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Kirigo Hanade
Kirigo Hanade
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Da Hard Stuff
Mission Record : Da Work
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Kirigakure Academy 01 • Boot Camp. Empty Kirigakure Academy 01 • Boot Camp.

Tue Aug 06, 2024 4:04 am
Kirigo strolled down the path to the academy his head held high. The early morning sun looked beautiful cutting through the trees and fog, even though the cool air had a chill to it. The path widened up ahead before opening into a large courtyard, with a large fountain in the middle. There were kids standing around the courtyard talking in groups. Most of them looked to be older than Kirigo but there were a few that seemed to be around his age. He started to feel a little self conscious in his wrinkled t-shirt and shorts. Of course everyone would be dressed up for the first day at the academy. He didn't have time to stand around and make friends right now anyways. There'd be plenty of time for that later. For now he just wanted to get to his classroom and see what the first day would hold in store. Kirigo lowered his gaze to the ground as he walked up the steps to enter the school. When he pushed open the front door and walked in he noticed a table set against the wall. There were several clipboards on the table, each labeled with a year number, room number, and teacher name. Kirigo walked over to the table, picking up the clipboard for first years and reading the top “Taidana, Inu, Room 423.” Kirigo picked up a pen out of the cup in the center of the table and wrote his name in the top slot of the roster before returning both to the table. He began to walk down the hallways slowly looking for his room number. Once he found it he opened the door and walked in looking around. The blinds on the windows were closed but the lights above lit everything brightly. There were about twenty student desks arranged in five rows of four and a desk at the front for the teacher. On the wall behind the teachers desk was a chalkboard with a clock above it. All of the desks were empty but each one had a sheet of paper and a pen sitting on them. There was a chart drawn on the chalkboard, 20 squares arranged in five rows of four with the number one through twenty written randomly, with a label written above it, “Seating Chart,” and a large rectangle that said “Taidana” on it marking the teachers desk and the front of the classroom. Kirigo found the number one and went to take his seat assuming they'd be seated based on the order of the roster. He sat down at his desk wondering where his teacher was and when exactly classes actually started. Kirigo picked up his pen and began tapping it against his desk while reading the worksheet in front of him. The questions were straightforward, nothing difficult, or even requiring much thought.

• Who are you?
“Kirigo Hanade”
• Why are you at the Academy?
“To become a Shinobi”
• What do you wish to learn?
• Why should we invest in you?
“Isn't that what an Academy is for? To invest in the future of the students?”
• Who are the Hunter Nin?
Ninjas that hunt down other ninjas.

Kirigo smirked to himself as he wrote his answers. He was sure these weren't the answers they were expecting, but if that were the case they should've worded the questions in a way that kept them from being answered so simply. He wrote his name at the top of his page before looking around the empty classroom again. Once he was sure he was alone he stood up and simply walked over to the teachers desk, sitting his paper in the center with no one the wiser. As he turned back to his desk the bell rang outside and he could hear a wave of commotion come roaring his way. Kirigo quickly made his way back to his desk and took his seat before he could be overrun by the stampede of kids. As everyone took their seats a person that Kirigo could only assume was the teacher walked in and stood in front of the room, he was wearing a wrinkled collared shirt with the top button open and a pair of loose slacks. He moved lazily as if he didn't care how long it took him to get where he was going and when he stopped he slouched back against the blackboard smearing the writing he'd placed there. He waited for all the kids to notice him and quiet down before addressing the room.
“My name is Inu Taidana, and I'll be your teacher this year. I want you all to complete the worksheets on your desk, and manage to get them onto my desk without me seeing you. I know it's your first day but I still expect you all to have at least some kind of skills, it should be no problem for someone who wishes to call  themselves a shinobi. Once you've turned in your paper and called my attention to it you'll come to the front of the room and introduce yourself to your class. Is that understood?”
There were nods and a few murmurs of approval from the class as everyone picked up their pens and began to write. Kirigo watched his teacher as he lazily drifted over to his chair and slouched into it. It took him a minute to notice the page already sitting in the center of his desk, when he did he looked it over, quickly reading the answers before scanning the room. Kirigo raised his hand slightly to let the teacher know it was him.
“Well,” Inu said, drawing the attention of several of the other students in the room. “It seems someone has already managed to finish the assignment. Step up please.”
Kirigo stood slowly and everyone turned to look at him. He could see that a few of his classmates were about halfway through the questions, others seemed to have written a paragraph and were still on the first question, but of course no one else was done. He’d only seemed to finish so quickly because he came straight into class this morning. He approached the front of the classroom, rubbing his hands together nervously as he walked. He stopped next to the teachers desk before turning around to face his new classmates.
“My name is Kirigo Hanade,” he said looking out over the faces of his peers. Kirigo bowed slightly and returned to his seat. He sat and put his head down on his desk, waiting for the rest of the class to finish, and daydreaming about what his future would hold.

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Kirigakure Academy 01 • Boot Camp. Empty Re: Kirigakure Academy 01 • Boot Camp.

Tue Aug 06, 2024 12:27 pm
Kirigo Hanade wrote:
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