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Jin Rentei
Jin Rentei
Stat Page : Bubble Trouble
Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 15500

Please miss, can i join the village? Empty Please miss, can i join the village?

Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:55 pm

Jin awoke and rolled off the roof he had slept on for the night, planting his feet on the side of the building with his surface walking as he yawned and walked down the side of the building and onto the main street. It was not the comfiest roof he had slept on but neither was it the worst and its central location in the village made it quite a good spot all things considered. Jin performed a series of morning stretches to loosen up his body and practised making hand seals without engaging his chakra just to warm up his hands and make them nimble and quick for the day ahead. Jin was not particularly know for daily rituals but since being informed that his final exam to join the village would be occurring shortly and what more that it would include sparring with another hopeful villager, required that he be in peak condition.

The vagabond had been working hard on his techniques and by acquiring a jutsu encyclopaedia had begun studying it fervently. The end result was a partially a newfound confident to recognise techniques as well as detailing several techniques he had been able to learn. The process was not fool proof but Jin had kept to water techniques and so far seemed to have made some steady progress. He was especially interested in the application of bubble type water techniques, not just for their unusual and unassuming nature but also for their serenity and ability to float on the winds. Jin found it to be the epitome of what he sought, a way to fly high into the sky and control a battlefield from afar or confuse his enemies. It also provided several avenues and options to non-lethally defeat his opponent as well as providing protection for himself and others. The sheer potential versatility and complex beauty of the specific bubble arts drove Jin to new heights of focus and training.

Once he was sufficiently warmed up Jin headed over to the Shinoda Springs that served as the village shinobi training grounds. Jin had visited the site previously during his wandering of the village and had again been struck by the harmonious nature and beauty of the place combined with functionality that made so many locations within the village seem like pieces of art and expression rather a village filled with wanderers and people that other villages had perhaps branded as traitors. It was an interesting testament that so many outcasts could band together and build something so unified, and yet retain a sense of individuality.

He arrived at the springs with a small swagger in his stride and approached a small group of hopefuls before striking a pose and pointing at the group dramatically with his right hand with his left hand clutched over his heart on his chest. “So who is to be my opponent for this test? Step forward and let us fight with honour and maximum style!” Jin’s opponent stepped forward, a brown haired man with yellow eyes who appeared to be a few years older than Jin. The opponent wore bandages and wraps around his fists and legs and entered the sparring area barefoot, indicating to Jin that he was likely a taijutsu user. As Jin entered he noticed some seals surrounding the ring with a querying look of confusion. The referee watching from nearby appeared to have spotted his confusion and answered the question before it was asked. “The ring is surrounded by a powerful fuuinjutsu seal that prevents the death of the combatants inside, if you would die you will feel a great burst of pain and be teleported outside of the arena. Everyone gets two chances to join the village and the purpose of the test is not to promote the prospective ninja killing each other.”

The referee waited for Jin and his opponent to take up the positions before nodding. “Begin!”. The moment she spoke Jin’s opponent body flickered into range and threw a serious of rapid kicks and punches that snapped in the air as they were unleashed, pushing Jin off guard and rolling backwards to avoid the flurry. As he rolled backwards Jin rapidly made the hand seals Ram -> Tiger -> Ox -> Dog and kneaded the water chakra in his stomach into a high density. Upon returning to his feet he released the water into a large spout of water that spread outwards like a net and struck his opponent, covering him with the water which rapidly thickened and turned into an incredibly sticky pool that soaked his enemy in the viscous syrupy water. Jin saw that the technique had slowed but not fully stopped his opponent and so he took advantage of the situation and the obscuring wall of sticky water to create a clone whilst forming the ram seal. Jin directed the clone to run towards his opponent whilst he leaped high over head, hoping to remain undetected by his opponent. Jin’s opponent broke free of the syrup and proceed to strike the clone with a vicious kick to the head. His opponent smiled as the kick connected then his eyes opened wide in surprise after his moment of elation as the clone exploded into smoke. Jin struck from behind whilst forming the hand seals of Snake -> Ram -> Horse -> Hare before extending his hand and drawing water from the syrup technique below his feet to form a spherical water prison around his opponent, trapping him inside as he slowly suffocated in the water.

Jin placed his hand inside the sphere, completing the technique and speaking clearly to his opponent. “You fought well, yield and I will release the technique, I would rather not force you to slowly drown, even if you will survive.” His opponent gurgled out the last of his held breath. “I Surrender, I surrender.” Jin paused to look to the referee and she nodded in acceptance, once he knew he had passed Jin released the technique and helped the spluttering ma to his feet, offering a hand up and patting him on the back. “I really thought you had me for a second there, if I didn’t have the water prison technique I don’t think I could have beaten you. Thank you for the lesson!” Jin bowed to his opponent before raising his fist high in the air with his other hand prominently on his hip. “Jin is victorious again!”

Jin watched a few more battles before taking his leave. Jin passed by the mission board and picked up a few easy tasks that he could complete before settling in for the night. First he was headed to a far to locate some lost chickens and return them dead or alive. It took him longer to locate the farm than expected but once there the task was not particularly difficult though it was time consuming. Jin had never been one to rush a task and so carried out a thorough sweep of the grounds and located the chickens without too much difficulty though one of them seemed to have been mauled to death by an unknown animal. As per the missions instructions he returned the dead chickens body to the farmer that owned them. The farmer was not best pleased that one of the chickens had been killed but did not direct his frustration towards Jin and in fact thanked him for the help before providing Jin’s reward of a dozen fresh eggs. Jin was ecstatic with this reward as he knew if he boiled them up they would provide several meals at basically no cost over than his time and were also easy to carry and quick to eat.

Jin headed back to the village to complete his last mission for the day. Cleaning. He picked up a  trolley of various cleaning supplies, chemicals and equipment required for the job from the company that posted the request and was sent off with a set of instructions to find the customers house. Upon arrival he let him self in and began cleaning quickly and efficiently, starting at the top of the home and working his way down in a flurry of activity. Several hours of dusting, scrubbing, wiping, washing and polishing passed by and he began making the final touches on the deep clean, checking above lamp shades and every nook and cranny he could find to locate and destroy any dirt he could detect. Noticing that he still had some time to spare he set but pulling a few weeds from the path and sweeping it clean before cleaning the outer wood and fascia using his surface walking technique to reach the higher more difficult to reach places and polishing the wood to a glistening shine. Jin carried out a final check before ensuring he had all the equipment provided and returned the trolley of tools to the company that had put in the mission request, handing it over and informing them that the job had been completed.

WC: 1504  TWC: 1504 TMWC: 1504/1500

Claiming mission rewards: Beloved Presence for 2x ryo and 2x Ap:
+ 6500 ryo
+ 32 AP
+ Eligibility to join the village

Claiming Stats:
+ 15 vigor (109 + 15 = 124 Vigor)

Claiming 1504 WC:
+ 994 to complete Seigan: Stage 1 - 2000/2000 - 994/1504 -
Previous Claim:
+ 510 towards Water Release: Bubble Prison [Incomplete] - 510/1500 - 1504/1504
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Please miss, can i join the village? Empty Re: Please miss, can i join the village?

Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:28 pm
Jin Rentei wrote:

WC: 1504  TWC: 1504 TMWC: 1504/1500

Claiming mission rewards: Beloved Presence for 2x ryo and 2x Ap:
+ 6500 ryo
+ 32 AP
+ Eligibility to join the village

Claiming Stats:
+ 15 vigor (109 + 15 = 124 Vigor)

Claiming 1504 WC:
+ 994 to complete Seigan: Stage 1 - 2000/2000 - 994/1504 -
Previous Claim:
+ 510 towards Water Release: Bubble Prison [Incomplete] - 510/1500 - 1504/1504

Please miss, can i join the village? JPYXIpT
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