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Jin Rentei
Jin Rentei
Stat Page : Bubble Trouble
Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 15500

Jin at the gates. Will they open? Empty Jin at the gates. Will they open?

Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:25 pm
Jin had spent a few days at the village before the next sign came to him. He had been walking through the village when a charcoal burner tripped and almost fell in Jin’s path. The worker had managed to catch himself before falling but three of the charcoal briquettes had fallen from his pack and formed a rough triangle shape pointing into the woods. Jin gathered his things and set out with a certainty that destiny had pointed him in the right direction again. Unfortunately, destiny could also be callous and mischievous, at least that is how Jin chose to view things as he spent his sixth day wandering through the seemingly endless jungle. He had gotten very lost this time. He reflected that the journey had not entirely been a loss however as the jungle was a beautiful place and like the plains it was teeming with wonderful and interesting creatures including the bioluminescent lights that lit up the foliage and stunning streams at night.

There were no shortages of large comfortable trees to sleep in and the ambient sound of wildlife and jungle creatures meant that he never felt isolated or alone amongst the vast wildness of the jungle. Jin could have happily spent longer though he had a growing need to eat real food again. So far he had made do by catching small animals and snakes to eat and there was certainly no shortage of drinking water but though he had picked up a lot of hunting skills he was by no means an expert and so could not rely on his skills indefinitely.

Jin had been tempted to return the village but his pride would not let him. He had loudly declared that the next time he stopped by he would be a ninja of Tsukigakure. Jin reflected it was perhaps a hasty decision to declare it so boldly but he had been caught up in a wave of enthusiasm that he could barely contain. Jin began his wondering again and stumbled across an isolated temple and he took the opportunity to pray to the spirits of the forest and the beasts and birds he had captured and eaten during his stay in the area. Fortune smiled on Jin again as it seemed there were monks residing at the temple. He freely told his story and was grateful for the food and shelter they provided. After hearing of his struggles the monks pointed him towards the directions food the gates and gave him some supplies in case he got lost again.

Jin thanked the monks and set off again. Satisfied that there were still good and selfless people leaving a spiritual life. Jin had been tempted by such a  life at times but he knew is love of new experiences and meeting knew people would make such a  life almost unbearable. After leaving the temple it only took him another two days to reach the village gates and he was saddened by how close he must have been but glad he had arrived at his destination. The gates themselves appeared majestic but with an almost welcoming ambiance and was far less imposing than the few ninja villages Jin had passed by in his youth.

Jin approached the gate and spoke loudly and confidently to whomever was on guard. “I am Jin, I have travelled from the Land of Honey to join this village of wanderers and outcasts and I won’t stop until it becomes the greatest ninja village in the world. That’s a Jin promise!” Once he finished Jin raised his hand up high with a thumbs up to the sky. “So what do I need to do to get into the village?”


Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Jin at the gates. Will they open? Empty Re: Jin at the gates. Will they open?

Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:06 pm
There'd been a shift in duties lately. While the two main Gate Guards were still present it had been determined that having an additional shinobi greet visitors would allow them to remain alert instead of having to constantly focus on each individual that came through. The young Hasumi found herself fulfilling this roll, much to her disappointment. The raven haired girl had been trying to improve her social skills as of late but didn't think she wanted to be stuck greeting and saying goodbye to strangers all day all while trying to discern their intentions. She'd only agreed after being assured that the other two guards were present.

Hasumi had decided to be a bit bold with her choice of attire that day. The young woman was nervous so she decided to put on an outfit that Junko had helped her pick out. Rather than her normal tomboyish look she was dressed in a long black kimono she intended to wear to one of the upcoming festivals. Her headband was tired around her forehead, the symbol of Moon obvious to everyone that approached.  

Not to long into Hasumi's shift she was approached by a tall blonde man who proudly proclaimed that he wished to join the village and become the greatest ninja in the world. The young girl couldn't help but smile as the man struck a pose after his bold proclamation. Hasumi hadn't heard anyone make such a claim before and found herself in awe of the man's confidence, wishing she could push for aspirations such as his.

"Well, I think you answered most of the questions I'm supposed to ask. I'd appreciate any documentation you might have but if you don't provide any I just have to make note of it. I hope you enjoy your stay in our village, and if you do end up joining our ranks then I can't wait to work alongside you Mr. Jin! Feel free to take your time and explore the village, but if you'd like to begin the process of joining up then I'd suggest heading to the Tsukiko Institute of Medicine and getting a medical check up there, that's normally the first step."

Whether or not the man provided documentation Hasumi moved out of the way and let the man pass on into the village. She hoped that she was doing this job right, but felt she was messing up somehow. If the man didn't provide any documents then she made note of it when recording his name and statements on a scroll the other gate guards had been using to record visitors.




Gate Claims
Allowing Jin into the village

WC Claims
+4 Chakra

Claiming the following at 50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki:
659/750 Toward Iryojutsu Amplifier, Previous Training here

Modified Totals
Total Stats: 279+4=283
Jin Rentei
Jin Rentei
Stat Page : Bubble Trouble
Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 15500

Jin at the gates. Will they open? Empty Re: Jin at the gates. Will they open?

Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:36 am
Jin was approached by a young shinobi dressed in a long black Kimino and he listened to her intently, knowing she would likely be the one deciding if he could follow his destiny or have his hopes dashed. Jin resolved that if he had been rejected then he would return every day until they let him in but did not voice these thoughts aloud as he wanted to make a good first impression and appear as a cool and calm individual and didn’t want to draw too much attention. It’s the reason he used one of his toned down poses.

“Documentation? Ah yes, one moment please.” Jin began searching his various pockets. “Sorry I know its here somewhere, ah! Here it is!” Jin produced a slightly crumbled and worn scroll that included his documentation rolled up inside. It declared his full name as Jin Rentei and his affiliation to the Land of Honey as a vagabond ninja. There were also several letters of recommendation which mostly amounted to saying Jin had helped them and that he seemed nice if a little loud. The latest letter was from the village he had left a week earlier before heading into the jungle barrier that protected Tsukigakure.

“Here you go.” Jin passed over the documentation and gave a quick look up and down of the kimono, appreciating the stylistic choice. “I love the kimono by the way, it’s a solid 9/10 for style. Looks like I picked the right village to join. Thanks for the advice, I look forward to working with you once I have earned my headband!”

Jin stepped towards the gates proudly and made another thumbs up sign back towards the jungle behind him but made no outspoken declaration and turned on his heel and entered the village with a swagger and a smile on his face.


WC:306  TWC:924

[Claiming entry into Tsukigakure village]

Claiming stats:
+ 9 vigor (78 + 9 = 87 Vigor)

Claiming 924 wc
+ 924 wc towards Water Release: Soap Bubble Ninjutsu [Incomplete] - 1476/2500
Previous Claim:
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Jin at the gates. Will they open? Empty Re: Jin at the gates. Will they open?

Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:30 am
Jin Rentei wrote:


WC:306  TWC:924

[Claiming entry into Tsukigakure village]

Claiming stats:
+ 9 vigor (78 + 9 = 87 Vigor)

Claiming 924 wc
+ 924 wc towards Water Release: Soap Bubble Ninjutsu [Incomplete] - 1476/2500
Previous Claim:

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Jin at the gates. Will they open? Empty Re: Jin at the gates. Will they open?

Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:21 am
Hasumi Hayato wrote:




Gate Claims
Allowing Jin into the village

WC Claims
+4 Chakra

Claiming the following at 50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki:
659/750 Toward Iryojutsu Amplifier, Previous Training here

Modified Totals
Total Stats: 279+4=283
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