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Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Academy Intake Empty Academy Intake

Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:58 pm

Ten anxiously forced himself out of bed. He let out a deep yawn as his small little body stretched and shook off the stiffness in his body. The intense training session he did from the day before caused him to be exceptionally sore and tired. Ten went and splashed water on his face to wake up but it didn't really help. He should have rested up more for his first day at the academy today, but it was too late to do anything about it now!

It only took a couple moments for him to get dressed and ready to go. He donned a simple black kimono with matching clogs. He went to fasten his sword onto his hip like every other day when his heart dropped with disappointment. He kept forgetting that the village made him surrender it until he could prove his loyalty. The small warrior cursed under his breath for being without his prized possession.  Ten made a few pieces of toast and double checked the contents of his book bag. He was already prepped from the day before so not much needed to be changed.

Tenizen set out for the academy with his stomach twisting in knots. He found it funny that he used to assassinate people without any anxiety, but the thought of going to school made his heart leap out of his chest. It was the unknown that was bothering him. He wasn’t sure what to expect from the other kids or just being a ninja in general. Until a couple days ago he had never thought about being one and didn’t even know what it meant to be a ninja.

Tenizen tried to push the thoughts out of his head when he entered into the academy. A few other kids of varying ages were making their way around the building. Tenizen found the classroom he was looking for pretty quickly. The loud ruckus coming from it c and took one last deep breath before entering.

There was a female teacher at the front and a wide variety of kids in the class. Apart from a green girl with way too much energy and a kid with red white and red hair, nobody really stood out to him as special. Ten was bummed when the teacher explained to him that today was just an intake class. They were instructed to go around and answer the same questionnaire. It was pretty dull to tell the truth.

The class went around in order. The green haired girl’s name was Sakuran Hatake. She was mildly amusing with how much energy she answered the questions with. The boy next time was equally as interesting. He wasn’t the most respectful person. He called one of the questions insulting and completely disregarded the last one. After all the excitement Ten decided he would keep his answers as bland as possible.

My name is Sarutobi Tenizen, Im here to learn how to be a ninja and serve the village, I want to be the best swordsman, you should invest in me because im going to be the best swordsman, and hunter nins are the villages elite group of ninjas that hunt down other ninja.

Ten answered the questions in one long boring monotone breath. The other kids were so preoccupied by talking and laughing at the previous two kids' introduction that his went unnoticed. Ten scribbled his answers into a report and went to exit when the introductions were over. He made sure to apply his chakra suppression skill and shadow a much larger student to go unnoticed. This was relatively easy giving Ten’s extremely small size. The goal was to drop off the report without being noticed so Ten just mirrored the kid until he got the perfect moment to drop it off and exit the classroom with his very high agility.

WC 640


Claiming Transformation Technique (250) and Clone Technique (250) discarding remaining 140 WC
+6 speed

mission rewards 1,000 Ryo +5 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Academy Intake Empty Re: Academy Intake

Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:36 pm
Ten wrote:

WC 640


Claiming Transformation Technique (250) and Clone Technique (250) discarding remaining 140 WC
+6 speed

mission rewards 1,000 Ryo +5 AP

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