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Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
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Clan Specialty : White Fang
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Ryo : 500

Genin Exam Empty Genin Exam

Sun Aug 04, 2024 5:37 pm
Mission : Genin Exam:
The sun was just beginning to rise over the village, waking all the wildlife around the farm yard of her parents. She left at the crack of dawn to be in the dojo training field, feeling excited and anxious but also a bit nauseous. Today was the day of the Genin exam, a critical stepping stone in her path to becoming an actual ninja! She had been at this for weeks, training her skills in Bunshin no Jutsu and Henge no Jutsu.

Ryunata steadied herself, clasping and unclasping her hands, trying to fight off the excitement. "I've trained for this," she told herself sternly. "I absolutely got this." She remembered her training sessions, the days spent evading her family so she could spend all her time practicing. Her family had been supportive, even her overbearing mother had wished her luck this morning.

Ryunata decided she needed to be in fighting shape for the exam, starting with some basic stretches to loosen her muscles. Then she started her routine with jumping jacks, bouncing around she thought about her classes and friends and how much this would change life for her. Next up were high knees and she made sure to care of her knee height. Half a rep was no rep at all.

She got her blood pumping and started to do some shadow boxing, each strike was thrown as if she was in a real fight, regularly bobbing and weaving to simulate a battle. This all served to get her into the proper mindset, she wanted to ace this exam and leave a good impression. Ryunata was feeling like she was on top of her game.

Next, she looked at her notes for the hand seals for both of her new jutsu. For the first, Bunshin no Jutsu, she needed the Ram seal and for the second, Henge no Jutsu, it was the Dog seal. She practiced the hand seals a few times, ensuring her hand movements were accurate and well formed.
Now that she had reviewed the technique it was time to put it into practice. She formed the Dog seal and gathered her chakra, making sure to do it slow and steady, speed would come later. "Bunshin no Jutsu." surrounding her was a cloud of white smoke and formed 5 identical bunshin. They all smirked along with her. "Perfect, now to repeat that on the exam and I'm gold"

She decided to test the bunshins out a bit, making them do exercises and running off in different directions doing flips and jumps. She then called them back and tried a few battle tactics where they would weave in and out of each other without touching and with Ryunata at the center, ready to pounce.

Happy with her work thus far she dispelled her clones. Her body was calming down but she wanted to keep her heart rate up and ran a few laps doing high knees. She was going to knock this clean out of the park, after she finished practicing Henge it should be close to exam time.

All work and no play would put too much of a strain on Ryunata, she fumbled around in her bag and got out her brothers old unicycle. She had some practice with this but never in combat, the idea amused her and she mused about it while riding a few laps practicing hand signs. Just imagine challenging a kage on a unicycle, legendary.

Time for the last jutsu prep and its time to go! Enough horsing around. She jumped off the unicycle a bit awkwardly, then filled with vigor formed the Dog seal, and calmly gathered her chakra. She let it build up before she performed the jutsu "Henge no Jutsu." and transformed into a fox, rolling around in the grass and doing little jumps, she then once more tried to transform in her father Jiro, practicing walks and mannerisms.

Walking over to a little pond she inspected her face and body, this was looking very good, she spend a while practicing facial expressions to see if it looked how it felt going through the different expressions. She knew that transforming was only half the trick, you had to imitate their mannerisms as well. "Guess its about that time." Ryunata got on her unicycle and started biking to the examination area.

As she drew closer to the academy she jumped off her bike and tried to sweep it into her bag, failing horribly she just picked it up and stuffed it in there, acting like nothing happened. She walked round the back of the school and saw that the window to the class room was open, using Shunshin no jutsu she teleported into the room on top of one of the tables, jumped off and joined her classmates in line waiting for her turn.

"Can not believe i arrived in such a cool way, keep a straight face now and act like you do this all the time." she thought to herself.

Calming herself down from that epic entrance she watched her classmates do the exams, as she thought it was the Transformation jutsu and the Clone jutsu. But to be fair her teacher had only been warning them the entire year that it was going to come up. This was what she was waiting for since she had heard tales about her families legacy.
"RYUNATA HATAKE" The examinator called, she snapped out of her thoughts and presented herself. Made a little bow as she stood in place and assumed a straight position with her hands behind her back. The stocky examinator looked her op and down and said "Right, we are going to have you perform the transformation jutsu first, whenever you are ready."

Ryunata looked dead serious, all playfulness disappeared out of her. With great determination she formed the seal and summoned her chakra. Feeling her chakra course through her body she picked the exact right moment to use Henge no jutsu. "HENGE NO JUTSU" a cloud of white smoke surrounded her and from it came the exact copy of the examinator, she assumed his way of standing and said in the same flat tone as him "Right, we are going to have you perform the transformation jutsu first, whenever you are ready." The examinator chuckled at this and said " Alright that is more then good enough, dispel when ready and we will go to the final test"

Ryunata dispelled her jutsu and assumed the same position as before. The examinator made some notes then looked up from his writing "Ryunata perform the bunshin no jutsu, please."
She nodded and performed the seal, and as before gathered the chakra slowly and with great intent, when she felt there was enough to make all of her clones she said firmly "BUNSHIN NO JUTSU" And produced five perfect clones, each in the same position as she stood before. "Perfect." the man said, "That will be all, dispel when ready."

With a grin she dispelled her clones, today could not have gone better. She received her papers and headband from her teacher and was congratulated by him. Her grin growing by the second she thanked him and rushed home while putting on the headband, she could not wait to show her family.

Arriving at home she proudly presented her headband to her parents and siblings, everyone was happy for her but also a bit worried. She had a bit of a celebration at home, showing off her jutsus to her siblings and parents. The next morning she rushed back to the training field to practice a bit.
With the Genin exam behind her Ryunata wanted to get a bit of training done before she did any missions. She was determined to keep this pace of advancement going her mind ablaze with ideas, hope and plans for the future.
Ryunata decided to focus on her agility and reaction time, which are neccessary for every up and coming shinobi. She decided to do some sprinting to get started,marking a fifty meter stretch between two trees, she began running back and forth as fast as she could, maintaining speed and consistency and keeping up these as well she could. Each lap left her more winded, but she knew that this was the only way to truly build her stamina and speed.

Following her warmup she wanted to do some agility drills. Ryunata set up a makeshift obstacle course using logs and branches she had collected from around her. She practiced weaving in and out of the obstacles, focusing on rapid changes in direction. The goal was to improve her footwork and her ability to navigate through a chaotic battlefield, or so was the idea . She visualized herself in various combat scenarios, evading enemy attacks and closing in for swift counterattacks.

To finish up her training session, Ryunata worked on her chakra control. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, she focused on drawing out her chakra and molding it with precision. She practiced chakra control, gathering it in her body to perform jutsus. She tried doing her Bunshin and henge jutsus and like the day before they went perfect.

Gathering her things she went into town to start her first mission.


Ugrade to Genin
Hoshigakure no Sato headband
1000 Ryo
5 AP

Power rank D

WC 1537
+15 Speed

1500 WC using discount White Fang

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Junko Tsukiko
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:15 pm
Ryunata Hatake wrote:

Ugrade to Genin
Hoshigakure no Sato headband
1000 Ryo
5 AP

Power rank D

WC 1537
+15 Speed

1500 WC using discount White Fang

Genin Exam JPYXIpT

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