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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Letter to Hyogakure Empty A Letter to Hyogakure

Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:25 am
The letter arrived by messenger hawk, bearing the official seal of the Daimyo. As the hawk alighted on the perch in the Hyogakure military headquarters, the assembled shinobi regarded it with curiosity and apprehension as a message directly from the Daimyo was highly unusual.

Andre, the stern-faced head of Research and Development, untied the scroll from the hawk's leg with a furrowed brow, broke the crimson wax seal, he then unfurled the parchment and began to read aloud:

"Daimyo Decree,
Let it be known across the lands of Hyogakure and beyond, that on this day, I, Daimyo Jugo, by the authority vested in me by conquest hereby decree the following:

That the one known as Sakaiza, called by many 'the Wretched', shall henceforth be granted the esteemed title and position of Kage, supreme leader of Hyogakure's forces. Let all of Hyogakure pledge their unwavering loyalty to Hyogakage Sakaiza.

May his leadership usher in a new era of strength and prosperity for our noble village. The will of the Daimyo is absolute.

Signed and sealed,
Daimyo Jugo

OOC - is appointed Kage.
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Village : Hyogagakure
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A Letter to Hyogakure Empty Re: A Letter to Hyogakure

Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:55 am
Shortly upon the decree of the Daimyo arriving in Andre's hands, he relayed its message to the advisors and higher staff whom were in the room at the time of him reading it aloud. The group discussed the matter and came to the conclusion that the information should remain classified to those in the room until Sakaiza's return from his journey to the Hot Springs. However, Andre would secure the letter back to the messenger hawk sent by the Daimyo, and fly it off towards the direction of Yugakure. 

Sakaiza, who at the time had been just outside the gates of Yugakure, would notice a messenger hawk flying high in the sky. Momo would leap from his shoulders and fly up towards the hawk to see if it could depict where the letter hailed from. Without having to get too close, Momo recognized the insignia upon the hawk's ankle as belonging to none other than Hyogagakure itself. Thus the lemur would meet the hawk, and a willing exchange of the letter would yield it in Momo's possession. The hawk would then reroute itself back to the Daimyo.

"Kai, it's from the Daimyo." Momo would telepathically communicate to Sakaiza during his descent to meet the Wretched.

Without a word, Sakaiza would grab ahold of the letter and unravel it. His eyes widened while reading it, then closed in reflection. The gravity of the situation was immense, but from the structure of the village he knew that a change was eminent. 

"What shall we do?" Momo questioned, while perching himself upon the armorer shoulder of the Wretched.

There was a moment of silence before Sakaiza opened his eyes, then offered the lemur a single pet upon his head. "We go back home. The will of the Daimyo is absolute."

WC = 297.

- Exit - 

- Hyogakage
- 297 WC towards Pure Darkness (297/2250)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
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Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Letter to Hyogakure Empty Re: A Letter to Hyogakure

Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:01 pm
Sakaiza wrote:

WC = 297.

- Exit - 

- Hyogakage
- 297 WC towards Pure Darkness (297/2250)

A Letter to Hyogakure JPYXIpT
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