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Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 5500

Academy: A-Maze-Ing Tuition Empty Academy: A-Maze-Ing Tuition

Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:37 pm

Another early morning for Menma as he prepared for the second day of the Academy, he locked the door as he prepared to walk to the school and meet the instructor. He wiped away the syrup from his waffles this morning as he looked up at the large academy building, to his surprise it was a new sensei today and he was quite early in comparison to the last instructor. This man had a calm almost emotionless expression, his brown hair framed around his face making only one auburn eye visible. Menma waited patiently in the silence, finally the remaining students arrived after a short time and the instructor cleared his throat to speak. "Well class... I am supposed to take you on a field trip, so let's get going... He started walking west, after a decent hike about 100 meters from the academy they arrived at the center of a small island on the outskirts of the village. The instructor weaved a few hand seals rather quickly and slammed his hand to the ground, the earth began to shake at their feet and walls rose around them and lifted the proctor above the students. "So, this little trip was fun... The rules are simple, escape the maze, and don't get caught in the mist..." He signed and mist began to spread from his body, they sat there watching as one student was consumed in the mist. A loud scream echoed as he disappeared, Menma turned and took the first direction he could see as the mist begin funneling into the maze behind him. The occasional scream was heard echoing through out the maze, it would seem one after another his classmates were dropping from the challenge.

Menma seemed to gain distance on the Mist so he took a moment to assess where he was and attempt to pick the best direction, turning to look over his shoulder he seen the mist creeping towards him. With a quick decision he turned right and began sprinting for what he hoped would be the path to victory, yet another blood curdling scream reached out from the encroaching mist. Menma looked ahead seeing two options yet again, straight or right upon reaching the junction a class mate emerged from the right. "What do we do!? I don't wanna get caught in the Mist!", Menma stopped and looked at the terror on his classmates face then nodded for him to follow as he continued straight down his original path. It seemed the longer they ran the classmate fell further and further behind, Menma would look over his shoulder occasionally and just take note of the mist as it grew closer almost as if it was getting faster the longer they spent in the maze. He refused to look back as he pushed forward and heard the sounds of his companion screaming as he disappeared into the mist that chased them, Menma began wondering was it a genjutsu that chased them and lead to such agony? That's when it happened. He turned one last time to the right and was presented with freedom from this nightmare maze, digging in deep he pushed for his final sprint passing the walls to see many of the students he once heard scream laying unconscious.

Menma was congratulated for his completion as the others were sent to an infirmary, he turned and started towards home. He continued to ponder whether it was genjutsu or if the instructor was 'hunting' the students in the mist? He could have asked, but exhaustion was too much to feed his over curious appetite.

(600 Words)

500 to Mission Rewards = 1250 Ryo / 6 AP | 333 to Body Flicker (500/500) | 267 to D-Rank/Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt (267/500) | +6 Speed

(After Approval of Academy Boot Camp)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Academy: A-Maze-Ing Tuition Empty Re: Academy: A-Maze-Ing Tuition

Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:22 pm
Menma wrote:

(600 Words)

500 to Mission Rewards = 1250 Ryo / 6 AP | 333 to Body Flicker (500/500) | 267 to D-Rank/Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt (267/500) | +6 Speed

(After Approval of Academy Boot Camp)

Academy: A-Maze-Ing Tuition JPYXIpT
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