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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 92350

Chakra Calamity  Empty Chakra Calamity

Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:58 pm
Skill Name: Chakra Calamity

Appearance: Effected jutsu are unchanged in appearance, but those that can sense, see, etc the elements composing a jutsu can tell that it is abnormal if an element were changed to Tempest release.

Backstory: Ninja that work together survive together. Tempest is an element founded on working together to increase the effects of other jutsu. With that in mind Akabayashi came up with a way to create the perfect storm and have ninja that support one another in battle.

Effect: Ninja with this skill can benefit further from collaboration with Tempest techniques. Instead of just water gaining collaboration benefits from certain jutsu it now extends to Tempest, Wind, and Lightning elements as well. Additionally, the user and up to two allies become immune to the effects of eachothers techniques in which they collaborate or are Tempest release. When using techniques of the water, wind, lightning, or Tempest release and are designated as an ally your techniques do not interfere with theirs or yours with your own. For example if two ninja were using the benefit of Tempest Release: Supercell and shot water dragons at eachother not only would the jutsu not collide, but both parties would be unaffected by the water dragon hitting them. This applies to other elements listed above water is being used as the example. Non-elemental, Fire, Earth, and other advanced elements would interact regularly if colliding with other jutsu or allies. (Only 1 person need have this skill for this benefit, other parts of the skill requires the skill to recieve the benefit.)

As a second benefit jutsu of water, lightning, or wind release can become Tempest at a cost of an additional 5AP to the jutsu. It does not change anything about the jutsu other than its element.

The last benefit of Chakra Calamity is that the buffs from collaboration can be split among all stats instead of being all put toward one. This allows for variety when boosting jutsu to the limit such as in the case of two S ranks collaborating with base power of 240. Now instead of just power, speed, or health being improved to 250 while the others remain at 240 now it can be split so all stats can be increased to 250.

Wordcount: 2000
Character Specific:
Bonus Requirements: Tempest Release, Restricted Kiri VE
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