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Kaikos Blossom
Kaikos Blossom
Stat Page : Plum Tree Garden
Mission Record : Kai's Blossoming Career
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 8823

Ceaseless Dedication to the Mist Empty Ceaseless Dedication to the Mist

Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:03 pm

Kaikoss awoke suddenly inside his cupboard and wrapped in in thick quilts, his usual sleeping arrangement to help block out ambient sounds form the village so he could find peaceful sleep. His narrow confines might be considered suffocating or nightmare inducing by other people but he took comfort in the removal of sensory information and the softness and warmth of the fabric around him. It was the only place he could ever truly relax and the close confined also served to prevent accidental self injury from the nightmare that occasionally revisited him. It had been worse when he was younger and he had often awoken with minor injuries but Hana had been there to dress and tend to them. Now that she was gone Kaikoss had to be diligent with his multiple bodily checks, especially after missions or intense training. It was easy for injuries to go unnoticed or ignored and he used to pick up bumps and scrapes constantly when he was adapting to his new senses and lack of sight. Fortunately that was rarely an issue now though the diligence checks remained a vital part of his daily schedule. If nothing else it provided discipline and a routine he could follow. Kaikoss thoroughly believed that a moment of laxity could easily cost his life and he took such matters very seriously. Kai did not exactly fear death or dying but if he was honest with himself he greatly feared the manner of his death would be due to foolishness or a simple mistake. Worst of all he feared being rendered helpless and powerless, left to rot with no control over his own fate.

Once Kai had mentally shaken off the thought of dying and the worst manners to do so he formed the seal of concentration with his right hand, sensing his small apartment and even the one below for chakra signatures. He sensed two familiar signatures below and none from his own floor and so proceeded to move his hand from his quilted cocoon and slide open the door before crawling out of the cupboard and rotating his body into a shoulder roll that flowed smoothly as he used the momentum to bring him back to a standing with masterfully practised motions. Everything in his apartment was arranged precisely and so he carried out his morning ablutions, washed and dressed himself efficiently before releasing the seals on his uniform and withdrawing his weapons and tools.

Kai placed a blanket across the floor and began arranging his weapons precisely followed by his ninja tools. He ran his hands gently over each section of the weapons and tools, feeling for damage or signs of wear. He had recently stepped up his training with the weapons and though built to last they could still become blunt or weaken with prolonged use and without the appropriate care and treatment. Kai hummed to himself very softly as he carried out his checks. The tune was a unique bastardisation of a tune Hana used to sing him and fragments of a tune in his dreams. He was uncertain if the odd tune was actually sung to him or if it was made up by his infant mind, desperate for some lingering connection to his parents. Regardless of the authenticity Kai hummed it honour all three of his parents that had passed. His mouth twitched with annoyance or perhaps concern as his fingers ran over the keen edges of his weapons, a hairs breath less pressure than required to cut him yet feeling the imperfections and dints clearly with his tactile senses.

“It seems I will have to delay my original plans.” Kai muttered almost silently to himself. It was a happy he tried to avoid but could not help himself in his own home. He was very strict about the practice outside in the village however. Kai returned the weapons to the seals within his uniform and gathered up some money before setting out from his balcony, relying on surface walking to stick to the wall of the building and taking in a  deep breath. The mist was especially thick and heavy it seemed and Kai activated his chakra sensory before springing from the building and deftly landing on the opposite roof before dashing of over the maze of obscured rooftops and maze like pathways in the village that Kai knew so well. Kai could sense various chakra signatures around him within his minds eye, adjusting his movement and direction as appropriate to ensure he did not accidentally cross paths with another travelling ninja.

The journey passed easily as Kai dashed from rooftop to rooftop like a pink ghost as his Haori fluttered in his wake with each leap making it expand momentarily, slightly decreasing his speed before falling back down and trailing just behind him. One advantage Kai’s lack of eyesight had given him was a complete lack of fear for heights. Kai’s entire world was only ever 70 meters away at any time and so he was never daunted by distance but equally meant he was unable to accurately gauge time for the purposes of travelling distance very well. Kai’s sense of time was fairly unique in of itself though he had found ways to adapt to the times that most people in the village kept from necessity. Kai entered the smithy and waited patiently for the other villagers queued up ahead so he waited in silence with his ever presently large grin fixed in place.

Finally it was his turn and he spoke politely. “I need whetstones and oils to maintain my tools and weapons.” Kai placed his hand in his pocket, pretending to search for something  and withdrawing the only piece of paper there, a small neatly written list of items. “These items please if you have them.” The blacksmith looked at the list and nodded, then paused before responding. “Let me just check in the back, should have most of it so I won’t be a minute.” The blacksmith returned quickly and handed Kai a parcel of items. “That’s everything on the list and I added it to your monthly tab. Kai’s facial features did not change but he gave a slight nod and handed over the payment. “Thank you but I will pay in full today. Until next time.” Kai gave a short bow and leaped 20 meters up and sprang of the wall into a graceful backflip that carried him perfectly to the roof opposite. Upon landing, he turned smoothly and dashed back to his apartment, following the precise route he had taken there with perhaps the slightest margin of adjustment to keep his path clear.

He returned through the balcony and set about cleaning and sharpening his weapons and tools with practised efficiency, checking and rechecking each item until he was satisfied with their condition and then returning them to the seals in the sleeves of his uniform and proceeding to the next item. Once his gear was maintained and stowed to his satisfaction, Kai set off again into the village to take part in his first mission. His first task was to silently infiltrate a cave system located on the shores of the island where it was believed some livestock thieves had been hiding out. Kai had inquired as to whether they required him to remove the thieves yet curiously he was advised no to interfere with them, only to enter the caves, determine the size of the operation and lead out any livestock inside without being noticed. Kai found this a little strange as he could not imagine it would be a hard task to eliminate the threat and he even voiced these thoughts aloud at the mission directory. He had been curtly informed that the mission was designed to help train ninja. It appeared the loss of the livestock was a perfectly acceptable cost and Kai could not disagree.

Kai knew he was approaching the shoreline based on the increased saltiness in the smell and taste of the air and mist and the sound of lapping waves on the beach announced themselves clearly. Kai understood the rough location of the caves and was about to leave when he noticed a specific chakra signature very nearby, one he recognised as belonging to Shikami Shikou. Again his other senses had not identified his presence but Kai was not surprised considering how accomplished and skilled the former Mizukage was in comparison. Shikami’s own sensory abilities far outstripped Kai’s though the genin was determined to close the gap in time. “Is this another meeting of coincidence or are you also joining me on this mission today? I cannot imagine you would need my help but I would welcome any assistance or further guidance you wish to provide. I have a busy day ahead so I do not want to impose on your time but you would be welcome to join me. I must admit I am more than a little intrigued to watch an experienced ninja carry out missions and learn from your experience.”

[Chakra Sensory Active (20 Meters)]
[Gaining 1 stack of Heavenly Body - Total: 1]

WC: 1508  TWC: 1508  TMWC:1508 / 13000
Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Ceaseless Dedication to the Mist Empty Re: Ceaseless Dedication to the Mist

Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:25 am
Red velvet skies. A breeze. The calming weather.

The gulls cried out and the scent of the ocean wafted into his nose as he stood next to the railing to feel the salted wind around him. The cool ocean breeze blew through his messy blonde hair and caressed his pale, alabaster skin. Placing a hand upon the wooden handrails, he looked out into the deep blue of the sea. A look of mystified wonder crossed his face. Seagulls flew overhead, squawking and the blow of water from a whale's blowhole was seen in the distance. Everything about the ocean seemed magical to him. He gazed at the ocean for a moment before a sound of a ship's bells brought him back to reality.

It had been days, now, since the last mission he was sent on. He hadn’t spoken much, focusing on his recovery, training, and working in the pathology department. Though, with the usage of his Kashōgan, his eyes ached so much that he thought for a moment that he was sick - dying, but on consideration he remembered how fragile a state he was in. Kaimera had adapted well to the change in lifestyle - mentally. But physically, the already thin male had grown thinner. Stronger in some ways, weaker in others. His body has taken its time to adjust with the foreign organ that has been placed inside him.

Kaimera held up his hand. The gust resisted him, tugging at his palm, and a flurry of mist swirled around him as a wave splashed up against the ship's outer wall. He snatched at the air, caging his fingers into a loose grip. He moved his hand to his chest, opening his palm. It was not water droplets, but a blossom - from a cherry tree. Heterochromia eyes glanced upward and then glanced down at his hand again. The wind called to the flower, lulling its petals from Kaimera’s hand. And so, it flew, dancing in the wind as it fluttered away from the genin.

Kaimera closed his eyes, letting the dim sunlight scan his lids - the delicate warmth offering tender embrace to the skin exposed to the natural elements. His breathing echoed: quiet, rhythmic, but robotic. Methodical. Tedious. Like a machine, in and out he breathed, stilled his heart amidst the cool, oceanic landscape. It was tranquil. Seabirds chimed in the distance, offering sweet melodies to the gentle wind pushing at his hair.

Now, what was he supposed to be doing?

Ah, that’s right.


Mere hours ago, he was sent a last-minute message to meet up with another. Utter annoyance filled within him as he planned the day to do some casual relaxation: shopping, grabbing a bite to eat, and painting. But nonetheless, what really annoyed him was there was no meeting point, just the general description of what the mission incased. Was he supposed to find this individual, or was he just expected to just stumble upon them.

Giving a discomforted sigh, he pushed away from the railing and made his way down to the sandy beach. Perhaps, he should just head towards one of the mission points and just wait for them there. Yeah, that would be the best bet. Although, the thought of them doing every other mission did come to his mind. That would be tragic as it could be deemed that he was not pulling his weight. A tragic observation that Kaimera did not want to be bestowed upon himself, but still, that was the best choice as of now.

Following one footprint in the sand to another, he started to recall the locations of these missions. ‘One should be nearby,’ he thought to himself as his thoughts wondered about the description about caves being the hideout to a few thieves. Nothing major. Kaimera could probably deal with them on his own, but this was a team-like mission. Thus, he would still need to be patient for the arrival of his teammate.

Continuing on his trail, Kaimera’s eyes peered forward and noticed a familiar yet extravagant haori belonging to none other than the towering Kaikos. ‘Hm, what is he doing on the beach,’ he thought as he slowly moved towards him. Taking a few moments, he noticed he was talking to none other than the mystical Shikami. It was interesting that Kaimera stumbled upon them once again. Coincidence, or just maybe were one of them the ones that he was supposed to tag along with. Never hurts to ask.

Coming closer, he would announce his presence to them. “Oi, long time no see,” Kaimera cheerfully said as he calmly waved to them. “Sorry for my bombardment, but I have a question. I received a message that I'm supposed to help someone on a series of missions involving abducted cattle, retrieving hidden scrolls, help another team, and to head to the borders to find Jojo. That wouldn’t be one of you, would it?” Kaimera questioned.

TWC: 820
Kaikos Blossom
Kaikos Blossom
Stat Page : Plum Tree Garden
Mission Record : Kai's Blossoming Career
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 8823

Ceaseless Dedication to the Mist Empty Re: Ceaseless Dedication to the Mist

Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:46 am
Kai sensed a familiar presence as he waited on the beachside, considering whether to simply proceed or wait to see if any others were likewise assigned to the same missions. He did not turn his smiling face towards Kaimera as he replied. “Ah Kaimera. Yes I am undertaking those missions as well as a few others after. It is good to know I will have some assistance. I believe our instructions in regards to the retrieval of the lost cattle are fairly explicit in that we should remain undetected and not cause harm to the thieves. It seems that they are a useful training tool for the village ninja and so are tolerated for that purpose. I suppose if they are successful, they get to sell some free cattle as well. I was juts considering the best approach for this mission. Hopefully there should not be two many of the thieves guarding the place. I believe the best way to proceed would be for me to scout the caves first, my sensory abilities should make it relatively easy to detect how many thieves are inside and their locations as well as the locations of the lost cattle if this is not immediately apparent. Once we have the layout figured out we can observe their movements and pick the best time to retrieve the cattle and escape.

Kai waited to see if Kaimera had any comments or other ideas before speaking again. “If you are willing I would like to place a mark seal on you.” Kai demonstrated the technique using the hand seals of dog -> ox -> hare and touching one of his kunai. A small seal would appear momentarily before fading from view. “The seal will be visible to chakra vision and chakra sensory techniques but will otherwise remain invisible and will allow me to locate your position if required. I do not anticipate we will be in too much danger for these missions but if we happen to get separated I will able to find you with ease if required.”

Kai retuned the now marked kunai to his pouch and activated the seal inside the right sleeve of his uniform, summoning the staff section of his naginata in a small puff of smoke. “Just for appearance sake, I am practising to look like a regular blind person.” Kai held it gently using it to sweep a small arc in front of his feet  an inch or so above the ground as he began pacing around and deliberately letting the staff make contact with a rock and pausing before seeking out another obstruction to detect.

“We can set off whenever you like, our first destination is in the mountains, not too far form the borders so perhaps we can go looking for Jojo after we have returned the stolen cattle to the villagers. What do you think?”

Kai waited for Kaimera to respond, considering his response when given carefully and weighing up any potential plans or alternative ideas that may be provided by his fellow genin.

WC: 508 TWC: 2016 TMWC: 2836/13000
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