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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Drinking a random potion Empty Drinking a random potion

Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:45 pm
Opportunity tends to come to the ones who take their chances and take the risks in the world, though sometimes it comes as a matter of luck and chaotic randomness. This was the case for Chisana, he had simply been out shopping in the village as he normally did and a certain vial had caught his eye by a lone vendor in an alleyway. Normally he would have simply passed by this place and gone about his day but something about this vial called out to him. The vendor simply had the price listed and for its meager amount he decided to purchase it and take it home with him, he didn’t even know what it did or what it could do.

Once he arrived home he sat in his room on his bed and turned the vial over and over looking for anything that would give him an idea of what he was getting himself into if he indulged in the liquid held within it but there wasn’t anything there. So he opened it and sweet almost sickly scent came from the liquid it almost smelt of some kind of fruit had been left out just a bit to long but not long enough to turn into a scent of pure rot. Chisana quickly chugged the liquid in the vial and for a moment the only thing he noticed was that the taste had a slightly bitter taste to it that lingered a bit to long on his tongue.

A few moments later though was when something in his body started to happen, a burning sensation like having ate something of extreme spice filled it. It climbed from his stomach to his eyes and grew in intensity so massive that he felt like a thousand scorching hot needles were piercing them. The pain had him screaming till his throat was raw and silent, his hands on the verge of clawing his own eyes out until just as suddenly as it came the sensation was gone replaced by a cooling sensation.

When he opened his eyes again his vision slowly returned to him though something was different, he could see everything around him within a 100 meters, it was disorienting to say the least he didn’t understand what was going on. He quickly ran over to his mirror to see what had happened to his eyes and noticed that while the pain had affected both his eyes only one, his right eye, was different. He had golden eyes his whole life but now his right eye was pale and the veins around it were noticeable, the look reminded him about the Dojutsu of the Hyuuga clan, the Byakugan. It was said that with this dojutsu that those of the clan could see everything around them and even focus their eyesight to see down the cellular level of the things they looked at.

Chisana took his time to adjust and focused his eyesight and his vision zoomed in on the wall in front of him and he could see everything in it. His random purchase from the mysterious vendor had led him to somehow gain this powerful dojutsu. A almost on the verge of a panic attack laughter came out of his mouth as he realized that he might now have committed a crime within the village as Hoshigakure was very known to be against transplants except under special circumstances. Chisana was hopeful that this would be one of those kind of things as he didn’t steal or kill or knowingly purchase the dojutsu he had simply drank from an unmarked vial and gained it.
One thing was for sure, he needed to adapt to his new sight quickly and turn it into his own strength. Additionally he needed to see someone about this vial he had come in possession of, he wondered if those in the village’s leadership knew of its existence or not.



Used 1x Chimera’s Blessing
Gained 1x Byakugan [Right Eye]
+6 Stats to Vigor
50 > 56
AP: 500 > 560
Only claiming stats with WC
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Drinking a random potion Empty Re: Drinking a random potion

Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:54 pm
Chisana wrote:



Used 1x Chimera’s Blessing
Gained 1x Byakugan [Right Eye]
+6 Stats to Vigor
50 > 56
AP: 500 > 560
Only claiming stats with WC
Approved! Please reflect on your stat page. Please and thank m you!
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