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Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Kirigakure Bootcamp Empty Kirigakure Bootcamp

Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:21 pm
Kirigakure Bootcamp 01:

Day one of Academy life was about to start, Shinryuu thought as he eagerly got out of bed. He went into the kitchen to make his breakfast and sat down at the kitchentable to devour it at a rapid pace. No time to waste, Shinryuu took a quick shower, got dressed and headed outside.

He wasn't entirely sure what the first day would hold, but he was ready for any type of surprise ninja trick they might spring on him. "They're not going to catch me off guard on day 1", he said to himself as he made his way down the bustling streets towards the academy. At the registration office he expected to encounter some extra hurdles because he had no parents or guardians to sign the paperwork for him, so he had done his best to make the most adult-looking signature he could. Luckily and unfortunately, there are more children without relatives in the ninja-world than just him.

As Shin arrived at the mess hall he noticed there weren't many children present yet, so he sat down at a random table and waited patiently for class to officially begin. Slowly more prospect future ninja kids gathered and were motioned to take a seat by the now also arrived teacher. Some overly excited girl with long white hair had decided to sit next to him, and he calmly greeted her with a simple nod of his head. The teacher then started explaining that today was only a mere meet and greet and Shinryuu instantly got dissapointed. So much for an exciting day 1 of Academy life. Children started to introduce themselves one by one and they were all made to answer the same simple questions, which got boring quickly after the first few. Then the teacher called out the name of the girl next to him, "Sakuran Hatake". She had so much energy, and blurted out overconfident answers. She seemed amusing atleast, he thought, but then she went on: "To become one of the best Taijutsu users" ........Oh god no, she's a Taijutsu maniac like his parents once were. Shinryuu got distracted by his thoughts, but then he heard his name called out.

Shin stood up from his chair. "Name?", the teacher stated. "Shinryuu Yuki", he calmly replied.
"What brings you to our Academy?", the teacher continued. "I'm here to learn the ways of the ninja", he responded.
"What is it you wish to learn", she asked. He thought for a small second, "Medical skills mostly", he answered.
Then came the next question, and the most useless one in Shinryuu's opinion.
"Why should we invest in you?", the teacher asked as she had asked each student sofar. Shin knew the answer, and it wasnt anything he had heard from the other students. "I find that question to be insulting. Isn't it obvious to invest in the future generation of our village?". The teacher was visable shocked, she had not anticipated the calm boy to react like that, but she was going to continue regardless.
But Shin had other plans. He spoke: "And please don't ask about Hunter nin, we've all heard everyone answer the question quite nicely in different ways and it's clear that we all know what their duties entail". The teacher was clearly displeased, but decided to wave it away since it was just the introduction day. "Very well, sit", she said, and Shinryuu sat down again.

After all the students had finished their introductions, the teacher decided to call it a day, and let them all go home. Shin got up and headed out of the academy.

[601 WC]

Last edited by Shinryuu on Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : didn't manage to add the mission in the top, so i linked it instead, then after asking for help i came back in again to add the mission in spoilertag)
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Kirigakure Bootcamp Empty Re: Kirigakure Bootcamp

Thu Aug 15, 2024 4:15 pm

It was day two of Academy life, and Shinryuu made his way to the Academy with fresh optimism. Maybe day one was a letdown, but surely today would be an actual day of enriching ninja knowledge gathering. As Shin arrived at the Academy early as usual, he noticed a couple of teachers standing together discussing something. He figured this was a good moment to indulge in some ninja activity. Shin moved in as stealthily as he could, until he could overhear the teachers conversation. "...and then after we unmade the earth maze we restored the field to how it looked with grass and everything, so we should be ready for today's batch". Shinryuu didn't have to ponder hard over the intel he just gained, clearly today was going to be a fun day afterall.

Slowly the other students of his class started appearing at the academy, and he eventually mingled in with them casually, their teacher joined them shortly after. "Come with me class", she said astutely, and she started walking away from them. The class followed her and they made their way out of the academy and on a little walk. The teacher led the class to a huge open grassy field, and Shin sneakily left a clone at the edge of the field as he trailed slightly behind everyone. He then moved his clone into a high tree all the way to the top and kept it on standbye. The teacher led the class to the centre of the field, and then turned around to address them about what was happening. "Right, this is what's going to happen", the teacher said, and as she did, huge earthen walls shot out from everywhere around them as the maze took shape. "Your goal is to escape the maze", she stated, and she turned around. "Oh, and dont touch the mist", she then added as she turned her head back towards them, and then she dissappeared in a cloud of smoke.

All the children started running in a panic, except for Saky, which Shin thought was interesting. He himself didn't need to panic either, as his hidden clone was providing him a nice slanted view from the top of the tree it was in. Shin casually started walking the most efficient route out of here, sometimes coming across other classmates, eventually exiting the maze with 3 of them anxiously following his calm self. He walked over to the teacher who was standing a distance away from the maze exit, with Sakuran already situated next to her. "Here to drop off some lost students ma'am", Shinryuu dutifully reported, "No mist touched any of us, other than that they missed me". Quite pleased with himself, Shin dismissed his clone, sat down against a tree nearby, and waited for the teacher to end the trip when everyone got either out or misted.

While he waited, he played around with waterdroplets he was creating, trying really hard to freeze them up. "One day", he thought to himself.

[502 WC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Kirigakure Bootcamp Empty Re: Kirigakure Bootcamp

Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:54 pm

It was a beautiful sunny day, one would say the perfect kind of weather for a field trip. It had been a while since they had gone out of the academy grounds for a trip and Shin was excited. They were going to go into the forest which was always a nice environment to spend free time in in his opinion. As an added bonus, todays focus was on ingredients for potions, which was one of the things he was interested in quite a bit. Shin got up, got himself ready and started to head out to the academy, where they were all to gather up. He got there early as per usual, and he spend this time by playing around with waterdroplets. He just couldn't figure out how to freeze them up, it was very frustrating. As he lost himself in his training, all his classmates had gathered and it was time to head off.

After a long walk the class finally arrived at the edge of a huge forest, and the teacher explained the task at hand. They were to find some herbs, and then in the evening they had to explain what they were used for. An added bonus was that they were going to be spending the night here in the forest, which meant, camping! Though Shinryuu wasnt completely unaware that as with the last field trip they had had, this one could also be... tricky. Field Trip? More like Field Trap, am I right? Anyhow that remained to be seen, for now it was all about herbs. Which meant it was all about using stealth to follow Sakuran from a distance and just gather the same things she did. She had told him many times in great detail about all sorts of herbs, mushrooms and so forth, and he had been listening with great interest. Unfortunately though he did not retain all of those herby informations, so the next best thing was to do what any ninja would do: sneak around.

Apparently though, stealth was not even required, as Sakuran happily walked with him through the forest, carefully gathering whatever she was keeping her keen eyes out for, and meanwhile talking about how to find which one, but also mixing in bits and pieces about Taijutsu moves and how unstoppable she was going to be. This girl was clearly a mental case, but he couldnt deny that she was skilled, in both punching things and finding herbs. Before he knew it, it had already gotten late, and with plenty of herbs and shrooms in their pouches, they headed to where the campsite was located.

As everyone slowly arrived at the campsite, students were giving it their best to remember the uses and properties of whatever grasses and leaves they had scurried together out there. And as the evening passed, and everyone was soundly asleep, it began. A loud scream was heard and all the students immediately got up from their sleepingbags and looked around. Some started panicking before others had even realised what was going on. Huge, dogsized insect creatures were surrounding the campsite, staring at the students with ill, creepy intent. Shinryuu had meanwhile also spotted their teacher, who was lieing in the distance against a tree, behind one of the bugs, and visibly in bad condition. "You distract that bug Saky, and ill check up on teach, ready? Go!", Shin said to Sakuran, without even making eye-contact. He knew it wasnt needed, Saky was all about punching things, and surely this time wouldnt be an exception. They both dashed towards the big bug, and then Shin veered off towards their teacher, while Sakuran aimed for the bug.

Shinryuu arrived at his teacher's position and did a quick treatment assessment, every second counted. But he was very quickly proven wrong. He just sat there, and then said: "How long are you going to continue to lie here while you're perfectly fine". The teacher opened one eye slowly and said: "I'm poisoned badly". To which Shin almost instantly responded: "And im the Mizukage, who're you trying to fool here". His teacher couldn't completely hide her smirk at that reaction, but she hung on and remained motionless. At that moment Saky arrived behing Shin and pointed out that the bugs weren't real, meaning they were probably under influence of a Genjutsu. "Makes sense", Shin said, "We did practise a lot of Gen Release last weeks didn't we". They nodded at eachother and performed the Genjutsu Release Technique after a few failed attempts and fumbling. After they had escaped the genjutsu, they released the classmates that hadnt released themselves yet.

The teacher had everyone go back to sleep after all the fear and excitement had resided, but obviously some of the students continued to whisper their story of that night to eachother in more colors than there were elements.

[812 WC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Kirigakure Bootcamp Empty Re: Kirigakure Bootcamp

Thu Aug 15, 2024 6:42 pm

Academy life was good. Shin was getting really good at all the basic skills he would need to graduate, and even started specialising in some areas more naturally than other areas. He hadnt managed to manifest any ice yet, but he couldnt be far from solving this dilemma.

Today was just going to be another day like the others, except it wasn't. As Shin arrived at the academy, he met up with Sakuran and headed into class. Their teacher sat them all down and started explaining that there was going to be a test today. First she said they were going to have to make teams of 2, and before she even got halfway through the sentence Sakuran had already eagerly and energetically grabbed hold of his arm, much to the dismay of some other students who wouldve gladly traded an organ to have been paired up with either of them. After they all formed pairs, the teacher explained that the goal was to pop the waterballoon that was attached to each assigned teacher, and she handed out a piece of paper to each team with a word written on it. Theirs said "History". They were then all led outside, where several teachers were lined up with a tag on their arm, each corresponding to one of the words the students had gotten. Shin and Saky moved to the teacher with the History tag and greeted him respectfully, but Sakuran already had her eyes on the balloon.

As the sign was given for the test to start, the teachers all moved into different directions, and most students followed right after. Sakuran sped straight after the teacher, abd Shin slowly turned and headed into a different direction at a slower pace. He made his way to the statue of the first Mizukage, surely this was where their target was going to head. He had glanced at the other teacher's tags and had seen them head into directions opposite of where he had expected them to go, so he surmised that they were going to run away a while before ending up at the places where he was thinking they would. Shin looked around for a good spot to hide, while keeping in mind to which direction the teacher would have their back turned. He then waited, really hoping he did not fumble the concept on which his whole strategy was currently based. Luckily, his hunch was quickly proven correct as the teacher swooped onto the scene, stopping dead in front of the Mizukage statue, and making a stand against Sakuran, who had arrived at the spot aswel.

Sakuran almost immediately went straight into the fight, brazen as always. She did her thing, punching and kicking and trying to reach for the balloon, while the teacher kept blocking and parrying and moving in ways that the balloon was never in Saky's reach. Shin patiently watched and waited. Then it happened, Saky tried to grapple the teacher, and the teacher locked arms with her. Shinryuu didn't hesitate for a second, he drew a senbon from his pocket, and with surgical precision launched it at the balloon. A gentle "POP", and it was game over for the teacher. Sakuran proved to be an amazing distraction for the teacher, definitely enough for Shin to make his move. Effortless teamwork, even if not everyone in the team were aware of the teamwork, or the plan, or their role in the team and the plan. That was the end of the test.

[585 WC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Kirigakure Bootcamp Empty Re: Kirigakure Bootcamp

Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:02 pm
[601 WC] 1000 Ryo, 5 AP
A-maze-ing Tuition
[502 WC] 1250 Ryo, 6 AP
Don't let the bed bugs bite!
[812 WC] 1250 Ryo, 6 AP
A Sneaky Suspicion
[585 WC] 1250 Ryo, 6 AP

Total: [2500 WC], 4750 Ryo, 23 AP, +25 Chakra

[500 WC] Iryojutsu amplifier
[500 WC] Healing Hands
[500 WC] Chakra Anesthesia
[1000 WC] Blazing Venom Current

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Kirigakure Bootcamp Empty Re: Kirigakure Bootcamp

Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:14 pm
Shinryuu wrote:Bootcamp
[601 WC] 1000 Ryo, 5 AP
A-maze-ing Tuition
[502 WC] 1250 Ryo, 6 AP
Don't let the bed bugs bite!
[812 WC] 1250 Ryo, 6 AP
A Sneaky Suspicion
[585 WC] 1250 Ryo, 6 AP

Total: [2500 WC], 4750 Ryo, 23 AP, +25 Chakra

[500 WC] Iryojutsu amplifier
[500 WC] Healing Hands
[500 WC] Chakra Anesthesia
[1000 WC] Blazing Venom Current

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