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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 122000

Path of the Immortal Jashinist Empty Path of the Immortal Jashinist

Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:05 pm
Skill Name: Path of the Immortal Jashinist


Little of Jashin and his ways are known to those who aren't his followers, so named "Jashinists". According to some followers, Jashin demands nothing less than utter death and destruction. Average followers frame this as a public service, saving people from the fear of death by killing them. One's neighbors are the most ideal target, but a "neighbor" requires more than physical proximity; A Jashinist can spend a lot of time with someone, but never consider someone to be their neighbor because they hate them. Some followers pray to Jashin before a fight, asking for a "good kill". If they were unsuccessful or are not allowed to kill, they pray for forgiveness.

After completing the Jashin's Blessing mission, the user obtains a divine right to walk down the Path of the Immortal Jashinist, allowing them to become a devout follower of Jashin. The first documented Jashinist was Hidan, a powerful member of the Akatsuki, a notorious group of missing ninja. But as the Jashinists defeat more opponents, they progress through multiple tiers of the path to immortality, growing stronger in their devotion and gaining access to new abilities. To grow stronger, those opponents defeated must also be sacrificed to Jashin. Notably though, there are four tiers to this skill.

These "Jashinists", are unable to learn or use Medical Ninjutsu, no matter the rank and no matter their tier. Upon reaching tier 4 though, users with this skill are treated as having 0 health constantly, though they are unable to die from HP knockout or anything of that sort. 
Tier 1 - Death Controlling Possessed Blood: Completing the Jashin's Blessing mission
With their newfound status as a Jashinist, the user gains access to the Death Controlling Possessed Blood technique. This technique is also known as the Ritual of Suffering. They can perform a sacrificial ritual, infusing their blood with the life force of their victims. This ritual strengthens their connection to Jashin, allowing themselves to be a temporary impervious voodoo doll and simultaneously cursing any target that has had their blood infused and in contact with the Jashinist to be the the subject to those voodoo effects. This ritual is notably one of the ways to perform a sacrifice to Jashin. The other is to carry the body of an incapacitated or deceased character to a Temple of Jashin.

Tier 2 - Fatal Attraction: One sacrifice
Ideas - Mental Immunity (ignore the AP draining effects of techniques with that as a secondary effect)
Curse techniques?
Allow user to pass stat checks if their stat is within 25 points of the opposing technique?

Tier 3 - Mark of the Immortal: Two sacrifices
At Tier 3, the user spawns a mark upon their body that unlocks access to a Jashinist exclusive slotless enhancer. This mark manifests as a symbol on their body, symbolizing their devotion to Jashin. When activated the mark enhances their physical attributes to the extent where they themselves become "partially divine". 

Tier 4 - Immortal Mastery: Three sacrifices
Reaching the pinnacle of Jashin's blessings, the user achieves Tier 4 - Immortal Mastery. At this level, the user's immortality is perfected. They become impervious to conventional attacks and injuries, rendering them nearly indestructible. Their regenerative abilities reach their peak, allowing them to regenerate any lost body parts in a matter of moments. They also gain the ability to temporarily bestow Jashin's immortality upon others, granting them enhanced durability and healing abilities for a limited time.
Wordcount: 2000
Character Specific: N/A
Bonus Requirements: Have either Weaponry or Taijutsu trained; Must complete [Jashin's Blessing]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Path of the Immortal Jashinist Empty Re: Path of the Immortal Jashinist

Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:00 am
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