: 2,210 // TWC 4,393

[Exit, Will Make claims soon]
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Fri Nov 08, 2024 3:02 pm
Travin would take the honor of freeing the woman from the lamp. Once Herozen had asked if Kensei or himself had wanted to do it. Waiting a few moments for Kensei to step up before Travin decided that he would do it. Pulling a kunai from his pouch and throwing it through the lamp that Herozen was holding as the kunai buried itself behind Herozen and the lamp into the old weakened wooden wall. “I think the old man was cursed by the object and since you or Kensei are the only ones that have held the object, it probably meant that I could break it since I have not touched it to be cursed” Travin would explain to the duo his logic on the matter. In his mind it all made perfect sense if the lamp cursed those that owned it and holding it considered you to be its owner then you wouldn’t be able to break the curse. It was quite ingenious by the necromancer that has started this whole thing as a fail safe against anyone that had figured out what he had done. With the lamp broken Travin could feel the barrier fall down around them that was containing the spirit and watched as the young woman rose up out of the lamp and with a wave goodbye passed through what remained of the roof and out of the house for good this time. 

With the location of the last three objects given to the three of them it only made sense for each to take an object and meet back up at the location the necromancer died in. Kensei wasted no time in leaving the place with a flourish of a jump out of the basement and out of the house Travin watched as Kensei headed to the west and out of the village. “Looks like he is going west, I’ll take the one south closer to the center of the village, leaving you with the one east” Travin would tell Herozen before he himself jumped up out of the basement and made his way to the door. While he would be able to make the jump back up thanks to the boards that had fallen to give him a platform to jump off of. He was not nearly as athletic or acrobatic as Kensei and would instead take the front door leaving it open as he walked out and onto the street. Noticing that the moon was still up in the sky but was starting to fall behind the mountains once more. Meaning that they only had a few more hours of the night before it was too late to finish this job. Taking only a moment to look at the moon enjoying the beauty of it before taking off down the street. Not bothering to look back and make sure that Herozen was going in the right direction. After all, he had grown to trust his cousin from their past few missions and he was growing strong enough to handle something like this without Travin having to worry too much about him. 

The trick or treating had mostly come to a stop and most of the people were starting to pack it up and head back home leaving only the young and foolish out at this time of night. Most of which would be looking for trouble more than a fun night in the village. Travin made sure to avoid them not because he wouldn’t be able to handle a few young civilians trying to start something, but simply because he didn’t have the time to waste on them. Travin made his way through the market square and passed several people still putting their tents up and loading all their goods back into their wagons. He was pretty sure the Inn would be seeing several people stop in for a late night dinner and bed before leaving back out to their respected towns or villages in the morning after the sun got high enough to wake them. A few of them waved or simply looked at him as he moved at full speed dodging people that were in the way as he made his way to the address. 

Arriving at the location with very little difficulty as was expected for the travel within the village proper. Travin stopped across the street from the house. Looking at it as a few lights were still on within it. The house was still lived in and he needed to make sure that no one saw him enter or leave the house or at least that no one would remember it was him. With this being an unsanctioned mission it was possible that he could be brought up on charges for breaking and entering as well as theft if he was caught. Not that it was likely once he had explained what had happened and the fact that he would have witnesses agreeing to his statement of the facts. Once the last lights had gone out Travin activated his Sharingan and made his way to the roof with the surface walking jutsu. Once on the roof he made his way to the back side of the house where no one would see him walk down the side of the building and open one of the windows to an empty room. Stepping into the room Travin would look around to make sure that he was indeed alone before walking over to the door and cracking it open. With the hallway empty Travin made his way down the stairs opposite of the last lights that he had seen on from the streets below assuming that they were the adults that lived within the house. 

His target was an old painting that he had been told was kept within the closet of the living room as it tended to freak out the family, but for some reason they were unable to get rid of it. The eyes of the painting tended to always be looking at you, and it was at this moment that he had no idea how he knew all of that, and just assumed that it was passed along to him by the spirit that had given him the location. Once he was at the bottom of the stairs Travin looked around once more and saw a small girl on the couch asleep. Having passed out from an overdose of sugar and her parents probably didn’t want to risk waking her. Making sure to stay as quiet as possible as he made his way to the closet door the painting was kept in. He opened the door to the sound of a squeak from the hinges and a curse under his breath. Followed by the sound of a small voice asking who he was. Turning around his Sharingan making eye contact with the girl Travin placed her under a genjutsu. Giving her pleasant dreams of chasing the painting that he was taking through a candy cane forest. Since the girl was only looking over the back of the couch she did not hit the floor and kept everything as quiet as possible. While travin reached into the closet and pulled the painting out. Walking over to the couch Travin would lay the young girl back down on the couch and walk out the front door making sure to lock it as he left. 

Now back out in the streets with the painting in hand Travin made his way to a secluded area away from the eyes of any passerbyers. Once there he took out his Kunai and cut the painting but watched as it closed the cut back up. Of course it couldn't be that simple, he thought to himself as he laid the painting down on the ground and took a step back forming a few hand seals before lifting a hand up to his mouth and releasing a stream of fire and burning the painting. He saw the painting burn with his Sharingan and once it was nothing but ash he turned and made his way back to the building. The three of them were supposed to meet back up and finish the job by taking out the last building with the necromancer spirit trapped within it. Travin made the distance with ease, arriving earlier than the other three would as his cursed object was the closest to the final location. 

Once the three were all gathered Travin would step forward. “Let's not make this more complicated than it needs to be. Kensei and I will protect Herozen from the house while he finds the cursed item holding the necromancer spirit. Once that is done we burn the house down to ash and call it night just for good measure”. Travin would stand there and take in the house as he waited for the others to agree or disagree. While it was in better condition than the first house they freed the lamp from, it was by no means livable by anyone that was not desperate for a place to keep the rain off of them. He was sure the floor would be able to support them, but the windows were all busted out and most of the doors that they could see were also missing as well as several other walls either being taken completely out or having holes within them. 

With the three in agreement to the plan they would make their way into the house. Leaving Kensei to get them in as it appeared that he was the most physically gifted among them. Once they was in Travin would stick to the plan keeping an eye on Herozen with his Sharingan and using his kunai and jutsu to destroy anything that was coming at them. Once Herozen had managed to find the item and destroy it Travin would make his way back out of the house and stand on the street making sure everyone else was safely away from the building. He had already calculated that if the building burned down there was no way on a clear windless night like tonight that it could spread ten or more feet to the next house. All the grass was dead and reversed back to just simple soil and with no trees in the yard or close to it, it would be completely safe to torch the place. Making a few handseals he would use a jutsu that would be familiar to both his companions tonight as it was the Uchiha clan jutsu. The Great Fireball jutsu would fly out of Travins mouth and catch the house in full swing of the living room bursting into a raging hot flame. The house would catch on fire, and the trio could hear the sirens starting to make their way here. Travin is familiar with the time it would take to get here. Would know the house would be too far gone by the time they got here and their goal would simply be to contain and let it burn out. 

Leaving the site Travin would wish the other farewell and take his leave looking to get home and get some rest after a long night.

WC-1,870 TWC-4,347

Claiming 43 stats

20 Vigor, 10 Chakra, 13 speed
28,500 Ryo
142 AP
120 Fall Fest Ticket

3k WC to unlocking MS
1k WC to Hiding in Fire
All other WC falling into the abyss
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:07 pm
Travin Uchiha wrote:

WC-1,870 TWC-4,347

Claiming 43 stats

20 Vigor, 10 Chakra, 13 speed
28,500 Ryo
142 AP
120 Fall Fest Ticket

3k WC to unlocking MS
1k WC to Hiding in Fire
All other WC falling into the abyss
Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
Stat Page : Herozen
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Sun Nov 10, 2024 4:30 pm
Standing stunned with the kunai dug into the damp moldy wall behind him, Herozen would look down at the lamp. It’s shattered remains turning to dust as the spirit exited and waved goodbye to the three shinobi standing around. Herozen couldn’t help but wave back absentmindedly. He forgot she was a spirit; it wasn’t until Travin spoke explaining why he broke the lamp that broke his trance. He put his hand down and listened to Kensei explain that the trio would go and find the cursed objects and destroy them. Kensei was to take the west house with its cursed object, Travin was going to tackle the southern house, and that left Herozen with the house to the east. Herozen didn’t mind it was a task he felt he could handle alone. Even if the home owners weren’t pleased with him, he knew the objects had to go. These souls deserved rest, and the three Uchiha’s would grant these spirits the rest they earned. In the end it wasn’t their fault they crossed paths with this sick individual. Herozen felt a sense of purpose, he almost forgot he was supposed to meet his girlfriend soon for a Halloween party they had been invited to. Herozen decided that they would complete the next two tasks as quickly as they could so they could still have a good night.

Herozen exited the house the way he entered, he knew the floor could support his weight, and he didn’t feel like experimenting his way out, so he just walked out the way he came in. The cold in the night air was biting into his body, Herozen couldn’t help but shiver. It was cold in the house but the shelter stopped the wind from making him too cold. Herozen realized he was the weakest of the three shinobi that was taking on the challenge of taking care of the spirits. He wouldn’t worry about that as he took up running down the street. He wasn’t concerned with being in the view of others, as they were trick or treating with their friends or family.

Herozen made it to the house he was told he would find the object in. It was a vase that house the spirit he needed to set free. Herozen would break in by climbing in through a basement window. If someone saw him, they’d think he was probably locked out of his house, or drunk stumbling around his house. This optic worked for the outside world, but Herozen wasn’t sure what he’d find inside the house. He used a cloth to break the window quietly, and as he slid in between the pieces of broken glass he noticed there was a lack of light. No one was in the basement with Herozen, but he wasn’t sure anyone was in the house. When he checked around the property, there were no lights on and the house seemed as dead as a ghost. Herozen was sure this would be a basic search and find mission, but the people who owned this house were hoarders. Herozen was having a hard time with mobility. The objects made a maze around the house that Herozen had to follow. Finding objects in this mess would be a challenge. Herozen would go wall of trash to wall of trash looking for the vase the sprit was housed in. Herozen wondered how the others were doing, but wouldn’t let this task bring him down.

The fear of being caught in this house was intense for Herozen. Being a shinobi for Kumogakure and found breaking and entering he would definitely have to talk to the Raikage if he got caught. With that thought in his head, Herozen sped up his search, pulling various objects out to inspect them from the mountains of junk. Herozen was finding the searching to be hopeless when he made it to a part of the house that had seemed like it hadn’t been touched in years. Time seemed to stand still; dust didn’t even stir when Herozen entered. He began to have a sense of impending doom linger in the back of his subconscious. After a few minutes of looking around this room Herozen noticed the vase was covered under a blanket. Herozen was quick to uncover and take the vase outside. There was no point in trying to break the curse while getting caught trespassing.

As soon as he arrived in the basement the front door opened. He quickly climbed out the broken window and made sure to make a sound emanate from the basement so the homeowners were aware there was a broken window. His next order of business was to break the curse. He had seen the ghost leave the lamp initially; she had told him that since the original curse had been broken, he should be able to do field curse breaks. He pulled out a kunai and smashed it into the vase. The vase crumbled apart and Herozen saw the spirit of the vase float on to the afterlife. It took Herozen a few moments before he realized he was standing alone on a vacant street with his kunai in his hands. Herozen remembered he wasn’t done with the task at hand, he needed to meet the other guys at the necromancer’s house now and kill the spirit that lays within. Herozen thought about how he had the vision and how each of these spirits derived rest. They way they were going about solving these problems was a bit unorthodox, but it appeared to be working. Herozen would turn his head back to the home that had hoarders living in it, was it just how they were, or did the cursed object cause them to act like that? He decided to pay it no mind from this point forward and he turned and walked in the direction of the necromancer’s house.

Herozen arrived last, Travin and Kensei had been there for several minutes it appeared. Herozen had an excuse for being so late he wanted to smoke before arriving at the necromancer death house. Travin stated the plan to which Herozen and Kensei would both agree to, Herozen had a knack of finding the cursed objects and the house would indeed be housing the cursed object that was the necromancer’s soul. As the trio entered the house it came alive, all the furniture turned into objects of pain and death. Herozen jumped out of the way of the couch and footstool as Kensei and Traven prepared for battle. Herozen knew these objects were charged through the souls of the dead the necromancer had under his control. As he peered around corners and checked rooms, more furniture became transformed into objects of terror. They would chase Herozen through the house while Kensei and Travin did their best to dispatch them.

Herozen worked his way to the heart of the house, there was a big collection of scrolls and books laying around, but there was an absence of life in this part of the house, none of the furniture was alive, and Herozen was sure this is where the necromancer kept his spirit. It was in some form of cube, Herozen performed the hand seals for Chidori and ran his hand through it. “You’ll bother no one ever again.” Herozen told the spirit he released; the house went still after he finished releasing the spirit. Travin called him outside so he obliged his cousin and met up with him and Kensei. Herozen was glad to be done with these tasks, but he still needed to get his girlfriend a gift. Herozen left the two because he knew they were done releasing spirits for the night.

WC: 1285
TWC: 4391
43 stats
28,500 Ryo, 120 Fall Fest Tickets, 142 AP, and 1 Festival Poster
20 vig, 20 chakra, 3 spd

1564 to Sharingan 2 tomoe the other 2436 from Here
2827 left
1500 to shadow clone
1327 left
1327/6000 for sharingan 3 tomoe
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Sun Nov 10, 2024 6:31 pm
Herozen Uchiha wrote:

WC: 1285
TWC: 4391
43 stats
28,500 Ryo, 120 Fall Fest Tickets, 142 AP, and 1 Festival Poster
20 vig, 20 chakra, 3 spd

1564 to Sharingan 2 tomoe the other 2436 from Here
2827 left
1500 to shadow clone
1327 left
1327/6000 for sharingan 3 tomoe

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