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Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 5500

Academy: A Sneaky Suspicion Empty Academy: A Sneaky Suspicion

Mon Sep 30, 2024 3:28 am

Menma took the final bite of his golden waffle breakfast, standing from the table and heading out the door locking it behind himself. It was a team operation today, this would be a new experience for Menma as he has never worked with others before. The class had been dwindled down by the previous challenges presented to them, Menma then began to reflect on whether he could recall the remaining classmates as he carried on to the predetermined meeting place.‘There was that Hozuki boy and I believe the girl was not of a special clan, I know she used genjutsu to complete the first trial.’ Menma began postulating what plan they could create to accomplish the challenge.

Upon arriving at the rooftop of the Academy, Menma was met by Sai Hozuki who appeared to have been waiting for a few minutes already. “Sai? Correct?” Menma asked as he approached his classmate, the response was short and rather detached “Correct” Sai was as nonchalant as Menma with social interactions. That would be all that was said here for the next half hour until the arrival of Fu, the young female classmate who would be on their team. “Hello you two! Let’s knockout the final challenge together!” The boys turned and looked, you could see in their eyes they weren’t thrilled by the enthusiasm but each gave some physical show of agreement. Another hour passed as they sat atop the building awaiting their assignment for the day, were they going to be stuck here all day? Was it a trial of patience? Maybe they want to push them towards socialization? The questions in Menma’s mind ran on and on.

Suddenly a kunai slams down on the roof between the three, a small scroll tied to it with their names written on it. Menma was closest and reached down, lifting the scroll and untying the small string that bound it. With the scroll open, Menma began to read the following message;

‘You three have been selected to assassinate Kabuto Momochi, He is rather slender and has no eyebrows. He has sunken creases under his eyes, and a cross shaped scar on his right cheek. His hair and eyes are dark grey in color and his hair is rather short and spiky. He has light tan skin and red face paint in a grid pattern across his jawline. Attached between his shoulder blades on his back is a small water balloon, you are to pop this balloon by any means necessary. This will signify completion of your assassination, good luck he has been tipped off.’

The three of them began discussing a plan, after observing their surroundings to determine they were alone. After a few moments discussing their strengths, a plan was hatched and together they took off throughout the village seeking Kabuto sensei. After a few hours tracking through the village and attempting to find any lead, Sai was successful in discovering where Kabuto goes everyday at noon. So with only an hour til time, they head to the Mizukage Monument to prepare their assault. Fu used transformation to take the form of a small bonsai tree and blend into the others that had been planted at the base of the monument, Sai took the form of a puddle on the path also waiting patiently. All the while Menma waited in the shadows a few measly meters away, the waiting game would be cut short as they saw Kabuto coming down the path with his nose in a book. As Kabuto’s right foot stepped down on this ‘puddle’ his eyebrow lifted, Menma knew he was on to Sai. However, Kabuto seemingly ignored the strange puddle and continued towards the monument. As he closed in, Fu released the transformation in a puff of smoke showing herself. This was enough commotion to make Kabuto look up and to his own misfortune lock eyes with Fu, who had now performed Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing and essentially froze the instructor. Menma and Sai leaped out from their respective locations and each fired off a jutsu aimed for the balloon, Sai launched Water Release: Mouth Shot and Menma mixed in his Sparks jutsu. Together they slammed into the balloon and exploded the water and rubber, then as quick as they had come the three disappeared from the location.

Regrouping a few moments later on the top of the Academy Building, they had time to barely breathe when a second kunai slammed down just as before with another scroll. This time Sai unrolled it and read the words ‘Success, You Pass’ they all looked at each other cracking a smile, a small wave to each other as they all left. Another day down and another mission completed, Menma while making way to his home could only think ‘Every step brings me closer to my goal!’

(807 Words)

Mission Rewards | 807 to Mark Seal (807/1,000) | +4 Speed | +4 Vigor

(After Approval of Academy: Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite!)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Academy: A Sneaky Suspicion Empty Re: Academy: A Sneaky Suspicion

Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:21 am
Menma wrote:

(807 Words)

Mission Rewards | 807 to Mark Seal (807/1,000) | +4 Speed | +4 Vigor

(After Approval of Academy: Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite!)
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