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Lunar Release  Empty Lunar Release

Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:03 pm
Name: Lunar Release
Components: Yin + Water
Appearance: Most techniques, when activated, emit a soft, silver aura around the caster, flickering with faint wisps of mist or shimmering particles, as though the air itself is infused with lunar energy. This aura can shift with the caster's mood, much like the moon changes with its phases. Though the primary colors are white and silver, touches of gold and various shades of blue often appear during the casting, enhancing the ethereal nature of the techniques.

Backstory: After the founding of Tsukigakure, the natives of Moon Country gradually became more comfortable with the Shinobi and Kunoichi who now called their land home. As trust between them deepened, some of the village elders began sharing stories of an ancient, forgotten element they called Lunar Release. Intrigued by these tales, key figures in the village sought to revive this lost power in hopes of strengthening Tsukigakure. By combining their natural affinity for water with the Yin element, they succeeded in rekindling Lunar Release, bringing it back into the modern world. After months of research, trials, and refinement, the element was perfected and made available to the general populace. While many who wield Lunar Release revere the moon as a deity, doing so is not essential to fully mastering its power.

How it is used: Lunar Release is a mythical and ethereal element that blends properties from the water and Yin elements, creating a versatile form of chakra control. It’s primarily known for its healing and defensive properties making it invaluable on the battlefield when supporting allies. Lunar Release allows the user to create sparkling barriers made from moonlight that can absorb, deflect, or redirect incoming attacks. Its healing properties are just as potent, using lunar energy the caster can accelerate the body’s natural regeneration, close deep wounds, fix broken bones, and restore life to those on the brink of death.

Despite it being primarily focused on defense, Lunar Release can be wielded offensively. Users transform its gentle glow into a concentrated blast of lunar energy which is capable of slicing through enemies. Advanced users can form these blasts into crescent shapes or form wide-reaching waves of energy that cut through foes or impact a large area. The balance between protection and destruction, combined with its ability to control the battlefield makes Lunar Release a highly coveted element for those seeking strength and resilience. Its connection to the moon gives it a rare quality, with some users believing their powers wax and wane with the phases of the moon.

Special Traits:
  1. Moonlit Sunder: Should a Lunar Release Technique lose a clash, the user can expend AP to strip the winning tech of any amplification applied to it. The AP spent is based on the technique cast by the opponent 5/10/20/30/40/50.

  2. Celestial Vitality: Iryojutsu techniques possess the unique ability to be cast as a far-reaching area of effect, offering flexibility on the battlefield. These techniques can either follow the caster, enveloping them and allies in an aura of restoration, or remain stationary in a single location, creating a zone of radiant healing. This versatility allows the caster to mend the wounds of multiple allies at once, ensuring they remain strong in the face of adversity.

  3. Lunar Retribution: When a Lunar Release Technique clashes with another, should the user win the clash the caster can spend an additional AP to add one post to the cooldown. The AP spent is based on the tech cast by the opponent 5/10/20/30/40/50. This can be done a maximum of 2 times per technique, allowing the caster to spend a maximum of 100 AP to add 2 posts to a cooldown when clashing with an S rank tech.

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