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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Link
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Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Useless Trinkets Empty Useless Trinkets

Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:45 pm

Hara slept under the night sky after his encounter with the couple and their garden. He was grateful for the new clothes, and he used his pile of old ones as a pillow. He was not enjoying his time in civilization but it was a necessary evil at the moment. He thought about his plans more as he drifted to sleep.

Hara always loved the crisp and cold feeling of morning and he awoke easily. His stomach grumbled and he ate from a loaf of bread he was able to nab from a merchant's cart on his way out.

As he walked to the location of his next mission he relished in not being looked at by everyone, his new clothes had the effect of making him look almost normal, save for the bandages and scars. It was enough to allow him to float between the crowds without drawing too much attention to himself.

It was a gift shop of sorts, advertising their signature plush stuffed toys of varying types of animals. As he was waiting for the owner of the shop he grabbed a stuffed bear and looked at it, reminded of Bear. His somber thoughts were interrupted by a loud bellowing man.

“Ah! You must be here for the job!” He said

Hara held up the mission slip.

“Yes good, good!” He grasped Hara by the shoulder.

Not noticing Hara's contempt at being touched, he continued- oblivious to any danger.

“Alright now look” He pointed across the street to another shop, it too advertised its unique plush stuffed toys. “That bastard over there, I need you to go over there and get the rundown on how he’s running his shop, hmph, mans trying to muscle in on the stuffed plushie market, and I need to know how he’s doing.”

Hara nodded and moved to leave, making sure to set the bear down before he left.

The job was a simple one, and he staked the store out for a short time waiting for it to open. Finally the other store owner arrived and opened up his shop. He waited until a group of people entered-he didn’t want to be the only customer in the store- and then proceeded to also enter closely behind.

He browsed the shelves of the store with the same distaste as the one that hired him. All this stuff was so useless to Hara. Who needed a little egg that lit up when you touched it? He shook his head and made his way to the stuffed toys, they looked identical to the ones across the street. As he did so he took stock of the store. It wasn’t fancy by any means but the owner clearly took care of it. He wasn’t told how many to buy so he grabbed one of every one of them. He was a bizarre sight, his arms full of plush toys as he walked up to the counter.

“Woah! We got a fan of plush here” The owner said jovially, Hara simply gave him a blank look before remembering he needed to have a cover.

“Yeah…Just uhh…Can’t get enough of them.” He gave an awkward smile.

The owner didn’t seem to notice, most likely more enamored with how much money he was about to make.

“Well far be it from me to argue, as long as you aren’t buying from that fraud across the street, you know he actually stuffs his toys with cotton? COTTON!” The man said with some vigor.

Hara didn’t know the difference, but nodded in agreement.

The man finished ringing Hara up and in no time he was back at the other store, making sure to use the back entrance to avoid being seen.

“Yes, yes excellent my boy!” The owner exclaimed as Hara set the plushies down, the owner reached for a Bear plushie, knife in hand.

“Now time to see what he’s using to make these things”

Hara grabbed his wrist with force. “Not that one.” He said coldly.

The man looked down at his wrist, his face going pale at the force being created, and dropped the bear plushie. “Sure sure man whatever you say.”  He grabbed a rather dumb looking giraffe and cut into it, pulling some white stuffing out.

“Oh now you see this is what I’m talking about, do you see?” He held up the stuffing as if Hara knew exactly what he was talking about. Hara remained silent.

“Polyester! The man is using polyester! What a hack.” He shook his head at the pile of toys.

“Well,here's the payment plus some extra for the plush toys you had to buy. I’ll handle these.”

Hara simply nodded, and moved to leave. He stopped at one of the shelves and grabbed a Bear plushie for himself. The owner wasn’t smart enough to stay silent, and he ran up to Hara as he grabbed the plush toy. “Hey now, you gotta pay for tha-” Hara grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him in the air, Bear plushie in his other hand.

“You know. It would be easy for me to kill you. You sell items of no worth, to people with no hopes. You lull them into placation with trinkets and useless garbage.” He threw the man down to the ground unceremoniously.
“But.” He held the bear up. “I like this particular bear.”

He closed the door to the store on his way out.

WC: 900
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 0

Useless Trinkets Empty Re: Useless Trinkets

Thu Oct 10, 2024 6:41 am
Hara wrote:

Hara slept under the night sky after his encounter with the couple and their garden. He was grateful for the new clothes, and he used his pile of old ones as a pillow. He was not enjoying his time in civilization but it was a necessary evil at the moment. He thought about his plans more as he drifted to sleep.

Hara always loved the crisp and cold feeling of morning and he awoke easily. His stomach grumbled and he ate from a loaf of bread he was able to nab from a merchant's cart on his way out.

As he walked to the location of his next mission he relished in not being looked at by everyone, his new clothes had the effect of making him look almost normal, save for the bandages and scars. It was enough to allow him to float between the crowds without drawing too much attention to himself.

It was a gift shop of sorts, advertising their signature plush stuffed toys of varying types of animals. As he was waiting for the owner of the shop he grabbed a stuffed bear and looked at it, reminded of Bear. His somber thoughts were interrupted by a loud bellowing man.

“Ah! You must be here for the job!” He said

Hara held up the mission slip.

“Yes good, good!” He grasped Hara by the shoulder.

Not noticing Hara's contempt at being touched, he continued- oblivious to any danger.

“Alright now look” He pointed across the street to another shop, it too advertised its unique plush stuffed toys. “That bastard over there, I need you to go over there and get the rundown on how he’s running his shop, hmph, mans trying to muscle in on the stuffed plushie market, and I need to know how he’s doing.”

Hara nodded and moved to leave, making sure to set the bear down before he left.

The job was a simple one, and he staked the store out for a short time waiting for it to open. Finally the other store owner arrived and opened up his shop. He waited until a group of people entered-he didn’t want to be the only customer in the store- and then proceeded to also enter closely behind.

He browsed the shelves of the store with the same distaste as the one that hired him. All this stuff was so useless to Hara. Who needed a little egg that lit up when you touched it? He shook his head and made his way to the stuffed toys, they looked identical to the ones across the street. As he did so he took stock of the store. It wasn’t fancy by any means but the owner clearly took care of it. He wasn’t told how many to buy so he grabbed one of every one of them. He was a bizarre sight, his arms full of plush toys as he walked up to the counter.

“Woah! We got a fan of plush here” The owner said jovially, Hara simply gave him a blank look before remembering he needed to have a cover.

“Yeah…Just uhh…Can’t get enough of them.” He gave an awkward smile.

The owner didn’t seem to notice, most likely more enamored with how much money he was about to make.

“Well far be it from me to argue, as long as you aren’t buying from that fraud across the street, you know he actually stuffs his toys with cotton? COTTON!” The man said with some vigor.

Hara didn’t know the difference, but nodded in agreement.

The man finished ringing Hara up and in no time he was back at the other store, making sure to use the back entrance to avoid being seen.

“Yes, yes excellent my boy!” The owner exclaimed as Hara set the plushies down, the owner reached for a Bear plushie, knife in hand.

“Now time to see what he’s using to make these things”

Hara grabbed his wrist with force. “Not that one.” He said coldly.

The man looked down at his wrist, his face going pale at the force being created, and dropped the bear plushie. “Sure sure man whatever you say.”  He grabbed a rather dumb looking giraffe and cut into it, pulling some white stuffing out.

“Oh now you see this is what I’m talking about, do you see?” He held up the stuffing as if Hara knew exactly what he was talking about. Hara remained silent.

“Polyester! The man is using polyester! What a hack.” He shook his head at the pile of toys.

“Well,here's the payment plus some extra for the plush toys you had to buy. I’ll handle these.”

Hara simply nodded, and moved to leave. He stopped at one of the shelves and grabbed a Bear plushie for himself. The owner wasn’t smart enough to stay silent, and he ran up to Hara as he grabbed the plush toy. “Hey now, you gotta pay for tha-” Hara grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him in the air, Bear plushie in his other hand.

“You know. It would be easy for me to kill you. You sell items of no worth, to people with no hopes. You lull them into placation with trinkets and useless garbage.” He threw the man down to the ground unceremoniously.
“But.” He held the bear up. “I like this particular bear.”

He closed the door to the store on his way out.

WC: 900
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