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Seiya Nakahara
Seiya Nakahara
Vagabond (E-rank)
Stat Page : Steller Spellbook
Mission Record : Accolades of the Ancient
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A Journey's Start Empty A Journey's Start

Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:31 pm
Seiya spent time sorting through her goods and had a pained expression as she looked at the small sack of coins that remained as she traveled the forest's path to another village. "I have to do some jobs else I won't be able to get off this island." She said in dismay as she walked with a backpack with minimally stocked food and a staff she used as a walking stick at this time. It was aged and worn though it had some filigree to it indicating usage in various capacities. She used it as a focal point for her techniques though she had aged to the point of regression as she spent a long time simply just relaxing in the tropical environments for a while, exploring and island hopping. Her hands rested on the straps as she found herself wandering up to the gates of a growing village, she looked towards the shinobi manning the gates.

As there was some business being taken care of, she patiently waited her turn as best to not impose heavily on the village's personnel infrastructure. There was always a catch wherever she went, sometimes people would voice woeful concepts or even ludicrous descriptions of themselves. Seiya herself was a simple aged traveler who was looking for some odd jobs to accomplish before setting sail to her intended destination within the Land of Wind. She had heard that ruins had begun to surface and so she knew she needed to stock up before venturing forth into the deserts. She also would need to acquire good allies to better round herself with but she also understood the woes of finding good companions. Having lived a long life already, she had lost some of her closest friends growing up, but she didn't let that affect her.

WC: 300, TWC: 300
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

A Journey's Start Empty Re: A Journey's Start

Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:39 pm
As usual, it was a beautiful sunny day in the village of Tsukigakure, though unlike normal, Jun Tsukiko had found herself on gate duty. Due to the recent scuffle, security has become a bit tighter, causing the need for a few extra bodies. Though she hardly spent any time doing work for the village, Junko had asked her specifically to help for a few days and who was she to deny the requests of her creator? The bond they once had had nearly deteriorated since they had only seen each other once or twice after the village had been created.

Primarily her time had been spent beside Daiki, the two of them had been living together and could be considered a couple of sorts. She helped him run Darkside and seemingly became a rather proficient bartender. Her excessive drinking was hardly an issue in her day-to-day life, though mentally it was becoming a bit exhausting to be consistently in a state of inebriation. Thankfully guard duty forced her to be in a sober state, which admittedly felt a bit nice. As time passed, she’d spent most of her day checking people into the village, but her mind would wander elsewhere.

Soon a young-looking woman with white hair and striking green eyes would approach. Jun would note her elongated ears and pale complexion that was similar to hers. With a bright smile, she’d offer the woman a slight bow before speaking up in an upbeat, bubbly tone.

”Welcome to Tsukigakure! My name is Jun Tsukiko, and it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you. Can I please have your name and any kind of ID you might have on you?”

To anyone who examined her, Jun looked to be a young woman with a lean body type. Long, bright green hair cascaded down her back, past her shoulders, and stopped just above her upper thighs. Crimson red, siren-shaped eyes examined the woman closely as she smiled warmly at her. A well-worn, black t-shirt hung around her shoulders, exposing her collarbones, also it had been cut around the waist to expose her mid-drift. Around her hips, a pair of black cargo shorts could be seen hugging her form and stopping roughly halfway down her thighs. The rest of her legs were covered in fishnet stockings that disappeared into the tops of chunky, black leather combat boots that started about halfway down her calves.

Patiently she’d wait for her response, not wanting to rush the woman before her.

WC: 417
Seiya Nakahara
Seiya Nakahara
Vagabond (E-rank)
Stat Page : Steller Spellbook
Mission Record : Accolades of the Ancient
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A Journey's Start Empty Re: A Journey's Start

Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:40 pm
When it was finally Seiya's turn, her gaze went to the guard before her. The attitude and personality reminded her of an old acquaintance from years ago as she gave a nod before setting her backpack on the ground and rummaging through it. "My name is Seiya Nakahara..." She began trailing off as she scavenged thoroughly. She knew she normally should have kept her form of identification in her pocket or an easy access slot on her bag, perhaps a briefcase or suitcase of some kind would prove more useful for her down the road but that was to be determined and commissioned for her needs at a later point in time. It was clear that the woman before Jun was a bit scattered-brained with her items as time began to pass as she delved into the bag.

A Journey's Start 9ec0b310

Before long a triumphant look to her etched onto her face as she pulled out from the bag a bifold with a rusted symbol on it. It was clearly foreign to even Ninji and Naito, yet seemed old and worn. "This should be plenty enough identification." She declared to the Special Jounin that stood before her. The symbol itself lost its details to distinguish it beyond a circle with some sort of crest on it. Once taken and opened it was a faded ID card holder whose ink was equally faded and rubbed from wear and age. The only distinguishing aspect of it was the appearance that was on the faded ID was similar enough to the woman before Jun and the character count matched that would make up the name 'Seiya Nakahara'. Though who knows how old the ID really was. Seiya on the other hand would stand with a smile and awaited to hear the verdict from the gate guard.

WC: 300, TWC: 600
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