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Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

A Whomping What Now? Empty A Whomping What Now?

Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:19 pm
Mission Details:

She was back at it again, the warm winds of Hoshigakure followed her throughout the mid-morning. Sunlight illuminated the slowly growing sidewalks and dirt paths inside the shinobi section of Hoshigakure. She stared down at the roads, her jacket flowing with the wind. A few others were around her, no one that she could recognize. But she knew that there would be problems where she was coming from. At least, this time she was able to recognize who exactly was with her for this kind of mission. A boy who was probably younger than she was, but still someone who she could see had heaps of potential. Rilo was someone who she didn’t know well, and it seemed he rather not know her at all. His point about using his sword to intimidate the child was of sound mind and logic. Yet she felt as though pointing a blade at a boy so young could be considered rather harsh.

Which still wasn’t as bad as what she had gone through during her youth. Perhaps she simply thought of it as a common courtesy. To have a weapon pointed at you, with no idea whether or not it will be used is a terrifying thing for anyone to experience if they aren’t prepared for it. Yet she knew that now was not the time to reflection on a rather minor topic regarding the moral question of pointing the blade at the child. What she was more focused on was where she could find the street name that the mission description gave out. Somewhere near the town square to the left. . . then make a right. . . These directions didn’t exactly make sense to her, that was until she began to see a few people begin to crowd over towards what she could only assume was where the tree was. Ryumi quickly rushed over to see what all of the commotion was about. What she saw next made her have to blink twice before thinking that it was indeed real. A tree nearly 30 meters in height and 5 meters in width was staring right in front of her. The massive tree was not something she was expecting on a day like this. It was easily the biggest naturally grown tree she had seen, even the ones back at the water gardens could not prepare her for something like this. Frankly, it was absurd that a tree like that could even exist naturally, she had heard the stories of the Senju and their ability to create wood and construct massive trees. Yet this was something that she had not expected outside of a combat mission or against another enemy.

She wondered if Rilo would be as surprised, to see such a tall tree like this one out in the open. She was curious to see what the kid could even do at this rate, she’d be impressed if he could use that sword to cut down a tree of that height and stature. She’d simply have to wait and see for the Hoshimura to arrive and witness it for himself.

Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A Whomping What Now? Empty Re: A Whomping What Now?

Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:47 am
Standing about 30 meters from the mission area, he stood tall upon one of the rooftops staring into the depths of the village, pondering on his own as he took in a deep breathe and released it. The days had been blurring all together and on this day he would be standing firm as he looked into the distance and saw a tree that was in the area of the village where it should not have been. One might have been a little surprised if he had not been of the mindset that this was another prank, but given the area of the village he was...unperturbed by the whole situation. His right hand rested on the sheath of one of his blades as he pondered on the proper execution of this mission, even to the point where he thought about going to get a bigger blade but then he chuckled to himself. What he brought would be more than enough to deal with the issue. He would have to get closer to look art the tree to see what would need  to be done about it, but for now he waited. The wind would slowly catch the bottoms of his overcoat as it made him look like some kind of brooding anti-hero. After a moment a soft clinking against the rooftop's tiles would break him out of his concentration as his crimson orbs looked slightly to the right and then back at the tree. It had been Ryouma, one of Morio's children who with his own crimson hues peered at the tree and then back to Rilo whom he could tell was trying to come up with a plan. The two sat in silence for a moment until Rilo broke the silence between the two," Doesn't seem like much does it? Looks like it would make some good kindling for the forge though," the thought got a good chuckle out of the blue haired male, but he remained silent as he crouched down and continued to watch in silence.

Using his left hand, Rilo would pull out a pocket watch and look at the time before stuffing it back into its home and taking another breathe. It would now be time to head into action. Ruffling the smaller males hair, he took off from the rooftop bouncing from one to another as he headed toward where Ryumi would have been. After a few moments he would land roughly three meters to Ryumi's right, his arrival sounded by the clack of his boots against the pavement. Standing up straight he would look at the tree and back to her for a moment as he walked towards it placing his left hand against it and concentrating. His silence was not unnatural as he tapped on the tree in a few places, and made some mental notes to himself. It was definitely thick and would take a good, strong hit to fell yet it was not something he could not do. His back would be to Ryumi as he dropped his left hand to his side and took a few steps back," Would you be able to catch this if I chopped it down?," Whether she could or not he knew what he would do. Looking to his left and right he would take in a deep breathe and probably for the first time his voice would boom," If you are not here to assist in the removal of this tree then you need to clear the area, 50 meters in all directions and be on the look out for possible falling debris," his voice would carry and cause a lot of the riffraff to quickly disperse. As they did he would take a few steps back as he eyed the tree once more using his keen eyes to figure out just what...or how he would take care of this. Once everyone had been gone he would face the tree, his eyes narrowing as he touched one of the blades, The Refined Katana, first. The blade was strong but the thickness of that tree would catch the blade not even a fourth of the way through. His hand released from the sheathe of it and moved up to Enten, where he would rest upon it and fall into silence.

The blade itself had been tempered by true Hoshimura Steel and reforged by the great smith himself. She would do the job well. Resting his right hand against the hilt of the blade he would draw it slowly before taking his stance. His right leg would slide back slightly as he held the blade forward and then hold it toward his left. Crouching just slightly he would release a small wave of chakra as his eyes became a darker crimson, and with one smooth breath he dashed forward with his full speed. He would wait until he was a meter from the tree itself before releasing, allowing the full weight of his swing combined with his own power to cut the tree not at the base but ten inches above it. The base would be strong, but aiming higher meant there would be room to hit the trees less sturdy areas. The blade, now infused with lightning chakra, would cleave through the tree as Rilo appeared on the other side. He would wait for Ryumi to jump in and fulfill her own end of the deal, as he slowly sheathed his blade and sidestepped the falling tree... Maybe he put a little too much into it?

922 WC
460 WC to finish off Space-Time as a spec
462 WC toward Water as an Element (462/1500)
2000 Ryo/10 AP
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

A Whomping What Now? Empty Re: A Whomping What Now?

Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:06 am
Rilo wrote:
922 WC
460 WC to finish off Space-Time as a spec
462 WC toward Water as an Element (462/1500)
2000 Ryo/10 AP


Note: For future reference, please hyperlink the progression of any Specialties, Jutsu, Elements, and Skills in-learning for ease of recordkeeping. Thereby, the progression for Rilo's Space-Time specialty can be found here.
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

A Whomping What Now? Empty Re: A Whomping What Now?

Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:02 pm
The ground was the perfect place to see just how big the tree actually was. Ryumi’s eyes scanned the darkened oak. It almost looked like someone had been experimenting with some form of seed enhancer. Ryumi was about to reel back her fist, when she heard the clanking of boots 3 meters to her right. Her motion stopped in an instant, as she saw Rilo again for the second time she was on a mission. His arrival was met with a small chuckle from Ryumi, purple eyes turning to fully see the dark haired man. His sword attached to his hip, all the while he fully began to straighten himself out. Ryumi’s own eyes trailing his body while he walked forwards. Him placing his hand on the tree surprised her. Perhaps this is how he was feeling out the trees inside. If his blade could literally cut through it all. She was unsure of how Swordsmen fully operated. Enishi didn’t even use his blade against her during their sparring match. But that was so long ago, she didn’t know if that should be the measure of which she knew of what a swordsmen was.

When his left hand fell to his side. Ryumi’s left eyebrow quarked upwards. Perhaps he really was testing to see what the thickness was. Him taking a few steps back only made Ryumi more curious, before came the question of if she could catch the tree when it was felled by him. The scarred ninja, ever confident in her strength, nodded her head at his question.

“Of course I can catch it, these babies aren’t for show,” Her arm would curl up immediately. Her muscle almost  popping out of the skin from how developed it was. Some would even say that her muscles were overdeveloped and “Not fit for a woman near the church”. Yet she was sure that she could easily catch a tree like this, even though it was a lot bigger than a normal tree. Yet Rilo’s voice boomed outwards towards the crowd, with Ryumi making sure that a perimeter would be set up to make sure that no one would get hurt. Her hands stretching outwards, making sure no one would try and run towards all of the action. Once the necessary preparations were made. Ryumi would be able to bear witness to the strength of one of her competitiors inside of the Nova Tournament. His sword was suddenly unsheathed from it’s scabbard. Allowing Ryumi to see the glint of a refined blade, one that was forged in the steel of the Hoshimura. An interesting kind of metal, one that was strong even against other forces that could match it. Most metals, especially that of the refined katana, allowed the initial weaknesses of the blade to be lowered. Ryumi would stand there, arms crossed, eyes glued to the scene before her.

A blade that could get passed her skin, was a blade that was not to be messed with. The strength that was shown when he finally started to get ready. His right leg would slide backwards, his other leg ready, almost bracing for the impact. He was shaped almost like he was about to sprint at full force. Thus causing Ryumi’s hands to unfurl from their crossed position. She knew that this was going to be a show, one that made her curious just how he was able to cut this thing completely. His eyes suddenly shined a bright crimson, right as Ryumi braced for the tree to fall.

The crackle of lightning roared outwards. As the moment his body burst forwards with an immense amount of speed. So too did the scarred warrior. She’d race around to see about trying to catch the Tree when it would inevitably fall. His blade cleaving through the entire trees bark without so much as a hint of resistance. Small chunks of mulch and wooden splinters flew outwards. Ryumi covering her eyes for a moment, as the moment afterwards, her hand would be on the side of the tree, her legs squating downwards, showing the full amount of muscle packed inside of her body. She braced for impact, as when the massive tree fully fell. She would brace her core, her breathing becoming hitched for a single moment. Until she started to rise, her legs slightly shaking from the amount of weight that was on her. She’d slowly begin to place down the tree, her teeth clenched as with a massive thud, the tree landed on the ground. With Ryumi taking a long breath, she’d turn towards Rilo with a small smirk.

“Nice slicing there hot shot, hope to see that and more soon.”

With that, she’d begin to take off, noting that his aura reminded her of Tsuna’s very own. Except this time, she’d be the one having to face off against that kind of power in the arena.


Exit and Claims:
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Whomping What Now? Empty Re: A Whomping What Now?

Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:56 pm
Ryumi Hiyu wrote:

Exit and Claims:

A Whomping What Now? JPYXIpT
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