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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Bed Bugs And Belly-Aches. Empty Bed Bugs And Belly-Aches.

Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:38 pm
Mission Name: Kirigakure Academy: Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Rank: E
Mission Location: Kirigakure Academy

Challenges: Arc

Okay okay - we’re sorry the last field trip wasn’t as expected. But you’ve now shown some important skills in the growth of a Shinobi and have gained a proven experience with dealing with differing situations.

To make up for it - we’re going on another field trip, this time we will be examining berries, plants and animals which can be harvested for helpful Shinobi potions and poisons.

By the end of the class you should be able to identify 3 different types of herbs, an animal with a poisonous aspect and a plant that should be avoided.

Unfortunately, this lesson appears to be another test of the students capacity to deal with sudden changes to the environment. When all go to bed The teacher will have appeared to have been poisoned and the camp attacked by swarms of dog sized bugs. Little do the class know - they’ve been caught in an illusion

The objective: survive the night, dispel the Genjutsu and Heal the Teacher.

Word Count Requirement: 500
Reward:1250 Ryo / 6 AP

Character Requirements: Kirigakure Academy Student, Completed Boot Camp & A-maze-ing Tuition
Character Exclusive:

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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Bed Bugs And Belly-Aches. Empty Re: Bed Bugs And Belly-Aches.

Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:39 pm
The teacher permitted her to speculate as she had been one of the first to exit the maze; he stood idly waiting for the student to attempt reconciliation and listened when she spoke. "An over-saturation of untrained garrisons is problematic rather than advantageous." Nix iterated, trying to establish that her lack of diligence wasn't because they elected not to like her. The rhetoric wasn't entirely self-serving, but it seemed sufficient, as the teacher asserted they would have done the same. Nix was unimpressed by being compared to her classmates in such an unflattering way. The teacher patiently waited for the remaining survivors to gather, appearing indifferent to the number of the herd that had been thinned.

The class was immediately informed that the field trip was now an ecological excursion. Her classmates were naturally suspicious of their teacher's motives; Nix echoed their wariness when the teacher calmly started elaborating on the creation of antidotes. Suspicion turned to distrust as they looked at each other. Only some survived the last field trip. Deceit was becoming a common theme in Kirigakure's curriculum, where only the sceptical thrived. Nix rudimentarily knew of the misconceptions of a cure-all: a bezoar stone that would aid in the recovery of most poisons. However, the kidney stones of a goat were surprisingly limited in the area. So, she foraged through the floral and faunal remedies that were available and administratable.

Nix found a guarded source of honey, which she knew to have antibacterial properties. However, the source was buzzing with activity. Its guards swarmed the husk, which may have provided the honeycomb she sought for sweetness. Thinking better of disturbing them, Nix mentally noted its location and began following a mossy swine foraging for truffles. This yielded Nix several fungus specimens that would have been excellent on buttered toast with a roasted slab of pork. If the adventure took another turn, the academy students would at least be able to survive an evening around a campfire with full stomachs. Lavender was abundant in the surrounding areas, and while it wasn't a potent herbal remedy, its poignant and aromatic fragrance was relaxing. Nix picked a sprig when cries of disgust and terror sporadically erupted around her.

Nix was jolted out of her reverie; the startled young lady responded valiantly, striding towards the closest screaming classmate she could find. It appeared as though the individual may have inadvertently come into contact with a stinging nettle, resulting in significant pain and subsequent distress. The wounded cries of her classmates echoed around Nix, chanting discontent. As conflicting ideas of foolishness and bravery overwhelmed her, Nix became dimly aware of the hallucinations plaguing them. A horde of giant dog-sized beetles were swarming towards them. Every creature of that size and number could sustain itself in the available areas only if the teachers were trying to secure the student's extinction. Nix fervently prayed they were an illusion and proffered the hand sign for the Genjutsu Release Technique. As the beetles dissolved, Nix ensured they were safe and released the genjutsu on her companions since they could not do so themselves.
Following a brief period of reconciliation amidst shared turmoil, Nix and her classmates rallied around a campfire and awaited further instruction from their teacher. After dinner, they were alarmed to discover their teacher experiencing severe stomach pains, prompting them to investigate the situation. Upon closer examination, it was revealed that the teacher had ingested a semi-toxic fungus, resulting in adverse symptoms. Nix cautioned, "All mushrooms may be tasted. But some only once." It was a delicate agaric; most of the psilocybin had been removed, but Nix had been precise in administering a non-lethal dose. She assured him.

Word Count: 600/500
Claims: +5 Vigour. +1 Speed.
600 + 275 (Previous Word Count) = 875/2000 - Master At Arms.
Reward: 1250 Ryo / 6 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Bed Bugs And Belly-Aches. Empty Re: Bed Bugs And Belly-Aches.

Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:08 pm
Nix Pendragon wrote:

Word Count: 600/500
Claims: +5 Vigour. +1 Speed.
600 + 275 (Previous Word Count) = 875/2000 - Master At Arms.
Reward: 1250 Ryo / 6 AP

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