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Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Youth of a Nation  - Page 2 Empty Re: Youth of a Nation

Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:00 pm
Did she just say Stein? Frank N Stein? As in the former missing ninja who delivered them and created Talon and Kurai Tau? The former Tau? But how? Tau can't have kids can they? No they can't, Talon had told them that himself! So if she's Steins kid, she's also related not just to the three she's talking to now, but also related to Talon and Kurai, who have Stein's DNA running through their body in the form of threads!
“I'm shocked! Stein was a Tau, he delivered us as babies and he's the reason we have two bloodlines! He's the one who performed the surgery on us. And I don't know if you know you are related to another set of twins because Stein created them, they have his DNA in them! Talon and Kurai Tau! Talon lives here in Hoshi, if you can find him, he tends to hide from the world unless he's running missions with us. Welcome to the family! Anything specific that has to do with Kaguya, I can show you if you'd like!” Dante had a lot to say, probably because he was shocked! He didn't mind another sibling but her origin was baffling!

Kurasa Uchiha
Kurasa Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Kai's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Youth of a Nation  - Page 2 Empty Re: Youth of a Nation

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:56 pm
Now Kai had no idea who Stein was, he had only heard rumors and they were all different! So trying to figure out what's real and what's false is a task that he's never undertaken!
“I have only heard rumors of Stein, I don't know who he is! But it's nice to understand how we are related. I'm Kai, apparently your older brother, but we now seem to be the same age. I'm an academy student at the school here, I'm guessing we will be classmates?” Kai asked, trying to be nice to the girl since they were siblings.
“I got my dad's genetics and not our mom's so I am probably not any help to anyone especially since I lack the Kaguya DNA! I also don't have any elements, hopefully that comes from the hard work I am putting in at school!” Kai added as he walked over to Kit.
“I just came to tell my sister and brother that we are siblings.” Kai said as he looked at his siblings.
“But I guess I could use a little training, family time.” Kai added the last part with a smile! He did want to spend time with his siblings.
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Youth of a Nation  - Page 2 Empty Re: Youth of a Nation

Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:49 pm
Sephora's eyes just stared at the girl as she said the name of her father! Stein! Frank Nathaniel Stein! A man she knew all too well. A man she once had a huge crush on. A man who she now realized knew her mother extremely well! Well enough to -
“My mother and Stein got it on and had a kid! Oh my fucking God! What the deuce? I thought Taus couldn't - you know what…” Sephora felt bad for the outburst! Kitiara wouldn't understand and this wasn't her fault! As a matter of fact Sephora kind of already took a liking to her little sister. She reached out and pulled the girl into a hug unless she prevented this from happening.
“I'm just shocked, I'm sorry…I have always wanted a sister and to make it even better we look alike.” Sephy patted her back if she was still in the hug, before pulling out of the hug!
“If you want, you and I can go find Patch later! That's Talon Taus nickname, you'll see why we call him that later!” Sephora said, still slightly shocked. She would never reveal the truth that she once had a thing for the man, especially not since she was now connected to him!
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