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Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Toll Troll Misson Empty Toll Troll Misson

Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:16 pm
Toll Troll Misson

Mazoku Woke up in the wilderness of the snow lands and started his mourning routine of 150 push-ups 150 sit-ups and 150 crunches. Mazoku once again practiced some jutsu. Once Mazoku was finished with his morning routine he decided to find a nearby Settlement to get some food as he was living off the land for a few weeks. Mazoku was tired of living on the land so he wanted to go into town and get some real food.
Mazoku knew there was a settlement a little south of where he was currently. Mazoku decided to move on and leave towards the direction of the settlement. Tonight was a beautiful night with amazing lights in the sky filled with all different colors. Mazoku was lucky to have been seeing this. Mazoku was ready to leave after standing watching the lights ... Mazoku was almost at the settlement only a few more hours of traveling... Suddenly a group of men jumped out and Mazoku got prepared for combat instantly... Mazoku smiled at all the men and jumped into action. Mazoku was behind one of the 3 men almost instantly and delivered a quick blow to the man's head knocking him on the floor and knocking him out... Mazoku quickly was charged by the other two men, Mazoku turned and kicked them both in the head with blinding speed causing them to fall down and be knocked out... Mazoku laughed to himself at this hiliarously easy fight and continued to walk towards the settlement Mazoku crossed a bridge that the men jumped out from behind. Mazoku once crossed the bridge saw an outline of buildings and approached the settlement. Once into the settlement, everyone around stared at mazoku in surprise. Mazoku was concerned but continued to walk through the settlement and found himself upon an inn.. he decided to pay for a room and go relax in the room for a bit.

Mazoku hung out in the room for a bit spending his time by working out a little more and thinking of weapon designs for swords he would like to use...Mazoku finished the small workouts he was doing and decided to go look around the settlement for a bit... once out of the inn mazoku traveled around and found a local shop that had a blacksmith store attached to it. Mazoku was intrigued by this and decided to check it out. Once inside mazoku found many swords on the walls of the shop. Some shiny some dull looking katans claymores Clevers. Many to choose from but none catches his eye... He saw the owner hammering away at the anvil in the back. Mazoku being the curious bee went back there and watched the man smash a hammer into a piece of metal after several minutes of banging it started to take the form of a dagger Mazoku was fascinated at this and continued to watch him... an hour went by and mazoku watched the man create this beautiful dagger the dagger was sharp and compact. It would be a well-hidden blade used for assassinations. Mazoku asked the blacksmith once he finished to speak to him, the man nodded at Mazoku and continued to polish the dagger. After another hour or so the dagger was finished and the blacksmith put it on a shelf and waved to Mazoku. 

Mazoku was excited to finally talk to the man and asked the man "What are the best materials for the blacksmith and what should one start with to learn blacksmithing"   The man responded "Well young man it's basically the same technique despite what you make so you can start anywhere but I recommend getting good quality tools" Mazoku nodded and thanked for the man for advice and started to leave the shop when he was stopped by the man... The blacksmith asked "Sir may I ask you how you passed the bridge outside of the settlement as there are normally men guarding the passage' Mazoku laughed and responded "I beat them up and walked right past them" The blacksmith asked mazoku to go to the town center and speak with the settlement leader mazoku nodded and left the blacksmiths shop...Mazoku headed in the direction of the town center to speak with this man once in the town center he found the man outside hanging a sign that said "Please don't try to leave the village as you will have to pay or be injured' Mazoku walked up to the man and asked the man if he needs help getting rid of these assholes at the bridge as he already beat them once the man responded yes we do and we will compensate you very well Mazoku agreed and left the man and headed out of the settlement in the direction of the bridge after walking for a bit he can see the outline of the bridge with another 3 men stationed at it.
Mazoku decides to hide in the snow and watch the bridge for a few hours as he wants to see if it is just the three men or if they are a part of something bigger. After a few hours of watching and the men pestering people trying to leave the settlement, they switched out with another three men. Mazoku followed the three men who were swapping out and watched them as they walked to a small camp surrounded by snow when they reported to a man who was dressed in a wolf fur coat and was tall...

Mazoku was finished watching all of this and decided it was time to take action. Mazoku came out of the snow and started to walk towards the snow camp and performed some hand seals when suddenly the air began to be thick and a fog rolled in... Mazoku performed hidden mist jutsu! And was perfectly un unnoticeable. Once the fog was at its thickest Mazoku started to sneak into the camp and approached the tent the coat-wearing man was in. Mazoku stood over the coated man and watched him as he was sleeping. Mazoku took out his kunai and stabbed the man slowly in the throat and covered his mouth with his hand so he couldn't scream.Mazoku killed the man as he slept with the hopes the men that followed him would disperse. Once Mazoku was finished dealing with this scum he left the camp and walked back towards the village and back to the town center but as it was late he decided he will wait until tomorrow and headed back to the settlements inn where he had a room purchased. Once mazoku returned to his room he went to bed quickly. The next morning mazoku did his working routine left the inn and decided he would check to see if there were any men at the bridge just to make sure.Mazoku stayed hidden as he approached the bridge and found no one there his plan succeded and he left towards the settlement's town center once more. Mazoku reached the town center and went into the town center to get paid once inside he saw the man sitting in a chair just chilling... Mazoku walked up and held out his hand awaiting payment the man handed mazoku a black chest that had some Ryo in it Mazoku smiled left the town center and headed back to his inn room

 Mazoku relaxed a bit and found the urge to get some food before he leaves the settlement and sets on an adventure to the next settlement. Mazoku left the room and left the inn in search of a good place to eat before he left... he found a sushi place and decided to stop and get some before leaving... while there he saw the three men that he beat up pass him and stare mazoku down. Mazoku waved and laughed at the men as they kept staring and walking away. Mazoku finished eating and decided it was time to leave the village so mazoku got up and started to head out of the village and went across the bridge that was alone no one was around... Mazoku couldn't help but feel satisfied with the fixing of this problem... Mazoku has been walking for several hours away from the village and decides to take a break and set up camp about 10 minutes away from the road mazoku thinks it was a safe location to set up camp and relax until tomorrow [exit]

WC 1409
Blacksmith previous wc 642/2000 1358+642 = 2000
+4 vigor +10 chakra 
Misson Rewards +2000 ryo +10AP
Previous Blacksmith WC #1
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Toll Troll Misson Empty Re: Toll Troll Misson

Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:22 pm
Mazoku Momochi wrote:
WC 1409
Blacksmith previous wc 642/2000 1358+642 = 2000
+4 vigor +10 chakra 
Misson Rewards +2000 ryo +10AP
Previous Blacksmith WC #1
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