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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Working hard  Empty Working hard

Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:26 pm

Youta would receive a letter to meet up with a wealthy businessman who is worried about his wife who wanted to go shopping in the market district. They had been receiving death threats. He would read more details and there also seems to be a tree that needs trimmed or eliminated. It is a old balboa tree that is destroying and draining a local well. So it needs to be destroyed as safely as possible and Youta is leading a team of lower Genin so if he could teach them something that would be great too. He would find his basic armor and his katana on his side. He would send letters to the other shinobi to meet him at the gates that’s go into the richer districts then they need looking at that tree before they head off to find the aristocrat. He would get ready and head towards the gates. He would remember about his rush because he had plans tonight. So he would leave a note just incase. He would sign it and hope she would understand. They were both shinobi and it has been over a month since they met. He would head towards the fountain outside and start meditating by the bench. Then Iktumi would start to talk to him. “So new people ey, we could absorb all their energy.” he would start miniacally laughing then continue I’m kidding we should not do that right? I sometimes forget no fellow shinobi from the village and not the pretty purple-haired lady.”

WC 254
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Specialty : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:20 am
It had been another long night for Talon. No nightmares this time, just the inability to sleep, relax, and drift off. At about three in the morning, the gardeners arrived to set up the watering system. Why mention this? Easy, ASMR…in other words, the watering system equals sprinklers, sprinkling water, and hitting the metal shed in the garden near his room! Finally, causing the Tau to fall asleep! Putting a tabletop fountain in his room would probably be a good idea for the near future.
At about eight in the morning, a maid knocked on his door and handed him a familiar-looking package of papers and a cup of coffee! He thanked her and shut the door to sit at his bedroom table. The maids know him, so they bring him coffee and paperwork! It's good he's alone in his room, considering he used his threads to stir his coffee and sort through the papers. His threads retreat into his body as he begins to sip his coffee and stand up to change his clothes. He put on a black shirt, pants, and boots, then headed downstairs to leave!

“Let the others know I already left. I'll meet up with them at the location on the letter.” Talon said to the maid before he left. He was still tired, but you wouldn't be able to tell, considering where his threads and patches were!

“You must be the one leading our group today. I'm one of the Genin. I'm Talon.” Talon said, introducing himself to the fellow Shinobi. The others should be along shortly. It's Sephora Hyuuga and her twin brother Dante.” He added, looking around the area. He was nervous, considering he didn't have too many friends or get out very often!

WC 306
560/5,000 mission word count
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:27 pm
Sephora had woken up early and was in an abnormally good mood! Ever since confessing her feelings to Ayato and her team completing three missions, Sephora realized how she had changed since coming to Hoshi, which was a good thing! She was very impressed with her changes, which began affecting her daily life. She pulled her long white hair up into a ponytail on her head, threw on a strappy halter top and a pair of cargo pants with her boots, and headed out the door as she read the mission envelope she was given by a maid who had also given her a message from Talon. Were they meeting with a Chuunin? And apparently, Talon had already left a few minutes before? She was pretty curious at this point.
As they arrived at the meeting spot, she immediately recognized the white-haired Chuunin!

“Youta Shinkou? Are you the Chuunin leading the team? It's good to see you again!” She said as she hugged Youta! If he allows the hug. She and Youta are…friends…even though he paralyzed her for trying to steal a fry off his plate!
“We are just waiting on our twin brother Dante now.” She said as she stood by Talon.
TWC: 208

Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:10 pm
Mornings are evil. Well at least to Dante Hyuuga they were. The young Shinobi arose from his bed in a rather grumbling state. As he got up he stretched and looked down when he heard what sounded like a cat meowing! He looked down and saw a very adorable tuxedo cat rubbing against his legs! He picked up the cat that appeared to be holding a roll of letters tied with ribbons. As he took the letters from the cat it playfully nibbles on his hand and jumps on his bed. A maid entered with a food and water bowl for the cat. Dante looked at the cat's collar and saw its name was ‘Tux’! How original…
Regardless, Dante smiled when he flipped the tag over and it said it belonged to Dante Hyuuga. Someone remembered it was his and Sephora's birthday!
“I'll be back later, you can sleep on the bed.” He said as he petted the cat. It grabbed his hand and began to lick it before making a purring noise at Dante. He left the room and closed the door so Tux wouldn't get out. Dante headed out to meet up with the rest of the team. As he arrived, he playfully punched Sephora in the arm!
“First off, Happy Birthday Sephora, and Second, nice to see you again Youta. So you're leading our team today?” Dante said to Sephora then turned to look at Youta.
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:05 pm
Youta woukd see everyone could finally gather around. He would see a new face of a young man named Talon would arrive first and Youta would say “My name is Youta Shinkou, it is a pleasure to meet you Talon. Of coarse it’s Sephora. She is always a pleasure and a delight isn’t she? I have already had the pleasure of meeting the other two on this mission.” Then a few moments later Dante and Sephora would show up. “Sephora, it is a pleasure to see you again. And Dante it has been a minute. I guess its your twos birthday. Happy birthday. But now it’s time to get to business, first at the well on the other side of the richer square and those houses there is a well that supplies the lower class that has a tree growing into it and we need to get rid of it. Anyone have any ideas? I have one but you guys need to start thinking for yourself. We have a limited time before we need to watch over the banker’s wife.” He would wait for their response and consider the options that they come up with. He was really not looking forward to the day. He was not a fan of the upper class they had always looked down on orphans like him and then he was adopted by two hard workers who barely made ends meat. He would stop day dreaming for a second and continue. “We should walk and talk. I have a special jutsu I could use but I could also try to teach you all some technique that may be needed in the future while we are trying to take care of the tree.”

WC 287
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Specialty : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:46 pm
Talon knew it was the twins' birthday! But he's not the one who got Dante the cat. That would be weird.Talons all for individuality but giving a kitten to a man whom he considers a brother is too weird. Now back to the mission…
It seemed Dante and Sephora already knew Youta, Talon wondered why he hadn't met the man before! As they began to walk he asked if anyone had any ideas. Now, Talon had one…
“ If we have a little time before this mission, maybe we could see this jutsu you're talking about showing us. I am always up for learning something new!” Now the downside for Talon is he is a Tau. He only has one heart, Earth. He has to find a way to get hearts, he really needs to talk to Ayato about that and see if he has any ideas that would help him out!
“Or if we have a mission that doesn't take up much time we can complete it then come back to this one. It's up to you since you're leading our mission.” Talon added respectfully. He barely knew Youta but he could tell Youta definitely knew what he was doing.
TWC: 507
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:32 pm
“I agree with maybe a smaller mission first before we do the other mission. But I am curious about this jutsu you're talking about!” Dante said as they began walking. Where they were starting he wasn't sure but he did know they were going somewhere. He knew they had a lot of missions to accomplish.
Accomplishing missions gave Dante a sense of pride. The more he did as a village ninja, the better he felt about leaving his past as a missing ninja behind! Which was slowly fading away from his mind. Not many people in Hoshigakure knew his past and he preferred to keep it that way.
“Yes do tell us about this jutsu Youta, you piqued my interest and obviously my teammates as well!” Dante said with a curious tone to his voice. Dante had met Youta a while back, but had no idea he was a Chuunin! Interesting. Dante definitely wanted to move up in the ranks but wasn't sure what he truly aspired to be at this moment. Maybe he could train with Youta someday. He seemed to be quite knowledgeable and Dante had a lot to learn considering he was still a mere Genin!
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Working hard  Empty Re: Working hard

Yesterday at 1:10 am
What should they do first? Chill and wait for the main event, the Shopping Spree or learn a new jutsu? Either one worked for Sephora!
“May as well do what we can do with the time that we have! Right?” She tried her best to be enthusiastic! It was her birthday and she had been in a good mood lately! She really liked the village ninja life! It was a lot nicer.
A street vendor had just opened up beside them and Sephora was really thirsty so she stopped for a drink. The guy handed her a cup and told her it was free for her! Village ninja perk, a lot of vendors who sell food don't make you pay if you are working, and well she was working! Luckily the guys had paused for s second talking as she got a drink, hopefully she wasn't missing an important conversation! She took a sip of her drink as she slipped back into the group as though she never left. She was smart like that!
“What time are we supposed to meet up with the couple who had shopping to do?” Sephora asked, figuring they could do a mission that required less time to complete first!

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