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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:24 am
She'd immediately become bashful as she heard the applause around them though she'd chuckle slightly at the drunk mans words. After separating from him they would quickly finish their their meal and head out of the restaurant. Intertwining her fingers with his, Junko would inquire about their new home. She was happy to hear that it was a beach front, though her home was bigger, it was also in the middle of Tsukigakure and was often polluted by loud noises from the bustling streets.

A soft smile would cross her lips as he mentioned his like for the village, though who was in it was more his desire. Like many others within the walls of the village, he was really only here for her. The various vagabonds she called her friends used the home as a shelter, though she knew they were dedicated to her and not Tsukigakure. In one hand it was nice, a coup was unlikely due to their alliance with her, however her friends weren’t obliged to protect her home in case of emergency. Akabayashi had suggested a few methods to force people to join, but that simply wasn't the way she wanted to rule.

Arriving at the property, Junko would look over the exterior in a bit of awe. As they approached the front door he’d open it for her, allowing her to enter first. Giving him a slight bow, Junko would enter and look around the immediate area. Immediately she began to wander around aimlessly, shifting her attention to various details quite rapidly. Her demeanor was similar to a kid in a candy store as she began to explore the home. Though as he began to give her the tour, she'd return her attention to him. The air around her buzzed with excitement, and if he inspected her eyes closely they looked to be glowing slightly. 

”Akabayashi this place it absolutely wonderful! It'll be nice to wake up to the sounds of the beach each morning.”

Approaching the room that had been marked with a water symbol, he'd mention that they'd have to add a moon to it as well. She'd nod happily, thinking the gesture would be quite cute. He then would explain that there was an extra room if Nariko would like to stay with them as well. She'd have to speak with her the next day about relocating, though she doubted there would be any issues.

Returning to the living room, Akabayashi pulled their bathing suits from the bag, a long with what looked to be a small case. Presenting it to her, he'd mention that he had gotten her a gift. Her eyes would widen slightly as looked down and the finely made, golden anklet and frog charm attached to it. Taking the case from his hands, she'd inspect it closely as a blush formed on her face. Her adoration for frogs wasn't known by many, so this truly touched her. 

”I absolutely love this darling, the charm is a cute touch. I should have gotten you something as well, I'm sorry my dear.”

If he allowed her to, she'd place her arms over his shoulders and pulled him in for a tight hug. After holding him for a moment, she'd pull away and offer him a quick kiss before asking if he’d put it on her. If he obliged and knelt before her to fasten it to her ankle, Junko would place her hand on the top of his head and play gently with his hair. 

Total WC: 5271

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:47 pm
After accepting the hug and kiss, he would hold her. "You have already gotten me something, " he would say, pulling the necklace she had gotten him out. More importantly, you have given me the gift of waking up to you each morning. Your gentle snoring, the way you tell me good morning, the way you try to fix your bedhead before I can see it." He would gently run his fingers through her hair as he spoke.

He said he would place the bracelet around her ankle as she asked. The fingers running through his hair sent electricity running down his spine. She would be on the right path if she wanted to awaken his desire. After he was finished placing the item on her, he would stand up. "Shall we change and go down to the beach?" If she nodded, he would take the bags into their room, remove the tags from everything, and undress. He would put the trunks on first before putting on the shirt, leaving it unbuttoned, and then putting on his sandals.

The room was spacious, with a couple of dressers and a king-sized bed. If Junko wanted privacy, there was a closet the size of a standard room. For him, he was not embarrassed she had already seen him in his birthday suit before. So, he preferred to change to the main room. He chose, however, not to face her; he didn't need any more stimulation before walking outside. Once she was changed, he would look at her swimsuit. It was beautiful. The moonflower pattern fit her perfectly. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

It seemed Yoshinori had come in at some point. Her silent approach made her almost impossible to hear, but her "Bleugh," followed by the front door closing, was impossible to mistake.

After a moment of silence, since Junko wanted to match, he had something for her. Opening a drawer, he would take out an extra pair of sunglasses and put them on her. "Now we are dressed as a couple." He would place his hands on her hips and kiss her again before taking her hand and leading her down the stairs to the beach.

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:04 pm
As he held her close, Junko would happily listen to his words. It had been quite some time since she had given him the necklace, though she supposed he was right. Her eyes briefly looked to it as a soft smile crossed her lips. It made her happy to know he wore it regularly and intended to do so with his gift. Feeling comforted by his words, Junko would nuzzle him gently though she’d pull away slightly as he mentioned her snoring. She’d shake her head briefly as an embarrassed expression crossed her face. Speaking up, her voice was a mix of timid and playful

”I don’t snoreee, you’re the only one who’s ever said I did, so I’m choosing not to believe you.”

She then would ask if he’d put his gift on her, and thankfully he obliged her request. As he knelt down in front of her, she’d pull the bottom of her dress up slightly and stick out her right leg so he could easily place it on her. With her free hand, she’d brush her fingers gently through his hair and gaze down at him. Usually, it was him looking down at her, but it admittedly felt nice to have the roles reversed. A bit of a smirk would cross her lips, though it’d fade as he stood up once more.

Looking down at her ankle with a smile, she’d nod happily as he suggested getting changed and then heading to the beach. Following him to their room, she’d take her bathing suit and after removing the tags she’d get changed. She noticed he had his back turned to him, and appreciated the small bit of privacy he provided her. Removing her dress and slipping into her new bikini, Junko adjusted the ties at her hips, behind her neck, and around her back to ensure they wouldn't come undone. Thankfully it wasn’t too revealing, though she was unsure if she’d feel comfortable wearing it around most people.

Once they were both finished, Akabayashi would turn his attention to her once more. She looked a bit sheepish as she watched him gaze briefly at the swimsuit. Her blush intensified as she listened to his words, though before she could respond she heard what she assumed to be Yoshinori make a disgusted then, then presumably the front door shutting. For a moment her gaze would linger on their bedroom door as she attempted to figure out what her problem was. From their first encounter, his body guards dislike for Junko had been quite obvious, though she was unsure why.

Deciding it wouldn’t be the right time to bring up her concern, she looked back to Akabayashi once more with a sweet smile.

”You truly flatter me, my dear, I don’t know how I got so lucky to find myself by your side. You look immaculate as usual, though I wished you’d wear casual attire more often. I fear you may have a heat stroke one of these days. ”

It was clear by her tone that she was joking about the heat stroke bit, hoping it would alleviate any awkward feeling left by Yoshinori. Before leaving, she’d watch as he made his way to one of the nearby dressers and pulled open a drawer. A look of excitement crossed her face as she saw him retrieve a pair of sunglasses and allowed him to place them on her. She’d nod happily as he stated that now they were truly dressed as a couple. Though he had his ruthless tendencies, she adored how thoughtful he was… well at least to her. She was sure most people never got to see this side of him, so she was happy he felt comfortable enough around her. Allowing him to pull her in and kiss her once more, Junko would speak up playfully as they parted.

”It’s so difficult to see out of these, it’s hard to believe you wear these all day, though I suppose you’re used to it.”

With an excited smile, Junko would take his hand and follow him out of the house, allowing him to lead her down to the beachfront.

WC: 701
Total WC: 5972

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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:56 pm
When she said she did not snore, he shrugged. Everyone thought they didn't snore. You had to sleep near people to know if they snored or not. He thought her snoring was cute; maybe he could figure out a way to show her. Junko had that mind-reading thing she could do.

Her words were too generous. "I assume it had something to do with your offer to protect me at night. Followed by your intelligence and hunger for knowledge. Your perfect looks and, finally, how you handle yourself in the bedroom." There was no luck. It was all Junko Tsukiko. He was the lucky one, though he would not say it in an attempt to try to do her statement out. He'd already established it wasn't luck. "As for the heat stroke, you need not worry; I am used to surviving in hotter than usual conditions." He had to be able to handle the heat when manipulating boil and lava release, though he could no longer use them they were at one point a part of him.

With the brightness outside, she would likely be happy to have the sunglasses. As he was about to leave, he would whistle and place a flying thunder god mark on his door. It seemed his paths had reached their respective destinations. "I have to teleport again, come with?" He would say, holding her hand and sliding on his sandals, waiting for her to put them on herself if she wished to go.

After teleporting, they would find themselves in front of the Asura path on the eastern side of the interdiction seals. Letting go of Junko's hand, he would place one foot inside the interdiction seals, step out of the barrier, and place another outside before returning to her side. "I promised to tell you something about these things." He would say, pointing to Asura. "These enable me to see and hear without being present and embodying one of the six paths my Rinnegan grants me. This one is Asura, the path of war. I control it through this metal rod in his abdomen." Lifting the shirt off the path, the black receiver rod was apparent. If she recalled earlier, he had placed smaller ones in the ear of a corpse and made the animal path.

He would retake her hand and bring her to the animal path. He would talk and place two more seals as he had done before; they were now in the northwest of the village. "This is the animal path capable of summoning me and the other paths along with revived and modified summons." After that, he would teleport them back to his house and continue.

"The other paths are human, deva, Naraka, and preta, which I keep with me for now." Opening the door to the outside, he would walk out first. If she had questions, which he knew she would, he would be open to answering them, assuming no one was listening in.

WC: 504
TWC: 3696

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:25 pm
Junko increasingly grew flustered as he returned her words of affection with some of his own. Her blush intensified as she gazed up at him with absolute adoration, though her body seemed to relax slightly as she felt comfortable in his grasp. A light giggle escaped her lips as he reassured her that the heat didn’t bother him and that he was used to even hotter temperatures. She wasn’t truly worried that it would bother him, she could hardly recall him even breaking a sweat so she was sure he was fine.

”I suppose I did have something to do with it, though can you blame me for seeing such a wonderful individual and wanting him all for myself?”

After he placed the sunglasses on her face, the two of them began to make their way out of the room. Before exiting, he’d stop briefly to place a mark on the back of his door. Moving out of the room, he’d stop and explain that he needed to teleport again then ask if she’d like to go with him. She’d of course agree, and after slipping on her sandals once more she was ready to go. Taking his hand in hers, the two of them would be teleported to the borders once more. Letting go of him once more, she’d watch as he placed his seals and would happily wait for him to return to her side once more.

Listening to his words, she’d remain silent as he began to explain what the paths were. He’d mention that they gave him the ability to hear and see things through them without even being present. Motioning towards the one he had created for the pancake challenge, he’d explain that it was called the Asura Path of War and that he controlled it with the metal rod he had jammed into the body. She noticed that the metal was similar to the kind he had put in the ears of the other body when they were at the gate.

Before she could inquire further, he took her hand once more and teleported them to the other path he had sent out into the borders. Upon arrival, he’d continue to speak as he placed the seals as he had done previously. He explained that the one they were with now was known as the Animal Path and that it was capable of summoning both him and his paths, along with reviving summons. She’d nod at his words, making sure he knew she was listening intently to him. Taking her hand once more they’d return to their home and he’d continued their explanation. Finishing off he’d mention that there were 4 other paths, though each of them was human and he decided to keep them with him for now

Exiting the home, Junko pondered for a moment about all the information he had just given her. The more and more she learned about him, the more she found herself what else he was capable of.

”Well first I want to say thank you for telling me all that, I honestly was a bit confused by how they worked and what they were though I didn’t want to bother you with any questions.”

She’d squeeze his hand gently as a soft smile crossed her face, though her gaze remained on the beautiful atmosphere around them.

”I think my first question is, isn’t overwhelming? I mean to be able to both hear and see out of multiple things, I think I personally would have a hard time keeping up with everything. With just my own senses, I sometimes have a hard time in large crowds or busy areas, so I couldn’t even imagine what you go through.”

Hand in hand, Junko would follow him down the stairs and listen to his response as she gazed out at the sea in front of them. Taking in a deep breath, she’d enjoy the scent of the ocean and revel in the feeling of the light breeze that blew past them as they walked.

WC: 684
Total WC: 6656

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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:43 pm
"No, no, princess. I quite understand how you feel about wanting a wonderful individual for yourself." He would look down at her, and the adoration in his eyes was evident as his eyes lingered on her. Unfortunately, they had things to do. Otherwise, he would have liked to see and hear her blush and giggle a little longer. He found himself like this often recently when it came to Junko. Forgetting what he was about to do to get a second glance. She was an overwhelming stimulus that overpowered him and forced him to pay attention. He was sure he feared losing her; it was what his Jashigan had shown him months ago, and it was the very reason he could not get pulled into her sweet-scented hair, beautiful lips, sing-song voice, and eyes that reflected the best parts of the world.

It seemed Junko wished to wait before asking questions until his exposition was complete. He was okay with that, and he was almost glad he could finish with the seals and return to their date. As she held his hand and asked her questions, it was not about how they functioned, but how he could handle so many things filtering through his mind at once. "I like talking to you. Your interest is one of your many adorable traits. As for the second thing... he would whisper in her ear. "Every part of you is the only thing I find myself overwhelmed by."  If she allowed, there would be another kiss to prove his words. Nothing made him feel like she did, like a flood of dopamine that sent him on a mini vacation.

Finally, they were on the beach, and the water was clear and calm. A few people were lying on the beach on towels, and people were swimming. Some people were playing volleyball, and others were building sandcastles. Most turned to look at him and Junko as they passed. If she weren't there, he probably would have asked, "The fuck you looking at?" Instead, he tried to move faster toward the water and his beach umbrella. Once there, he would slap his forehead as he had forgotten the towels. He didn't have a kunai with him, and based on what he could see, Junko didn't either. He could mark the umbrella, but he rented it, and marking sand was impossible. He had wanted to ask Junko something for a while now, and this was the right moment. "I know this sounds weird, but can I put a teleportation mark on your body? It lets me switch places with you, and besides, I have to run back to get the towels and sunscreen." Maybe this was his plan to mark her, or maybe it wasn't. He would never say which. He forgot some stuff, and that's all.

If she let him mark her, he would place it wherever she preferred. He would then disappear and gather all of the things needed for their date, like sunscreen and towels, before returning to her side using the mark he had placed. If she said no, he would teleport back to their house and gather the stuff before walking back down. With him gone, it seemed a few of the local men grew bolder.

WC: 556
TWC: 4252

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Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:22 pm
After asking her questions, he’d respond by stating he enjoyed speaking with her and complimented her inquisitive nature. A light blush would cross her cheeks as he leaned closer and whispered in her ear. He had managed to both answer the question and make her flustered in only two sentences. She often felt quite bashful around him, normally when complimented by others she’d simply tell them thank you and move on. His honied words, however, seemed to have a bit more of an impact on her. Unlike most others, he was not only attracted to what she looked like or what she could offer him. Instead, he seemingly cherished every bit of her, though she did have a few odd behaviors. Turning to face him, she allowed him to kiss her once more before the two of them continued their walk.

”My darling Akabayashi, you truly are the most wonderful man I’ve had the fortune of spending time with. I only hope to continue to be an overwhelming force in your life.”

Though there were a few lingering questions she had about the paths, she decided it was best to simply enjoy her time with him. For now, she didn’t want her mind to be bogged down with the complexities his techniques entailed so she dropped the subject. Making it to the bottom of the stairs, they were met with beautiful white sands and nearly crystal-clear water. Looking around, there were a handful of different people all doing a variety of beach activities. Just like anywhere else in the village, she recognized some of the others and offered them a brief wave as they made their way to his umbrella.

Upon arriving, she’d look at Akabayashi as he smacked himself on the forehead. For a moment she’d look confused, though quickly came to the same conclusion he had. They had forgotten the bag they packed while at the Kage Tower and left it back at their home. She couldn’t help but giggle slightly, the thought of them both being too enraptured with each other to remember was admittedly a bit cute. Speaking up first, he’d ask if she was alright with him marking her like one of his kunai. He explained that it would allow him to switch places with her, and since he needed to run back to the house anyway, it’d make the trip easier.

Silence hung in the air between the two of them for a moment as she contemplated what to do. On one hand, it would be extremely useful to do so and could potentially save her in a moment of crisis. On the other, should anything happen between the two, it would be odd to have his mark lingering on her. If that were to happen, however, she would simply need to remove whatever part of her body that he marked, which to her was no issue. Offering him an affirming nod, Junko would turn slightly and point to her right calf.

”It’s not weird at all! I think that’s a great idea, why don’t you place it just below the back of my knee? Just like with my other seals, I’d like to be able to conceal it if I want to.”

Should he agree, Junko would allow him to place a Flying Thunder God mark on her and before he disappeared she’d give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Turning her attention to the gorgeous water in front of her, she walked away from his umbrella and stood happily by the shore. As the waves crashed against the beach, she’d remained there and allowed the water to brush up against her legs and feet. A few moments passed and though Akabayashi hadn’t returned to her side, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Looking behind her she noticed a small group of roughly 4 guys approaching her.

She figured they recognized her and simply wanted to make introductions so she didn’t mind their intrusion. Allowing them to come closer, Junko would begin talking with them, though occasionally she’d notice some of their eyes lingering on her just a bit longer than normal. She couldn’t really blame them, Akabayashi along with a few others often had complimented her appearance, and though she didn't usually believe their words, she did in her current situation. Thankfully the conversation remained rather relaxed, though she couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward by the whole exchange.

After looking over their chakra, the group looked to be made up of both shinobi and civilians, though the ninja among them seemed to be on par with a newly graduated academy student. She attempted to direct the conversation mostly at them, however each inquiry she raised was met with one about her. Though she hoped they’d ask about the village or even attempt to pry some kind of information from her, they instead asked about her life and who she was. Waiting desperately for Akabayashi to return, she continued to converse with them. Should he appear with them once more, she’d look relieved to have him by her side again.

WC: 857
Total WC: 7513

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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:54 pm
He would not respond to her words, though he was sure she would continue to overwhelm him. It was not something she did in particular; it was everything. Akabayashi was almost certain that... It was too soon to say for sure, but he had been wondering if what he was feeling was it. The kage even asked if she felt the same and did not want to be the first to say the words. Maybe she was just as unsure as he was.

As they neared the beach, Junko started waving at people; she was very popular. He did not wave, seeing as they did not know him. After asking if he could mark her, it seemed she had taken a short pause before making a decision. He was glad she agreed things would be a little easier now. He would place the seal below her knee as she indicated her skin was as smooth and soft as ever. The mark was identical to the ones found on his kunai and the ones on the ground around Moon country. Before he left, she kissed him on the cheek, which told him he was doing something right in their relationship.

After gathering the supplies, he would return to Junko's side, startling the dudes around her with his appearance as he stood in the water. He would swing the bag behind his back and look at the dudes before him. Things seemed to get more awkward when he showed up out of nowhere. "Who are you?" His eyebrow would raise. "Manners would dictate you provide your name first, but I am Akabayashi." He would say neutrally. "Whats your problem?" One of the other guys would ask. That was a good question; he had to think about it momentarily. He did not have one, but if he had to pick one. "Junko says I can't sell organs and threaten to kill people in public." The guys looked at one another due to his statement and realized he was serious. They got quiet after that, at least when talking to him. After a few moments, he would excuse himself to set up their blankets and spray himself with sunscreen.

Whenever Junko was done speaking, he would wait in the shade—popping one of the masks off his back to spray his backside. Making people stare at him as a clump of string crawled down his back and started walking around. He would offer to help her with the sunscreen if she needed it. After that, the mask returned to its position on his back. He still wore his shirt so everyone could not see the other masks on his back. If she wanted, he would go to water with her or sit in the shade and relax.

WC: 484
TWC: 4736

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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:36 pm
Though she was happy to have him return to her, those with her seemingly grew a bit tense at his sudden appearance. She’d watch their interaction, hoping this wouldn’t turn into a scene. Though he treated her wonderfully, she couldn’t say the same about how he treated those he simply saw as “cattle.” Admittedly she was happy to see it wasn’t trying to antagonize him like he had some to Azuki, though he still brought up the whole selling organs and threatening people thing. She’d laugh a bit nervously as the group of guys seemingly felt the truth in his words and became a bit detached.

Attempting to move the conversation, Junko would begin to talk about the village and give them a few recommendations for places to check out. Akabayashi excused himself then started to set up their area, and though Junko wished to help she felt a bit caught by the discussion. Thankfully it wouldn’t be long before she was able to get them to leave, though by the time she turned to join him, he seemingly was finished. A few odd stares were shot his way as his mask began to apply his sunscreen but she seemingly didn’t mind.

She’d take him up on his offer to help her apply hers, though she didn’t need his help, she loved feeling his hands across her body so she was more than happy to agree. Once ready, Junko would beckon him to join her in the water and hold her hand out for his as they approached. The next few hours went by, and the two of them spent it enjoying each other's company. Thankfully people left them alone, other than the occasional glance or stare so Junko was able to have her attention fully on him.

While in the water, Junko would attempt to play fight with him, occasionally splashing him or dunking him under. Though she normally maintained a relaxed and calm demeanor, she let a bit of her hyper, playful side slip. The two of them remained there for the next few hours, alternating between being in the water and lying on the beach. Too soon, the beautiful sky above them began to slip into twilight and the others began to head home. Thinking it would be a good time to head home, Junko would speak up in a happy, yet slightly tired tone.

”Though I wish today could last forever, I think it’s best that we head back home. I don’t know about you but I’m dying to get all this sand off of me and am feeling a bit peckish.”

Should he agree, Junko would begin collecting their belongings. Once they were ready to go, Junko would either walk back to the house with him or teleport, whichever he preferred.

WC: 469
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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Walk Around The Village - Page 3 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:30 pm
Junko was one of the palest people he'd ever met, her ivory skin was a marvel ro behold. He knew he would need more than spray on sunscreen, Junko needed the SPF absorbed into her skin by rubbing it otherwise she would burn kind. So, he brought the normal kind as well. He would put it into his hands and apply it on her neck, behind her ears, sides, back, hips, butt, and legs. Anywhere his darling could not easily reach. He was doing this for her safety, but he would not say the smoothness of her skin and the warmth he felt from her weren't enjoyable. "All done with the back darling" Her front was already done he just re-hit the areas she may have missed.

After that it was time to go into the water. He would follow and take her hand as waves met the shore. During their time in the water he saw a new side to his princess. She was much more playful occasionally splashing him with water and pushing his head under the water. He would splash her back using all mighty push to send a surge of water in her direction. Then swimming back to meet her and tread next to her on the beach. He knew she would either find it funny or be angry and accept the amount of times she wished to dunk his head in as recompense. Or whatever else she wished to do. After a bit their day was coming to a close it was time to return to their home. "I could eat, I'm cooking though." After packing their things Akabayashi would teleport them to the house.

"If you want to shower alone you can, but as I recall our last shower together was interrupted." If Junko was willing he would take her to the shower it had no curtain and was just a glass pane you couldnt see through with a door. It was quite spacious not as much as hers was but more than enough room for two people. He would prepare a towel for her either way and after the shower prepare dinner. He had a couple steaks pulled and some broccoli, a bag of potatoes and the ingedients for mashed potatoes, but no gravy.

"After dinner would you like me to teach you a few more fuinjutsu, maybe some ninjutsu?" If his princess wanted to learn he was willing to teach though he hoped she would be the one teaching him soon. She gave off the vibe of a teacher sometimes, especially with todays scolding.

WC: 432
TWC: 5168
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