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Kurasa Uchiha
Kurasa Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Kai's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Logical World  Empty Logical World

Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:55 pm
It was a good night for sleep. He was the basement kid, but he could hear the rain outside his window hitting the tin roof of the shed. Kai took off his reading glasses as he began to finally drift off to sleep! Unfortunately the night would be plagued with nightmares.

Kai was walking through an Asgard-like dimension, similar to the one he used to live in, and suddenly he saw his dad, Echo, appear in front of him! His dad looked down at him and stared into his eyes.
"Kurasa, you can't continue on like this son, you have potential, you're my only child!” Echo said as he stared at him. Kai looked away not wanting to look him in the eyes anymore!
“I don't even have you in my life anymore, I was an orphan until I came to Hoshi, you are someone I can't hold a candle to, I may be your child but I won't be able to follow your footsteps?” He replied with tears from anger in his eyes.
“That's where you are wrong, you have my DNA in you! You are an extension of me, and you're more like me than your other parent.” He said as he gently turned Kais head to look back at him.
“Give them hell!” Echo said flashing his eyes to rinnegan, not the other stages, just straight to Rinnegan!

Kai suddenly felt fear flush through his body! What the hell? Why did it feel so real to see his father in his dream? Suddenly he felt a cold breeze blow through the room! Yeah spirits can visit, but why would Echo waste his time visiting him? He's been dead since he was three! Kai rolled over and went back to sleep.

Kai opened his eyes and saw his father yet again, only this time he was sitting on the end of his bed?
“Ok, if this isn't a dream and your spirit is visiting me why is it just now after eight years that you feel it's time to see me? You could have dropped in at some point in time and said ‘hey I'm here’ or something like that! But no, you wait eight years to see me? Why?”Kai asked as he got out of bed standing face to face with his father!
“Why don't you look in the mirror? Feel anything different up here?”Echo asked as he pointed at his own eyes, turning them to their three tomoe form! Kai quickly turned to the full length body mirror and looked at his eyes! His eyes went wide with surprise, there was one tomoe Sharingan staring back at him!
“Welcome to your birthright, there will be more to follow! Maybe this is a dream or maybe I'm really visiting you in spirit, you're my child, I'll always be with you!” Echo stood up behind him as his eyes turned, for a second, to the glowing red and black of EMS, and he put his hands on Kais shoulder as a burning pain filled Kais body and Echos form turned to a black smokey wind and flowed around him engulfing Kais body before disappearing!

Kai sat up gasping for breath like he couldn't breathe, and he felt extremely dizzy and nauseous.
Suddenly he jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror and looked at his eyes. Nothing! He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and reopened them again! Sure enough, in the mirror, one tomoe Sharingan!
How? When? Was it the nightmares causing this? He felt weird! Kai took a few breaths and closed his eyes again then opened them again. It was gone.
“How did…I just…”This feeling was odd to Kai! He can't do much with one tomoe can he? He really didn't grow up around his own clan, he didn't know many members of his clan! Sighing he looked at the clock.
1:00 a.m.
He decided to go upstairs and get a drink and sit outside. Now someone was probably guarding the house, the Kage lived here after all. Along with several others. Should he try some alcohol? Maybe a cigarette? That's what adults do when they try to forget things right?
Don't even think about it…
What the fuck? Where did that voice come from? Kai literally turned to run upstairs and forgot to open the door, so he ran into the door face first and fell backwards!
Definitely related to Prim…
He stood back up rubbing his face as he opened the door and ran up the stairs as quickly as possible! Kai could never tell anyone about this!, no one would believe him if he did.

The maids and household help were still asleep, and wouldn't start waking up for another couple of hours. The members of the household probably wouldn't be up until 6 am at the least so he had some time to pull himself together and try to go back to sleep if he wanted to! There were many spare bedrooms he could sleep elsewhere if he wanted to.

Kai walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and grabbed a can of soda before heading outside to the deck by the back porch. Ah yes, it faces the garden with his 5 months of hard work that Zatoichi destroyed in one night! Oh well, there's other things to think about right now.
The deck had its own private outdoor bar which was used for parties and special occasions. Kai walked over to the bar and noticed it was fully stocked with alcohol and what a surprise, cigars and cigarettes and matches! Maybe he should try some alcohol to see if it would take the edge off and help him sleep! He took the top off of one of the bottles of wine and sniffed it. It smelled horrendous! He still poured a little bit, now being a kid you know nothing about mixing drinks. He poured the wine, not his soda to hide it in case someone came out and saw him. He sat behind the bar and pulled a cigarette out from the drawer they were being kept in and pulled out a book of matches.  He had seen one person smoke In their houses and he probably wasn't even aware he was being watched, Kai was good at hiding after all! He saw the man known as Talon Tau light up a cigarette in the backyard once. He knew to light it and breathe it in. No…one thing at a time. Maybe try cigarettes another day. Destructive behavior? No, maybe, yes. To be honest he wasn't sure he just wanted to be able to forget everything that just happened, go to bed and wake up tomorrow and it had all been a dream! Maybe he didn't see his father's spirit, maybe he didn't see one Tomoe Sharingan in his eye! Sitting on the floor behind the bar in his hiding place…he began to sip the mixture of alcohol and soda. This was a good hiding place! No one would be at a mini bar at one in the morning! Especially not a private one on a patio in the backyard.
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Specialty : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Logical World  Empty Re: Logical World

Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:25 pm
Talon was sitting outside on the back porch tucked away in a corner near the outdoor fireplace, he had a cup of coffee in one hand as he sat admiring the peaceful serene view the porch offered. He had his left foot propped up on a foot stool and sitting in a very comfortable position. Honestly, unless you were looking for Talon you wouldn't be able to find him.
He caught sight of the basement kid, Kai Uchiha, as he ran through the door, even though he was trying to be covert, and darted behind the counter.
“Really? Seriously?” Talon said as he watched for the young one head to pop back up. Talon knew what he was doing. He smirked as he decided to speak up!
“Alcohol doesn't solve all your problems, despite what many people tend to say. It only adds to your problems and causes you to do stupid stuff! Same with cigarettes, I know that because I'm a smoker.” Talon spoke up from his chair. “You may not know me kid but since we live in the same house, please feel free to come talk to me. I'm one of the men upstairs.” Talon said the last part as he widened the smile on his face! Yeah that joke was too good to pass up, man upstairs! He had to remember that one!
Kurasa Uchiha
Kurasa Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Kai's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Logical World  Empty Re: Logical World

Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:12 am
Kai heard the voice! Who was there? And how long had they been there? Kai dumped his drink out in the sink that was under the counter and put everything away before peeking over the bar. His eyes widened as he saw the shadow in the corner of the room! The shape of the shadow, and the sound of the voice, it was the Tau! Talon was his name? He was the one who had threatened to sew Zatoichi's mouth shut. Kai liked this person for that reason! If they scare Zatoichi or stand up to them, they are respected in Kai's eyes!
Kai fully stood up and walked over to The area where Talon was sitting. It was lightning off in the distance, meaning there was a storm on the horizon. It just added light to the immediate area. However the Taus features lit up on the lightning making him look a lot like a monster! Kai knew he wasn't really a monster.
Kai sat across from Talon in a chair and looked at him as the thunder rolled in the background.
“I don't know what to really say, you would probably think I'm crazy anyways. You probably already know who I am but in case you don't, I'm Kurasa Uchiha, I go by the name Kai. You are Talon Tau? Correct?” Kai said introducing himself to the man sitting before him.
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Specialty : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Logical World  Empty Re: Logical World

Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:21 pm
Talon looked at the young Uchiha before him. He needed an Uchiha to talk to but the closest he was getting was Talon. A Tau. Talon put his paper aside as the thunder rolled in the distance. He was sure he was quite the monster when Kurasa saw him in the lightning flash.
“Don't be scared, my looks are quite deceiving! You are correct, I'm Talon. Talon Tau. My appearance tends to frighten some people but I assure you that you have nothing to worry about, Kai. Yes I know who you are! And around here, nothing surprises me anymore…so spill your heart kid!” Talon said as he leaned back against the chair getting comfortable. Besides, the only reason he was awake was the crazy dreams involving Stein. Unlike his twin brother Kurai, Talon's nightmares of Stein or more vivid dreams and it's always Stein relaying messages to him! Stein has never really frightened Talon, but the dreams do get disturbing at times.
“Just trust me, I doubt I'll find what you have to say any crazier than the things I tend to…dream about….” That's the only way he could really say what he wanted to say to the young Uchiha.
The light rain began to fall in the garden, but the two of them would remain dry because the patio was covered!

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