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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Village entry  Empty Village entry

Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:35 pm
The ship ride to the land of snow reminded Travin of his childhood, or at least the parts that he thought back on anyway. Riding the ship back and forth between the land of snow and the surrounding areas with John. They were some of the best days of his life, working that ship and sometimes wondered why he ever left, but it would soon come back to him. John had gotten sick and the ship just didn’t feel the same, and the last thing he had heard from John was that he wanted Travin to go and explore the world and make something of himself, as well as letting Travin know that he was proud of him. He had taken that loss hard. Getting close to John after his parents abandoned him on John's ship once they had found out about his kekkei genkai. John had taken him in and gave him a job and let him live on the ship. He was the closest thing Travin had to a real father, and he was going to live up to him.

With Land coming into view Travin watched as the snow covered lands got closer and closer as the ship started to come around to stop at port. Travin was already ready to get off the ship. He had always loved the land of snow, finding it peaceful every time he had ever been here. Watching as the people got closer to the edge of the ship wanting to get off the ship just like they always did on every forage at sea. Travin stayed on the upper deck looking down at the people. He had known the owner and driver of the ship, as they had worked with John at some point together. His name was Gary if Travin was remembering correctly. Looking down upon the mass of people trying to get off the ship Travin found Gary standing off to the side making sure people were fine and had a good trip, as well as making sure that someone hadn’t snuck onto the ship without anyone knowing as well. Travin waited till Gary looked up at him, Travin gave him a nod that Gary returned before leaping off the upper deck and landing on dry land once more. With several people gasping as Travin made the leep landing with a roll a few feet from Gary. “Thanks for the ride” he would tell Gary as he started his walk to the new village in the land of snow.

He knew that it was probably going to be a few days' journey on foot from the port that he arrived at till he made it to the village. Mostly because he was going to have to make a stop in the small town on the way, and figure out where he was going to be going. Trekking through the snow was nothing new to Travin; he had been living off and on within the land of snow for most of his life now. He had learned a long time ago that using the surface walking jutsu to stay on top of the snow was the best option as trekking through four feet of snow was not easy. He was having a good time getting to the small town, and if memory serves it was mostly a hunting town, but they did do some ice fishing in the lake nearby. Travin couldn’t remember the last time that he was this excited to be or be going somewhere. It felt great, the cold air filling his lungs, and the cold wet feel on his feet. Lucky for him he had remembered and wore his good boots that were water and cold resistant. He also had his heavy jacket on as well as some long johns under his normal clothing. He had passed a few people that were clearly freezing some of the first people that had gotten off Gary's ship. They were all bundled up and shivering, and they all looked like they hated him since he was able to walk on top of the snow while they had to dig their way through it. “It's normally not too bad they must have had a lot of snow in the last few days” he would tell the people as he walked past them. “Also make sure to stop in the town and buy a better jacket. This place just disrespect jackets made elsewhere” he added with a grin.

Travin knew that he was getting close to the town simply due to the hunting shacks that he was seeing as he walked by. Plus he had seen a few people hunting as well. In the land of snow most people didn’t simply just wander off into the snow unless they were a Yuki or something. It was the fastest way to die alone freezing and probably eaten by something. Running into the first person not hunting, Travin noticed that they were working on clearing the path for travel. He stopped and asked the guy how much further till town, finding out that he was only a few more miles till he hit the town. Travin let him know about the rest of the people that are heading this way, and the guy smiled and said thank god someone else is working to clear the path. Travin smiled back and kept walking to town. With only being a few miles away he was that much closer to finding out just where the new shinobi village was located. With another hour of walking and the sun starting to go down in the distance Travin arrived at town. It was a sight for sore eyes as he was able to see the streets clearly now, and there was fire everywhere. The town kept a massive bonfire burning in the center of town using a combination of wood, coal, and some other stuff that Travin didn’t really understand. The fire kept the town warm in comparison to the outside of town, and most of the houses and inns all had their own fireplaces as well. The combination of everyone heating their homes and the massive bonfire kept the town thawed out and the snow melted.

Walking through the town Travin made his way to the inn that he and John always stayed at when they spent time in the land of snow. The owner, called granny by most of the town, had been another person that had always helped take care of Travin while he was in town. Making sure that he had gotten food, and wouldn’t let him leave without a meal. Travin walked into the Inn to the familiar smell of baked goods and whiskey. Granny always said that the best way to keep the cold out was with a full belly of pie and whiskey. Travin seemed to agree with her on that as he walked in and sat down at a table pulling his mask off and sitting it on the table. Ordering a burger and fries with a drink from the waitress as she walked by. Looking around the room it had brought back several memories of his time spent within the town. With what felt like no time passing by the waitress was bringing out his food and drink. Looking up at her to thank her he asked where Granny was. The lady informed him that she was in the back getting a pie out of the oven. Travin picked up his mask from beside him and handed it to the lady. “Can you tell her that the person she made this mask for is sitting at a table right now eating?” The lady smiled and walked away with a nod, taking the mask with her.

Travin finished up his meal and the back door opened and an older lady probably in her 70’s stepped out his mask on her head, and a bottle of whiskey in one hand and 2 shot glasses in the other. “What the hell took you so long to come back” she would scream out at Travin across the room. Standing up Travin would go over and hug Granny pulling his mask off her head and giving her a kiss on the check. “It's been too long,” he would tell her before the two sat down at the table. The duo would sit and drink shots of whiskey as they told stories about the past. Some were dirty and degrading, most of which came from Granny, before they settled in on why Travin had returned. Travin had come back to check out the new shinobi village to which Granny approved of; after all she didn’t teach him how to fight, just let it go to waste. Granny was once a strong shinobi in Hyogagakure before it fell, she never left the area and opened up this Inn. John had brought Travin to see Granny so that she could help him learn to control his abilities. Travin and Granny spent many months training where she was brutal in her teachings of his fighting style. After a few bottles had been drained Travin slugging told Granny that he was probably going to need help getting to his room. Granny stood up like they hadn’t even started to drink yet muttering about how these young people can’t handle their booze, and helped Travin climb the stairs to the room and put him in bed.

Travin awoke the next day to the banging of drums in his head. This was the reason why he didn’t really do a lot of heavy drinking. Looking over and rolling out of bed he saw his mask sitting on the table with a glass of water and 2 aspirin. Thanks Granny he mumbled to himself as set up and grabbed the aspirin and water. Standing up and fixing the mask on his side Travin walked out of the room and back down stairs. Granny was already up and sitting at a table with a glass of whiskey. “It's like 8 am why are you drinking?” Travin asked, still half asleep. Granny simply looked at him and told him that she still hadn’t even gone to bed yet. With a shake of his head Travin sat down and finished his water, and Granny slid a glass of whisky over to him. Picking up the glass and sipping on it Travin would ask the question that he was really wanting to know, and one of the reasons why he had stopped by to see Granny. “What would it take to convince you to move the Inn into the new village.” Granny would look at Travin and let him know that the only reason why she hadn’t yet was because he wouldn’t know where to find her at. It was at that moment that they both had agreed that Granny would sell the building and join him in the new village.

Travin walked out of the Inn and made his way over to the location of the new village. It was only another day’s walk from the small town, and with the extra energy he had and a bottle of whiskey that Granny gave him he was going to make it in no time. Only taking him about half the time that it would have as he was moving with much more vigor than before. He was able to see the walls of ice circling the city. Whether or not they were made of ice he didn’t know as it was possible they were just frozen. Walking up to the gate Travin looked around and saw who was standing guard. After all he had seen several people in line and a guard up at the gate checking id’s. However, he was a shinobi and in most villages they wanted to know who the trained killers were in their village and want to know what you are doing there, as well as where you are within the village. Travin knew that it was a safety thing and it only made sense really. Either way he would stand at the gate looking for someone to come talk to him about entry and possible joining of the village.


Last edited by Travin Kaguya on Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 45000

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Sun Sep 01, 2024 9:23 pm
It had been a typical morning at the Frozen Gates of Hyogagakure. Cold, long, yet busy. 

Though for natives of the Land of Snow it was just another day. The hustle and bustle of the erected village had attracted significant attention from crowds ranging from traveling vagrants to well qualified shinobi, all looking for a new home under the protection of a hidden village. For Tommy Sinns however, it had only been among his first couple of weeks on the job. In the past his travels had taken him all over the world: from Kumogakure, to life on the sea, to a village hidden amongst the sky, and now the tundra. But of all climates, this had been the one taking the most getting use to. Nevertheless the diligent man would persevere, especially as this task was traditionally less strenuous than his previous jobs. He was no longer filming, hunting, or going on missions. Nowadays his responsibilities were predominantly guarding the gates. And thus far it had been a good adjustment.

Today was similar, as there had been no notable figures entering or exiting from the village. Everyone seemed to have their affairs in order and were simply going about their business. And so one by one, outside of his guard post he would call people out from the line, review their documentation, and then send them on their way. It wasn't until his passive chakra sensory landed on a single figure who happened to be next up in his line.

Tommy's Reaction:

"You there," he would call out with his boisterous voice in Travin's direction, "Step forward! Make sure you remove your mask and share with me your credentials."

WC = 281
Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:45 pm
Travin had been standing in line for a little while patiently waiting his turn. It wasn’t that bad as the line was moving pretty quick, but he didn’t see Kai anywhere, but why would he? After all he was pretty sure that he was already in the village with the delay that Travin had come across on his way to the new village. He could hardly expect the man to wait at the gate for him. Walking up to the gate Travin saw a bald man with his hood pulled up for the obvious reasons of the cold, and decently bundled up to fight off the cold. While at the same time Travin appeared to be at ease with the cold on the surface. Under his clothes and hidden well was the fact that he was wearing insulated long johns that keep his body heat from escaping into the cold keeping him much warmer. Once Travin had made it up to the gate the bald man called out to him and told him to step forward and to make sure he removed his mask as well as share his credentials.

Travin stepped forward like asked and removed his mask revealing the chiseled features of a strong jaw line ending in a defining point the cold wind hitting his face immediately made him shiver slightly as he placed the mask on his side. Reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his wallet, Travin removed his shinobi registration card and handed it over. The bald guy would see that the card did not mention a village and in its place would simply be wandering shinobi. With the rest of his physical stats such as height, weight ect. “Everything OK, Kai told me he would meet me at the village in three days. I got held up and I am a day late. If it's possible could you tell me if he made it to the village yet” Travin would ask. The question was for two reasons. One was to see if Kai had made it to the village yet, and the other was to try and get more information about who the man was in the village.

WC-366 TWC- 2,406
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 45000

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:15 pm
The eyes of Tommy Sinns would fall upon the now revealed face of the formerly masked man. With a rather inquisitive expression, Tommy had been somewhat taken back that he did not recognize this individual. Usually the comers and goes of Hyogagakure had been regulars, and very rarely were there completely new individuals. However he would treat this guest like he would any other. And so he would lower his arms from being folded across his chest so that they draped down his sides. Tommy then took several steps forward so that he approached Travin simultaneously, stopping once within arms length of the man. The man would reach towards his back pocket, which Tommy Sinns would somewhat narrow his eyes towards but would nevertheless allow the action. He did ask for his documents after all.

When the formerly masked man presented his registration card to Tommy, the gate guard would grab ahold of it and raise it to eye level so that a visual comparison between this "Travin's" ID and face could be easily assessed. For sure, he checked out and there were no signs of any type of jutsus being performed which Tommy could detect. His eyes would flicker between the man and the card, reading over the information as he slightly furrowed his brows once they landed upon the hometown section, which simply indicated that this man was a wanderer. Now it was relatively clear that this Travin fellow was likely just a vagrant.

But as Tommy went to extend his arm to return the identification card to Travin, he'd momentarily pause once he heard Travin mention Kai's name. Now Tommy had been one of the select individuals which was privy to the knowledge that Kai had been named as the second Hyogakage, but this was not widely known information. Thus Tommy inferred that Sakaiza had potentially recruited this man to join Hyogagakure during his current deployment in the Land of Hot Springs. Mr. Sinns offered a half smile, while continuing the motion to hand over the shinobi's registration card.

"Ah, Kai. Yes he is known to run late at times. I suspect he will be returning to the village in the next day or two. As your credentials check out, and you seem to know one of my friends, I'll allow you passage into our village. During your time here keep in mind that we are tough on crime, but accepting of all. Our rules follow those of any other civilized village, but please...don't pee in the snow. When Kai arrives, I will tell him you are looking for him. If you are one of his friends, then please check into our local Inn and say that there's a room for you on us."

With that Tommy would step out of the man's way, allowing him to enter through the villages illustrious gates.

WC = 478. TWC = 759
Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:38 pm
Travin listened to the bald guy, he was sure that once he was in the village that he would be able to figure out who he was after all there couldn’t be that many bald guys in the village. Plus on top of that he was a friend of Kai’s, and he had said that he would let Kai know that he was here once Kai returned to the village. Plus gave him room and board in the local Inn. All in all it was a pretty good start to his possible life within the village. Walking down the street returning his mask back to his face. Travin took in the sites of the village, and was happy with what he was seeing. Most of the village was running around doing their day to day, and most seemed happy to offer directions when he asked for the location of the Inn in question. It was a habit of his, he had learned a long time ago that you could tell how pleasant your stay was going to be by how willing the people were to stop and tell you where to go.

His stroll through the village led him to the Inn that the bald man had told him about. He had found out during his walk that the bald man was named Tommy by one of the local women in the village. She was blushing while telling him, and Travin was not too sure why. Walking up to the building he noted that it was made of real logs probably timbered from the nearby forest, and was still warm to the touch. Telling him that inside was going to be cozy and relaxing. Opening the door the smell of freshly cooked food hit his nose and he remembered how hungry he was. Walking in to let the owner know what Tommy had said and to order a meal for himself before getting some much needed rest.

WC-327 TWC-2,733

Entrance into village
27 stats 20 to chakra for new total of 50, and 7 to speed for new total of 104
2500 WC to Dance of the Orchid Mail
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 45000

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:40 pm
Claiming below at Max Stats Discount.
- 759 WC towards Infinity: Yellow Aura; rest learned here (1158/2062)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:23 am
Travin Kaguya wrote:
WC-327 TWC-2,733

Entrance into village
27 stats 20 to chakra for new total of 50, and 7 to speed for new total of 104
2500 WC to Dance of the Orchid Mail

Village entry  JPYXIpT
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Village entry  Empty Re: Village entry

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:26 am
Sakaiza wrote:Exit
Claiming below at Max Stats Discount.
- 759 WC towards Infinity: Yellow Aura; rest learned here (1158/2062)

Village entry  JPYXIpT
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