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Kaikos Blossom
Kaikos Blossom
Stat Page : Plum Tree Garden
Mission Record : Kai's Blossoming Career
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 8823

Last Times at Kirigakure High Empty Last Times at Kirigakure High

Wed Feb 14, 2024 8:22 am

Kai waited for his team mates to arrive, he had arrived at the monument of the first Mizukage early and had been content to sit, wait and listen to the ambience of the village as it stretched its proverbial arms and prepared for the day ahead. Their group had been tasked with located one of their sensei who would be going about his day in the village wearing a water balloon on their back, and simulating an assassination by destroying the water balloon. The description was generally vague and meant little to kai who would be relying entirely on his team mates assistance to locate the instructor but Kai was determined to play his part. Whether this was to act as a distraction, try to seal the instructors movements or actually strike the balloon was yet to be discussed.

Kai reflected on his current skills set, trying to find some way of contributing equally on the mission but struggled to do so. He would soon be able to learn sword techniques and could potentially learn more about his clans techniques one days as well but at that precise moment in time he felt as though the best use of his skills would be to create a feint or distraction. As much as he could run scenarios through his head he chose to simply wait for the others so he could hear their input and so he returned to sitting cross legged at the base of the monument in calm meditation and contemplation.

WC 252 TWC: 252
Jiraijin Hōzuki
Jiraijin Hōzuki
Stat Page : God of the Tides
Mission Record : The Quest to Glory
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 13550

Last Times at Kirigakure High Empty Re: Last Times at Kirigakure High

Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:29 pm
The damn monument, it had become a fixture in Jiraijin’s training as a Shinobi, this would be thrice that he had attended this place. The first he fought against bandits and then the second, less dramatic but no less fulfilling he had met Rudra Uchiha and mopped the whole thing. Today the group was instructed to complete some extra-curricular activities for the Academy, there had been some concerns that Academy students were struggling with one of the lessons, in particular they had to track a Sensei and attempt to perform an assasination, the hardest part was surprising the Sensei to then be able to perform the attack. Though Kai, Jiraijin and Ichikai were newly minted Genin, the three of them had only just graduated, meaning they were perfect to show the calibre of Shinobi that the Academy expected to be able to pass.

Kai was the first to the meeting point, he seemed either content or deep in thought, or perhaps just staring like he imagined blind people would do. He imagined what it would look like for someone blind to accidentally stare at someone without realising, it gave him a small chuckle before he arrived at the scene. Jiraijin looked different now, his hair was tidier and tied back into a knot. At his side was a Tanto and on the arm of his overcoat was his Kirigakure headband. He looked proud of his accomplishments, and looked stronger because of it. ”Yo, Kai. Enjoying the sights?” though he thought about the blindness a mere moment ago, he had moved from it already.

”Wheres the Uchiha. She’s usually bang on time.” Jiraijin scoffed, putting his hand on the hilt of his blade and then started to vaguely look around for his colleague. The three of them had been a great team through the Academy, though they hadn’t been tested in battle yet.

WC: 312
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