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Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Party Precautions [P.IO]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:24 pm
Missions attempted:
Shopping Spree Supervisor:
Party Security:

As the sun rose over the bustling village of Kumogakure, Asuka pulled herself out of bed and began her day. Making her way out of her room she’d take a hot shower before exiting and getting dressed. Pulling out a white kimono from her closet, she briefly traced her finger across the fabric before slipping it on. Lilies embroidered in light blue thread could be seen sporadically throughout the kimono, though they condensed more at the bottom. Once on, she’d secure it in place by wrapping a thick, light blue band snuggly around her waist and tying it in the back. After her clothes were situated how she wanted them, she’d briefly brush her snow-white hair before pulling it partially into a ponytail. Finally, she’d tie her kumo “headband” around her waist and look herself over in the mirror. Slipping into a simple pair of white flats, she made her way to the kitchen.

As she began to prepare an easy breakfast for herself, she thought about the day ahead of her. She had been quite busy as of late between picking up shifts at the hospital, The Drunken Kage Bar, and her parent's bakery. Thankfully she was only needed at the bakery in the morning, then afterward there were a few jobs she had picked up for the village. One of the wealthier individuals within the village was throwing a party that night and needed a bit of extra security for his guests. She had been paired up with a few individuals to safely escort them through the village before the party started and to help them find attire fitting the occasion. Afterward, she was to attend the party herself, though incognito to not “disturbe the peace.”

Once she was finished with her breakfast she’d quickly clean up before heading out for the day. Making her way to her parent's bakery, Asuka would greet them before changing into her uniform and getting to work. She admittedly was quite excited for her missions, she hadn’t had time to enjoy herself due to her packed schedule. Also, she hadn’t been feeling too social since Akira disappeared once more so she thought this would be a good opportunity to meet some new people. Growing up in the orphanage, she always dreamed of being invited to one of the parties thrown by the wealthier people within Kumogakure so she couldn't help but feel eager to go.

Soon her sift would end, and after changing back into her Kimono she’d begin making her way to the meeting spot. She knew there was another shinobi accompanying them, a man known as Zokuro. She didn’t know much about him, though she was sure he had purchased a thing or two from her parent's bakery so she had seen him in passing. She wondered if he woud recognize her, though she never was one to stand out among a crowd, so she figured it was unlikely. Admittedly she was a bit nervous about meeting and interacting with new people. Those she interacted with either found her shy tendencies endearing, though others have told her that she came off as annoying and airheaded. She knew she needed to put herself out there more, but it was something she genuinely struggled with.

Getting to the market square first, Asuka would wait patiently by the entrance for the others to arrive. Finding a bench nearby, she’d take a seat and scan the faces of passersby. Should Zorkuro arrive, she’d stand and offer him a slight wave, hoping it’d catch his attention. If he approached, she’d smile sweetly before bowing briefly and speaking up in a warm, welcoming tone.

”Excuse me, but are you a part of the escort mission? I’m supposed to be meeting up with a few others to show them around the district and think I might be partnered up with you. I’m Asuka, it’s nice to meet you”

As she spoke, she attempted to sound upbeat and happy, though this wasn’t her normal state. First impressions were important after all and she wanted to make a good one.

WC: 684

Zokuro likes this post

Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:52 pm
The night before had been calm, for a change.

For once Zokuro slept through it without having flashbacks of missions which haunted him to this day. As of late one in particular continued to replay through his slumbers. It consisted of him working outside of the village in an effort to infiltrate a bandit camp and quell their uprising before it spread to Kumogakure. And although the mission went well, the camp itself was what lived in infamy. The conditions they lived in were just dreadful, so much so that the stench of it was engraved in Zokuro's nostrils. And the tattered and torn clothes which the children wore. It was all so disturbing. How could they survive like that? It make Zokuro reflect on the life he had in the outskirts, where his family's goal was to work hard to live better. These bandits were born into nothing, worked for nothing, but tried to take everything. And it was apparent by how they survived.

But last night was different. Last night his dreams were calm, just as the morning weather would be which greeted him through his open window. The breeze was soft, but chilling enough to wake him from his slumber. Wiping the coal from his eyes, he'd stretch his arms up in the air and raise his torso in the same motion. Placing his hands back down upon the bed and by his side, he'd swing his legs so they'd drape over the bed and plant his feet upon the floor. Then he'd rise to his feet, cracking his back and neck in the process before walking over to his window. He'd enjoy a morning cigarette as he exhaled the smog out the window before manueving to the bathroom connected to his bedroom. The floor creaked softly with each step until the sound of his footsteps met the ceramic tiled floor. Cranking the heat up for the water, Zokuro would stand within the shower and go about his typical routine of washing his face, body, and hair. Following this he'd dry off, brush his teeth, and get himself clothed.

Today's attire was simple, yet fitting of the missions he had been assigned. He was essentially to be a chaperone and a security guard today, meaning his black attire would be perfect. The midnight long sleeve shirt, pants, and boots offered perfect contrast with his white haori and waistline sash. Then of course he'd put in his silver earrings and chain with the lightning and sworded pendant. All in all his morning routine took less than half an hour. Then the man would find himself departing from his house on his family's homestead, and crossing the bridge which would lead him to the village's center island. 

He knew that his partner today would be a woman by the name of Asuka, and upon asking around the days prior, he found out that she often times worked at the bakery he frequented. Coincidentally enough that was where he was heading this morning first. After all, breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Though when he arrived he wouldn't see the woman, which wasn't all that surprising considering she was likely waiting on him at the rendevous point in the market square. Nevertheless he'd grab a scone for himself, and an extra in case Asuka wanted one as well.

Following this he'd proceed over to the market square, devouring his scone before he'd arrive. In one hand he bore a white paper bag embroidered with the bakery's insignia upon it, and within it the scone. The other hand rested softly in the pocket of his haori. He'd take a moment and scout out the market square, quite unsure where this woman would be waiting for him. But it didn't take long before his eyes fell upon the white haired woman adorned in an elegant yet subtle kimono. She waved at him, offering a smile which was just as friendly. In response, Zokuro's cool demeanor could only return a head nod along with a half smile as he made his way over to her.

She'd ask if he was a part of the mission, and followed up with indicating that she was his partner for the day. She then introduced herself as Asuka, a name which came off as welcoming. In a warm yet raspy tone, Zokuro would respond in turn. 

"I am. Seems like you're stuck with me for the day. Zokuro, but you can call me Zo. And please, the pleasure is mine. Any idea on where the clients are?"

His words were short, but conveyed an unmistaking quantity of cordiality to them. Nowadays he didn't know how to introduce himself or carry himself since receiving word that by technicality he was still a genin. Which to him, had been rather embarassing given his two decades of service to the Kumogakure nation. Still though he did not let any of those feelings show, as all he offered was an expression of pleasantries.

WC = 835
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:16 pm
Asuka was happy to hear that her assumption about him being her partner was correct. Honestly, it would have been quite awkward if he wasn’t so she felt a bit relieved at his words. She noted the bag in his hand along with the insignia from her parent's bakery, he must have stopped by after she left for the day. When she first picked up the mission, she had learned his name but couldn’t quite put her finger on where she had heard it before. Now putting a face to the name along with the bag he carried, she knew she must have run into him at the bakery.

”Uhh, they should be here soon, it’s just a small group of girls I think. I assume they need to get clothes for the party but who knows.”

Her grey eyes scanned the crowd filtering into the market, looking for the woman she had been given a description of. Thankfully she, along with a few others soon came into view   
”Looks like you were right on time Zo, seems as if our charge has just arrived.”

A light smile crossed her lips as she nodded her head in the direction of a group of 3 women who looked to be quite well off. Each adored well-made clothes, exquisite jewelry, and was seemingly around the same age as Asuka. Admittedly they looked like the kind of girls who used to bully Asuka when she was living at the orphanage, which made her a bit hesitant. Thankfully Zansu or Akira would usually come to her aid, but the cruel remarks still echoed in her mind. She knew this encounter would be different, after all, they hired her for the job, however, that didn’t stop her thoughts from racing.

Looking back at Zo, she noted his cool and calm demeanor and thought it would be best for him to potentially lead the way. She often found herself taking a back seat when working with others, in all honesty, that’s how she preferred it. The less she needed to speak, the better since she often found herself struggling to hold conversations with others. Before moving to intercept the group she’d speak up once more a bit sheepishly.

”Do you think you’d want to take the lead? I…. I’m not the best with social stuff, unfortunately. Oh, but if you don’t want to, I don’t mind either!”

A light blush and a look of embarrassment crossed her face as she spoke. Admittedly she should have seized the moment to take on the leadership role, but something within her begged her not to. Being the center of attention consistently caused her varying degrees of stress and anxiety so she tried her best to avoid it. Should he agree, she’d offer him a bow and thank him but if he denied she’d simply say “no worries” before moving to intercept the group of girls.

Regardless, the two of them would greet them and after exchanging some information they would begin their shopping trip. She’d trail roughly 10 meters behind them with her Byakugan activated, ensuring she’d see any potential threats before they could cause any issues. Should Zo be walking beside her, she’d attempt to strike up a conversation.

”I noticed the bag you have, my parents actually own the place. I think I’ve seen you come in a few times, it’s unfortunate that we hadn’t been introduced until now. Tell me, what’s your favorite thing to get there? I wonder if it’s any of the stuff my parents have me make.”

Though she knew baked goods wasn’t the most exciting topic, for now, it was the only thing she could think to discuss. She hoped he didn’t find her boring, though she admittedly was. Her life was pretty mundane other than a bit of her childhood, so it could be difficult for her to figure out what to talk about.

Total WC: 1349
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:19 am
Asuka indicated that the group of women should be soon approaching, which was good. Both Zokuro and his partner had arrived at the rendezvous point early, so it was realistic for the client to arrive either right on time or a tad late. Besides it was typical to arrive fashionably late for those of gross wealth. Although Zo was not poor by any means, he was far from wealthy even after his many years of working the farm and working for the village. His kunoichi teammate then seemed to look over the crowd in search of the women, as if she had been eager to begin the mission. And it was quite understandable. He himself, though he'd rarely display it, often felt enthused to go on missions. However the first mission they were tasked with in particular didn't really seem interesting to him. Zoku admittedly was not a huge fan of small talk and socializing, which seemed to be what this might entail. The only saving grace was that it was an escort mission, meaning there was potential for something exciting to happen. Additionally Asuka seemed unique. Perhaps whatever dialogue they'd engage in would be fulfilling, and she'd come to be someone he'd work with more in the future. 

The woman's eyes were good, as she easily discerned where the group had been before Zokuro could. Perhaps she was a sensor type or just had some eagle eye vision, either way she confirmed that the group was now approaching the duo. 

"Seems like it, huh?" he'd respond in a lowered tone, returning his hand to his pocket to withdraw a dormant cigarette before resting it in his lips, unlit.

Zokuro would look over in the direction of Asuka's head nod, and as his eyes fell upon the trio of women, he'd let out an audible scoff loud enough for Asuka to hear. Just from seeing the triumvirate, he knew their type. Flashy, entitled, and likely a superiority complex. Nothing that Zo hadn't been trained to deal with before. Asuka however, seemed to convey a bit of an uneasy vibe. He'd furrow his brow slightly, wondering just why she seemed to be concerned about the group of women. But nevertheless he'd just attribute to how his own preconceptions of the women would possibly align with Asuka's impression of them. And ironically, Asuka would ask if he was willing to lead the mission. He'd offer a half smile, with the cigarette still hanging from his lips and a reassuring nod. In the same motion, he'd retrieve his lighter and spark the tip of his cigarette, inhaling sharply without exhaling any of the smoke. The smoke would travel to his lungs, and dissolve or "ghost" inside of him. 

"Sure thing. I can't say I blame you for not wanting to deal with those of opulence. They carry themselves, differently." he'd laugh, taking another puff from the cigarette and inhaling the smoke in the same manner as he had done previously. He hoped his words and mannerisms would bolster Asuka's own confidence, and give her someone to relate to. But the pair wouldn't have much time before the three women would greet them. Now within a couple of meters from the pair, Zo could better make out the fine silks, confident postures, and white clothes. They were stark comparisons to Zo, with his dark and calm demeanor.

In a somewhat condescending tone the first woman, presumably their "leader", would exchange glances with her friends and call out to the pair of shinobi. "Ah, how quaint. You must be the shinobi I've hired to help with our little problem."

"I hope you're as competent as the village claims you to do." the second would chime in, with a playful smile about her face.

"And do please, give us space. To you it may seem we're paying a fortune, but this is waste money to us. Let us shop in peace. And don't blow any of that smoke on us!" The third was the rudest, and overall rather snobby. 

Zo, with a chuckle, would continue to smoke his cigarette same as before. And would tilt his head slightly to Asuka, demonstrating his witty smile, before returning his gaze to the trio. "Lead the way, I can assure you that we won't bother you but will merely protect you should the need present itself."

Pleased with his response, the trio would turn in place and walk towards the luxury district of Kumogakure. Zokuro would follow, some meters behind, with Asuka by his side. His hand now in his pocket, he'd finish his cigarette and blow it from his mouth so it landed perfectly in a trashcan along the way. Then Asuka would comment on his bag from the bakery, which he completely forgot he was even holding.

"Oh yeah, this is for you if you want it." he'd say while extending his arm towards the woman. "Blueberry scones, easily my favorite from there. Didn't realize you owned the place, you must make a killing."

He meant this in no way of implying how rich Asuka may be, but was rather testifying to the quality the place exuded and the constant traffic it attracted. Simultaneously the group of women were approaching what seemed to be a designer garment shop. They proceeded inside, and Zokuro would take a stance along the glass windowed exterior of the building. He'd prop his back against the glass and fold his arms across his chest before casting a look at Asuka.

"If you're a baker, what made you decide to become a kunoichi?"

WC = 930. TWC = 1765
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:03 pm
Travin had not been in much action lately since his return to form within the village. The last few missions he had been on were very basic and extremely safe. He had been sent solo to deal with things such as walking people's pets and running errands. Most were simple E and D rank missions, however, today was the first day that he was given something above the safety level. He was expecting another easy mission as it ranked C to watch some girls go shopping, but there was a B rank after where the team he was on was going to be security detail for some party. Travin wasn’t told about the party as he had been pushed out the popularity circle at this point due to his injuries. 

Dressed up in his now standard black tank top with a black jacket with red inline. Travin pulled his now much longer hair back, tying it with a black band to let it fall on his back. He decided to get to the place early for the meeting, since most people didn’t expect much from him anymore, and several didn’t even think he was going to be returning. He was wanting to see just who he was going to be teamed up with. Finding a spot by some steps at the location and taking a seat on the ground beside them. Travin simply waited, pulling a jolly rancher out of his pocket from time to time and gnawing on it while it dissolved. 

It didn’t take long before a woman with ivory skin and white clothes showed up. Travin was trying to figure out what part of her was more white her skin, clothes, or hair when he noticed that she was walking directly towards him. Unsure if she recognised him or not he maintained his position and simply stayed sitting by the stairs. After all he was a last minute addition to the team, in case the security detail was ruff, or at least that's what he was told. Letting out a small sigh as the woman sat down on a nearby bench and putting another jolly rancher in his mouth he waited to see who else showed up. A few minutes after the woman had taken her seat another man approached the bench. This dress was similar to Travin in the all black department, but differed in choice of style. 

Travin would watch as the two exchanged pleasantries just before the group of women arrived. He watched as Asuka offered to let Zo take the lead as apparently she was not good at social situations. Travin felt similar and would have probably offered the same. With Zo agreeing the three women walked up to the duo, and all three were extremely rude and Travin was able to tell that they were spoiled beyond belief. It was the kind of person that he was willing to let be robbed, if he hadn’t been hired to keep that from happening. Travin continued to watch as the girls continued to almost insult the duo. Coming close to calling them poor, and doubting their skills as shinobi. Once the girls were walking and the duo was following, Travin stood up and started to walk behind Asuka and Zo. Listening to their conversation about how Asuka apparently owned a bakery Travin knew about the bakery and had also been there a few times. 

Once Zo told Asuka that he liked the blueberry scones Travin would chime in “personally the raspberry danish is the best one there.” Looking back and forth between the two to try and judge their reactions. “I’m Travin a last minute addition to the team.

Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Jinroku
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 18000

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:36 pm
This was the first time Jinroku had been teamed up with other Shinobi to take on a mission since his entrance into Kumogakure. The fact that he was now getting teamed up to embark on missions showed that they were starting to trust his capabilities The mission was of critical importance, and Jinroku was determined to prove his worth not just to the village, but to himself. He felt a strange blend of excitement and apprehension. For so long, he had operated in the shadows, a lone agent taking on solo missions, moving with the precision of a blade in the dark, but now, he would be working alongside others. The prospect of collaboration was unfamiliar to him, yet he would welcome the challenge.

The dark-brown-haired shinobi was supposed to meet with his teammates at a certain point before the mission commenced. However, it seemed his arrival would be late. Despite his usual punctuality, his fascination with the kumogakure’s history, the village he now resides in, had kept him up through the night. Jinroku had spent hours poring over ancient scrolls and records in a hidden library section in the village.  Still getting used to his environment, there was a lot to learn about the village. The lore of old battles, strategies of forgotten clans, and the secrets of those who once lived in the village consumed his attention until the early hours of dawn. He was especially intrigued by the myths surrounding his own clan, the Aranha,  known for their unique anatomy and hidden skills. He read with a particular curiosity about the origin of his clan's extra limbs and how they were used in ancient wars.
By the time he realized how much time had passed, the first light of the sun had already begun to creep through the cracks of the library's closed shutters. The scroll he held still in his hand contained tales of a legendary shinobi from his clan, one who could use all six arms with the fluidity of water, turning him into a literal whirlwind of death in battle. Jinroku felt a chill run down his spine at the thought. He often wondered if he would ever live up to the tales of his ancestors or if he would remain an enigma in the shadows.
Quickly, he closed the scroll, carefully replacing it on the shelf, and hurried out of the library. He would make his way back to his quarters, and would quickly  dress up in his usual simple attire — a black cloak, baggy enough to hide two pairs of arms beneath it, a pair of black pants, and black shinobi sandals. He was fond of hiding two pairs of arms because of the thought of scaring people away while growing up as a kid, and his choice of attire was to conceal as much as it was to provide ease of movement. Realizing that he was running late, he grabbed his ninja bag, slung it across his body in a swift motion, and dashed out, his cloak billowing behind him like a shadow trailing his form.
His mind was a blend of tactical focus and curiosity about the unknown teammates he was to meet. He wondered who they were, and what their personality might be as he moved swiftly through the narrow, winding alleys and across rooftops, his footsteps were silent, a testament to his training.

Sooner or later, he would arrive at the designated mark.  The green-eyed would find a good spot with a clear line of sight, leaning casually against a tree as he scanned his surroundings. The sun was fully up now, and beams of light pierced through the canopy overhead, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Jinroku's intense green eyes flicked back and forth, watching, waiting.
He was unsure who his teammates would be, but he knew he would recognize them once he saw them. From his vantage point, the green-eyed shinobi spotted a male figure with jet-black hair, dressed in a standard black tank top and a black jacket with a red lining. The man seemed calm, poised, and had the demeanor of someone who had been waiting for some time.  But Jinroku wasn’t certain enough to approach just yet. The mission details he was given mentioned a team of more than two, so the Aranha would decide to wait and observe for further confirmation.

Shortly after,  a snow-white-haired female would approach the scene, and a moment later another male. There are now three individuals, just as the mission details had specified. This was enough confirmation for  Jin.  He watched as the two exchanged pleasantries, followed by what unfolded with some group of women.  
With the duo now moving and Travin following, Jinroku would follow behind. Walking faster but quietly to catch up with the trio, Jinroku finally closed the distance.  Speaking almost immediately after Travin's last statement, “and I’m Jinroku, a last-second addition to the team,” he would say in a loud but calm tone, hoping to gain the trio's attention and make his presence known.

If the trio looked back, they would see a young Jinroku with intense green eyes reflecting the morning light with his cloak swaying gently in the breeze.

WC: 869
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:19 am
Happy to see he agreed to take the lead, Asuka would quietly wait beside Zokuro as the three women approached. Like she assumed, their words were filled with varying degrees of attitude and seemingly disdain for the two of them. Fidgeting with her hands slightly, she began to grow more anxious about the night. Though she relaxed as Zo flashed them a witty smile and seemingly brushed off their comments. Asuka would bow to the women as they turned to walk into the district. 

Walking side by side, Asuka activated her Byakugan as they made their way into the market. Though before they entered she noticed something odd. Due to the 360° vision the Byakugan gave her, she noticed two teenagers making their way towards her and Zo. Their chakra networks gave away their Shinobi talents, though there wasn't much else she could gleam from them Not wanting to make a big scene right away, she’d look up to Zokuro and speak softly. 

”There’s two young men approaching us, I don't remember more being added to the mission but it's possible there's some late additions. I know the request was for 4 Shinobi, and from their chakra I can tell they're no normal civilian. I think it'd be best to just see what their intentions are before potentially making a scene.”

They didn't seem malicious in their approach, though this didn't put Asukas mind at ease. Deciding it was best to conceal their knowledge of them, she thought it best to talk. Striking up conversation, she'd remark about the bag he carried. A light smile crossed her lips as he offered it to her, and happily she took it. As they spoke the figures came closer, and after Zo complimented the scones the first one would speak up. Coming to a stop, Asuka would turn to look at the boy who now introduced himself as Travin. He seeming had also visited her parents bakery, and now that he was up close she swore she had seen him there a few times. 

A slight sigh of relief escaped her lips as he informed them of his addition to the team, seemingly her assumption was correct. Though before she could speak up, the other boy who had been tailing them made his presence known as well and introduced himself. Asuka always felt odd doing work like this with kids much younger than herself. She believed there were far better things they should be doing with their youth than working themselves, though the same could be said for her. If Zo spoke up first, she'd wait until he was done before introducing herself.

”Happy to have you both with us, I'm Asuka. Oh, and Zo, I don't own the place just yet, but my parents plan to pass it on to me in a few years.”

Noticing the women moving into a luxury clothing shop Asuka, she'd follow Zokuro’s lead and stand beside the entrance with her back towards the building. Veins continued to bulge near her temples and slightly down her cheek as she maintained her Byakugan to ensure the safety of their charge. Since they were in one of the wealthier districts an attack or theft attempt was unlikely, but she remained on alert. 

Should Zo still ask her about why she became a kunoichi, it would take her a moment to respond. In all honesty she had never intended to train in any of the Shinobi arts. When she was young she aspired to be proficient in healing jutsu and a martial artist, though once she was adopted those dreams were squashed. Her parents introduced her to baking and cooking while simultaneously dissuading her from pursuing her previous ambitions. As she grew her desire to train was eliminated and her obsession for baking held her attention. 

It wasn't until Akira had come back into her life that she actually decided to learn a bit of healing jutsu. He had pushed his body to its limits, and she was there to patch up any wound that he had acquired. A few months ago she would have told Zo she did it for Akira, but now she didn't really know. He had up and left her yet again without warning. Though she was heartbroken, she honestly was expecting him to disappear once more so she wasn't as torn up as she expected. She really didn't have a reason to continue pursuing the Shinobi arts, but yet she did. 

Maybe she continued because she simply didn't know what else to do, or maybe she felt like she had something to prove. Most who looked upon her saw her as meek and mouse like, and admittedly she hated that. She had always relied on others to protect or save her, and she was getting sick of it. Though she was just an orphan, the blood of the Hyuuga clan raced through her veins and she intended to take advantage of that. 

A light smile crossed her face as she seemingly reminisced for moment before speaking. She'd fidget slightly with her fingers anxiouly as she attempted to find the words she wanted to say. Her tone was soft and warm, though she spoke up enough to be heard through the bustling crowds

”Well, honestly I only started to help take care of my friends. I’d rather spend my afternoon looking over books than out training but I wanted to make sure my friends were safe. Though recently we've grown a bit distant so I've been spending most of my time working at a few different places. What about you, did you do anything before becoming a Shinobi?”

She'd of course listen to Zokuro if he answered, nodding along as he spoke. Not wanting to leave the others in the group out of the conversation, if they were standing nearby she'd speak up towards Travin and Jinroku.

”How about you guys? I know I've seen you at the bakery before Travin, but I don't think I've seen you around Jinroku. Why did you guys decide to start your training?”

Asuka paid attention as they spoke, though she kept her “vision” focused on the women inside of the shop, ready to jump into a
ction should the need arise.

WC: 1053
TWC: 2402
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:29 am
As they paraded behind the trio of entitled women, Zokuro's eyes would keenly shift to look upon Asuka who seemed to demonstrate a strain of blood vessels and veins along the side of her face which Zo could see. He'd turn his head more to look upon her, now revealing that she was exercising a dojutsu revered for its moniker as the all seeing eye. His eyebrows would furrow somewhat, but for her to be activating her Byakugan must have meant that she felt a twinge of unease throughout this mission so far. And this was a fair and wise assessment on her behalf, as the pair was delegated to protect the elitist women. As she did so, Zokuro would stop in his tracks and instinctively cut his head to their rear. Simultaneously Asuka would indicate that a pair of young men, which trained and potent chakra signatures had been approaching them. Though his own eyes were nothing beyond ordinary, Asuka's breakdown of the situation and Zokuro's clear visual path of their flank both confirmed that there was indeed two men which trailed behind the pair. His eyebrows would raise, while his one hand remained in his post and his other still bore the bakery's bag. But he'd take a quick glance at the pair, noting that one bore a Kumogakure headband and the other which was furthest behind didn't seem to display any malicious intent. Of course, it could be a bluff, but it would not be a wise one. 

This pause in their waltz was momentary and natural, as it came with a friendly exchange of the bakery's bag from Zokuro's raised grasp to Asuka's own. At this point, the trio of women had pressed on only a matter of mere meters ahead of the pair, as their pace was relaxed and regal. Zo and Asuka's conversation would wage on as described, as they discussed more about the bakery, to which one of the teenagers Asuka identified would now draw closer and chime in. Now Zokuro's demeanor was calm, as he recognized that this boy dressed in black was indeed a genin of Kumogakure. Not just from his headband, but over Zokuro's many years of service he was generally familiar with those of various ranks he had seen in passing. Even if they hadn't been of him. To reassure Asuka that things were okay, he'd flash a smile to her but only with his eyes, coupled with a subtle head nod. His gaze would then revert back to the genin which approached the conversation. In response to the genin's comment, Zokuro's face would be tempted to twist. "Raspberry? What kind of person likes raspberry..." he thought to himself while his face remained stoic. 

The genin would indentify himself as Travin, a name which Zokuro may have heard in passing but was not overly familiar of. And before he himself could respond, the final teenager Asuka called out would close in on the group and interject to introduce himself. Zokuro would brush off Travin's preference for raspberry momentarily, and briefly scan this Jinroku fellow. He himself did not bear any affiliations towards Kumogakure or any village. Though his indicated chakra profile was dense enough to dismiss the idea of him being a civilian. Thus from the process of elimination, Jinroku would have had to be either a Missing Ninja or a Vagabond. Zokuro didn't necessarily trust either by title, though he was wise enough to know that each shinobi came from a different walk of life...and that Kumogakure's elite security would prevent a shinobi will ill intent from waltzing through its streets. His body language, attire, and mannerism didn't suggest he was hostile either. And coupled with his comment regarding being a member of the team, Zo theorized that he was a friendly. 

"Better late than never, I suppose. But never late is better." he'd slyly say, with his eyes narrowed towards both men. Even if they were looking to assist in the mission today and were friendly, that didn't change the fact that their punctuality was in question. Something which admittedly vexxed Zo. "Zokuro," he'd introduce himself.

Nevertheless the Gorilla kept his guard up, as Asuka introduced herself to the pair. Subsequently she'd call out Zokuro's nickname, and continue in their conversation. She seemed to be somewhat trusting of the pair's intent, which was a more than fair presumption.

His attention would return to Asuka, before shifting to the trio of women pushing on. He'd wave his arm towards the trio which join him now, suggesting they continue to pursue the women. But he'd continue his dialogue with Asuka as they'd walk, with the breeze blowing the curtails of his haori gently behind him. Now with both hands free, he'd stuff them into his pockets. By this point the group had caught up with the trio of women, and Zokuro would press his back against the glass windows of the garment shop as previously indicated and cast his question upon Asuka. The woman would eventually, after some thought process, indicate that her roots were in helping her friends. Pure. The motivation was genuine, but the words that followed characterized exactly what Zokuro's quick mind led to. Her friends had distanced themselves, which likely resulted in some lack of direction for Asuka. And this transitioned into her working at various places as a result. Whether that meant as a shinobi, a baker, or something else, it was interesting to Zo. Though given the company, he did not want to overanalyze and press the woman too deeply. Instead he'd focus on retorting.

"I see. Well most importantly, make sure your actions are motivated by your own aspirations," he'd begin in a calm tone, loud enough for the trailing teenagers to hear. "I was a pair of working hands before joining Kumogakure. Farming, building, tinkering; but that was many years ago. Though I still do some of that as time allows."

He'd then remain quiet, respecting the opportunity for Travin and Jinroku to offer their own experiences, and would listen closely. Not just for their responses, but also for the dialogue the woman appeared to be having in the garment shop. Their voices were rich in volume, discussing considerations of purchasing various dresses, bags, and jewelry. They also made a comment about Zokuro's appearance and maturity, suggesting him to be a catch of a bachelor, but dismissing him due to his smoking tendency. He'd somewhat roll his eyes at the flattery, and fidget his arms to be loosely folded across his chest. But he'd also hear that they were just about ready to depart from the shop, and return to their estate to finalize the party planning. Moments after the opening and closing of the register could be hear, suggesting that their purchases were concluded, and they'd gracefully glide out from the shop and walk pass the group of four. They'd exchange a glance at Zokuro, and continue onward. 

"Off to our estate we go, and please do keep up. Once we get there, you all will be expected to wait in the Guest House until the party begins."

Zokuro would give them space before propping himself off the glass window of the shop. He'd then wait to see who of the four would follow the women, with the intentions of positioning himself at the rear of the group so that he could better monitor their demeanors.

WC = 1236; TWC = 3001
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:16 pm
Travin was aware of the other person following him as he followed the duo. Speaking up just before the other person introduced himself as well. Letting Travin know that his name was Jinroku and he was another late addition to the team. Asuka properly introduced herself as well as Zo letting him know that she did not own the bakery but she probably would in a few years. Travin himself simply gave Zo a smile after his comment about better to never be late, before letting them know his full name Zokuro. The group would continue to follow their charge to the store. With Travin listening in on what Asuka and Zo were talking about on the way. Not to be noisy but simply due to not having anything else to do while they walked. Once they made it to the building Asuka and Zo took post by the entrance on the outside of the door way, so Travin walked into the building and took post on the inside of the door way. Putting his back to the same wall that Zo was leaning against. Scanning the room keeping an eye on the girls and making note of anyone that could possibly look like they might start something. A small list in a place like this since the store guard looked to be the only one fitting the bill, and it was his job to. Travin let his chin fall slightly giving him an appearance of uncaring as he kept the girls within his vision. 

Paying attention to Asuka as she spoke about starting the train to take care of her friends that had abandoned her. It was something that hit Travin a little harder than he had expected. He had been burying the feelings that he shared with her. Before his injury he had a team of fellow genin that he saw as equals, but once he was hurt they stopped coming around. One fell off the face of the village and could not be found, while the other had enrolled in college. He had been fighting to come back and they moved on with their lives. It was something that he was still coming to grips with and would probably take a while to get over. He remained silent on the subject not wanting to say anything for fear of showing a weakness at a time he felt he couldn’t. 

Next up Zo started to tell them that he was a farm hand, builder and apparently all kinds of stuff in the past. Before joining Kumogakure, and that he still did it from time to time. It was completely different from how Travin had gotten his start as a shinobi. He had chosen to become a shinobi. He had great talents with both ninjutsu and genjutsu, plus had a friend that was also going down the same road. It was really that simple; he was given a gift and decided to make use of it. “I chose to become a shinobi. I had a gift and made use of it” Travin would inform the group. His voice going slightly darker and deeper than before with his thoughts going back to things he didn’t want to think about at this time. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a hand full of jolly rancher, and extending his hand out to the group “want one” he would ask. Once everyone either declined or accepted Travin would take a cherry one and put the remaining ones back in his pocket. Waiting to hear if Jinroku was going to let everyone know why he decided to become a shinobi. 

It wasn’t much longer that Travin was able to see the group of girls walk up to the register and pay before heading their way. Travin gave the look that he could care less about them as they passed him and walked out onto the street to Zo and Asuka. Travin would fall in line behind the girls keeping a solid 2 to 3 meters distance behind them. He wasn’t as fast as he used to be and would need to be closer than he would normally like to be. Walking out the door Activating his Sharingan the world would slow to a crawl to his perspective giving him plenty of time to react to any danger that may come their way. He would look at Zo with the three tomoe active and give a nod. With the girls making sure that they all knew that they were to wait in the guest house of their estate once they got there. The girls were off Travin kept pace with them keeping an eye on everything that was moving around the group, and analyzing everything for threat levels. He had become so accustomed to his Sharingan at this point that it was second nature and he didn’t even need to think his brain just registering how dangerous something is at the speed and velocity that it was currently moving as well as predicting trajectory.

WC-840 TWC-1,455
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Jinroku
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 18000

Party Precautions [P.IO] Empty Re: Party Precautions [P.IO]

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:46 am
The snow-white lady seemed to have a distinct eye feature different from the other teammates. Jinroku had noticed it the moment she stepped into view. Her eyes were not like any he had ever seen before. White, completely devoid of pupils, with veins bulging around her temples when her focus seemed to intensify. Though the name escaped him at that moment, Jinroku knew instinctively that this was no ordinary eye. The Aranha had encountered many shinobi, but none with such a unique visual trait. As she moved with precise grace, her gaze felt piercing, as if she could see far beyond the physical realm.  The dark-brown-haired shinobi was sure that these eyes held power, even though he was unaware of what that power truly entailed. He made a mental note to observe her more closely during the mission, not out of distrust, but from a sense of curiosity. The shinobi world was filled with mysteries, and he wanted to understand as much of it as possible.

Jinroku simply let out a warm smile to Zokuro, who mentioned that the two of them, Travin and himself, should have arrived earlier. Zokuro’s voice had a hint of jest, but there was also a subtle edge to it, a reminder that punctuality was important, especially for shinobi. Jinroku appreciated the comment but didn’t respond verbally, knowing his lateness was due to the previous night’s distraction. His smile was enough acknowledgment.

As the group began to settle into their conversation, Jinroku listened attentively to the trio as they discussed their reasons for becoming shinobi. The conversation seems to reveal a glimpse into their pasts and the motivations that led each of them to this path. Each had a different reason for choosing the shinobi way, and each had walked a different path to get here. There was a certain resonance in their words that Jinroku couldn’t ignore.

Asuka had spoken about how she started and wanted to help her friends and to keep them safe but has now grown distant with said friends.
Zokuro was a pair of working hands before joining the same village Jinroku was in, kumogakure, and did many other things before getting here. And then there was Travin, he had a gift, pursued it, and made use of it.

“Well, I’d say the shinobi way is where my passion has led me,” Jinroku said in a clear and calm tone, following up on what the others had said.  The path of a shinobi had always been in his blood, a calling he couldn’t ignore. Though his journey had been solitary until now, he believed it had shaped him and was still shaping him into the person he needed to be.

The Aranha male watched as Travin pulled out a handful of jolly ranchers, the same Jinroku had seen the male pull earlier.  He had seen the same candies earlier when Travin casually snacked on them as they waited for the others to arrive. Travin would extend the offer to the group.

“No, I’m good. Thanks,” Jinroku responded with a slight smile, his tone polite. He wasn’t much for sweets during missions. His focus was always on the task at hand, and anything that distracted him from that or didn't serve a purpose was unnecessary. Still, he appreciated the gesture. There seemed to be something about Travin’s relaxed demeanor that made him seem approachable, though Jinroku knew there was more beneath the surface.

Jinroku wasn’t experienced in missions like this, missions involving a team, but he trusted Zokuro’s lead on this mission. The black-haired shinobi seemed to carry himself with the confidence of someone who had led before. There was an unspoken understanding in the way he moved and spoke. Jinroku, who was used to working alone, would be willing to follow Zokuro’s lead, though he would remain vigilant.

As their conversation lulled, Jinroku’s attention shifted to Travin once again. There was a sudden shift in his gaze as his red eyes began to swirl.
Jinroku would see as Travin activated his sharigan. “Those eyes…”, he would say to himself, pausing for a second or two before continuing “…the guard at the gate, those eyes are similar”. When Jinroku first arrived at the village, the guard he met at the gate had made it clear that any breach of the village’s rules would result in swift and deadly punishment. The guard's words were sharp, almost mocking, threatening to send Jinroku to the same fate as his late mother. It was a cruel taunt, and though Jinroku had kept his cool at the time, the words had left a mark.
Now, seeing the same eyes in Travin, Jinroku couldn’t help but make the connection. "The same clan..." he thought. The guard’s Sharingan had a different pattern from Travin’s, but the similarities were unmistakable. Jinroku would conclude that the two were connected and were members of the same lineage.

For now, though, Jinroku would focus on the task at hand. There would be time to delve deeper into the mysteries of his teammates later. For now, they had a mission to complete, and he was determined to ensure that they succeeded. The path of the shinobi was never an easy one, but for the first time in a long while, Jinroku felt a sense of purpose beyond his own personal journey.

WC: 888
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