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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

No Flowery Language Empty No Flowery Language

Tue Oct 08, 2024 8:01 am

Hara walked down the road outside the village in silence. He looked down at one of the missions, cycling through them and making sure to read the descriptions of each one. He finally settled on one, figuring that some manual labor could do him well, and set off for the farm. Being outside would do him good, he was already beginning to feel better out on the road and under the sky.

He walked up to the farm, the rows of flowers stretched across the ground and created a beautiful sight, even to him. A friendly looking but very old woman was standing at a raised garden box watering some flowers. She stood up and gave a jovial smile at Hara as he approached. He was somewhat surprised at her lack of concern for his appearance but enjoyed being treated like a normal person for once.

She was a small woman but undoubtedly healthy, her skin was weathered and leathery from years of living in the sun and her hair was a bright shining white. She had a wise look in her eyes and a friendly smile, but Hara had learned long ago how to spot someone who has suffered, who has had to rise up out of their position in life. He could see it in her eyes that this woman had to do that and he found himself gaining respect for her before ever exchanging words.

“Well hello, Im Yuki, what can I do for ya?” She said cheerfully

Hara held up the mission slip “I’m here for the job.”

“Oh wonderful! Well come on in, I'll show you around.” She began to walk towards the main house and motioned for him to follow.

“So you from around this area?” She asked

“No, just stopping briefly to make some money.” Hara replied

“Sure, sure, we get that all the time. Well it looks like those roads were pretty rough on you, you want to get washed up and get some new clothes?”

“Oh that shouldn’t be necessary, you probably don’t have any that fit me.” He replied respectfully, not wishing to impose.

“That shouldn’t be a problem, my husband is bigger than you by a few inches.” She smiled at him and opened the door to the house. “Go on in and get washed up, I won’t take no for an answer” Her tone was jovial but not joking and Hara got the hint. He bowed his head slightly and walked into the house. It was a beautiful home, one cared for and rich with history. Hara turned and paused as he stared at a man standing in the living room looking at him as he put some gardening gloves on.

The man was a giant, standing 6ft 10 inches tall with broad shoulders. He had a serious look on his face and a large white beard that went down to his belly.

“Are you here about the job?” The man said.

Hara nodded.

He looked Hara up and down, sizing him up briefly. “Hmm” The man grumbled in return and simply nodded at him towards where the shower was.

After cleaning up and getting a new set of clothes Hara looked at himself in the mirror. The clothes were similar to his old ones, save for a rougher material and a jet black outer shell with a white under shirt. He actually preferred it to his previous colors.

The rest of the day was uneventful. The woman's husband-who he learned was named Yasu- in contrast to her was much more like Hara. And he enjoyed the silence of the work day as the two men tended to the woman's garden. Hara found himself thoroughly enjoying the methodical nature of the process. The flowers were chrysanthemums, of varying types. Each one had its own unique beauty and he found himself drawn to them. The work was long and hard but ultimately rewarding. The woman would occasionally come out to talk or give them drinks and food. Hara did not usually enjoy the company of other people, but these two gave off a calming aura and Hara found himself more talkative than usual.

“So, have you owned the farm for a long time?” He asked them. The husband stayed quiet as he ate lunch but the woman was more than happy to converse.

“Oh sure, it’s been in our family for what… 40 years now is that right hun?” She looked to her husband and he simply grumbled in agreement.
“Well, it is a lovely home you have.” He said, the friendly words feeling foreign to him.

“Oh well thank you so much, it wasn’t easy holding on to this place and we’ve had our fair share of struggle, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.” She gave a bright smile and Hara nodded, he stayed silent but thought to himself of the value in struggle, the strengthening aspect of it. They returned to their work in silence.

It was only after they were done with the day's work that the man finally spoke to him in anything more than 3 word sentences or grunts. Hara found himself thoroughly enjoying the methodical nature of the process, especially being out in the sun.

“The wife says you need to stay for dinner.” He said

Hara perked up at that, as much as he wanted to be annoyed by her cheery demeanor, she was a friendly and sincere person and he enjoyed both of their company.

“You are going to say no.” The man said, turning to face Hara more directly.

Hara paused, not sure of what to say.

“You got darkness in you son, and I’m not letting it under my roof for the night. I’ve been around it, I’ve seen it. And I don’t have to help you with it. You did good work today, but I need you to go now.” The man held out 1000 Ryo

Hara admired his straightforward nature, and respected the man more for it. He nodded his head slightly before grabbing the Ryo and turning to leave. He could hear the wife inquire as to where he was going and the husband make up an excuse.

This only seemed to reinforce Hara's opinions, that man had only had the strength of his convictions because of his past struggles. Hara didn’t particularly mind either way, he had the ryo and would gladly sleep under the stars tonight. He walked along the row of flowers, stopping to pick a beautiful white chrysanthemum. He stared at it and continued to whistle the tune as he walked off.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

No Flowery Language Empty Re: No Flowery Language

Tue Oct 08, 2024 10:58 am
Hara wrote:


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