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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Shiki
Mission Record : Missions
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 6500

Shiki's Stupendous Melons Empty Shiki's Stupendous Melons

Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:12 am

"Hello good sir, would you care for a melon?" Shiki asked, for the twentieth time today, as another passer-by strolled past the bustling market stall.

The short, elderly woman who ran the stall had asked Shiki to help out for the day, and he had naturally accepted. It was hard to say no to such an adorable old lady, especially when she made it clear he had no choice in the matter. The sharpness in her eyes and the firmness in her voice left little room for negotiation.

The situation was partially Shiki's own doing. After one of his regular nightly escapades, he had woken up with a slight hangover next to the market stall on a busy market day. That had been last week, and his presence had understandably scared away customers, causing the woman's sales to drop. Whether it was out of a sense of remorse for causing her trouble, or a fear of being beaten to death by an old woman, Shiki had accepted the task of helping her out.

"Hello good sir, would you care for a melon?" he repeated, this time to a group of young women. They giggled as they walked by, but none stopped. Shiki sighed and adjusted the bandana the woman had made him wear, emblazoned with the words "Fresh Melons" in bright, cheerful letters. This was proving to be an unenviable task.

Shiki just didn't understand, why did no one want his melons?

The elderly woman moved around behind him, and his off-screen partner, like a whirlwind. You would be hard pressed to guess that this woman was almost around Shiki's age herself, yet moved with the poise of someone in their twenties. She was known as Granny Yumi to the market-goers, though Shiki was unsure of if she had any family, and was a formidable presence despite her age and small stature. Her keen eyes missed nothing, and her sharp tongue was a deadly weapon that could contest with even the most stubborn of customers. Shiki knew from experience, he had been on the receiving end of the verbal attack just last week after all.

"Keep at it, boys," The elderly woman called over her shoulder. "You won't sell anything just standing there looking pretty."

Shiki smirked, finding some amusement at least despite being forced into this. "Yes boss." He replied with a bow, before spinning around to the crowd once more, seemingly finding a second wind. "Alright! Get your fresh melons here folks! Freshly picked...wait do the-- freshly grown melons here!"

The day wore on, and a steady stream of customers came and went throughout. While the sales weren't jaw droppingly good, he hoped at least that it made up for the losses the woman had accrued due to his unfortunate incident the week prior.

When the day came to an end the woman approached, her face sporting a smile he had not yet seen. "You both did good work today," She addressed Shiki, and his off-screen partner, "Here's your pay, and take a melon to go." The woman said, waving them off, "And drink responsibly."



10 AP
2000 Ryo
5 Speed
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Shiki's Stupendous Melons Empty Re: Shiki's Stupendous Melons

Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:49 am
So as most things, community service was finally coming to an end.  His duties now included, estate sales, pest control, delivery boy, and now the final humiliating task was that of melon salesman.  In truth he had originally wanted to sell the cabbages as they had looked easier to sell, but in a bizarre turn of events no less than 3 cabbage carts had been destroyed through what could only be described as a comedy of errors.  Still, when life gives you melons, you do your best to get rid of the damn things, and hopefully for money….and lots of it.

For the third time a man that looked vaguely familier was seen selling alongside him.  His scrawny arms looked barely up to the task to hoist the melons, but he made up for it with a “don’t believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you” sort of confident air about him.  So, shrugging he took a different tact to selling the melons.  Moving to the back he took two that looked almost overly ripe and cut them up, delicately placing them on a platter.  Skewering them with toothpicks he arranged them before walking into the street to corral customers his way.  

Through intimidation or downright bullying he began to get people to sample the melon, and while they were distracted shuffle them towards the cart.  If the man was the casting lined Takeshiyama was the net.  Surely quantity would lead to a quality of sales, at least that was the game he was attempting to play.  This would go on for some time, until a heavy hand with the free samples would see the tray empty, and his main source of bait used up.  He’d make his way back and leave the tray before going out once again going out into the street to try other sake methods.  

Looking around the market, he saw only one other melon seller.  An idea slowly formed, and making his way over, he simply used his wide body to block the majority of the customers from getting to the opposing melon sellers cart.  While he did this he asked many questions of the man, waisting time and leading to frustration amongst the other shoppers until they ultimately gave up and went to the cart that he was technically selling for.  Maybe sales wasn’t as hard as he had originally thought, if you took the tactic of taking out the competition.  

Still, such a tact can only last so long, and there really are only so many questions one can ask about melons.  So eventually this tactic too would come to a close, while the other man continued to yell away.  It was impressive his dedication to one singular area of focus, it was as though the entirety of his day had been written before Takeshiyama had even gotten there’d and nothing would see it changed.  You had to admire that kind of singular mind he thought scratching his chin, and considering what to do next.  

Since no more tactics really came to mind, he decided to simply stand behind the cart and harass passerby’s the same as his partner for the remainder of the shift.  It was less fun, and not very creative but it got the job done.  Eventually the day ended, and they were able to count out the profits and provide them to the old lady.  She promptly paid them in money and melon and sent them off on their way.  The two men split paths, and though they’d now worked 3 jobs together they had not so much as learned one another’s name.  

Still, you met many a strange folk these days within the boarders of Tsukigakure.  What had once been nothing, had grown much in the last few months, and at the moment seemed poised to continue on this trajectory.  He once again gave thought to if he would ultimately decide to stay or go once the tournament was concluded.  It looked heavier and heavier by the day, the majority of his time spent in his own private training camp.  He’s absence had no doubt been noted as he moved himself into a more solitary figure, where as before he’d been at a central point to the creation of some of the foundation around him.  Perhaps not politically or directly, but his hands had helped move the earth, though now he only wished to live his opponents over the dohyo, and move himself to victory.  

This was perhaps his final chance, and his tasks done for the village once again, it would again be his singular focus.  


TWC - 771


10ap for wiggly woo
2k for mission + 4K for B rank so 6k ryo

771 words towards for Takeshiyama
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Shiki's Stupendous Melons Empty Re: Shiki's Stupendous Melons

Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:31 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC - 771


10ap for wiggly woo
2k for mission + 4K for B rank so 6k ryo

771 words towards for Takeshiyama
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Shiki's Stupendous Melons Empty Re: Shiki's Stupendous Melons

Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:36 pm
Shiki wrote:


10 AP
2000 Ryo
5 Speed
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