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Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Mon May 29, 2023 6:36 pm
Mission list:

A total of 4000 WC required for completion, Split between three participants = 1334 (Rounded up for simplicities sake) Per participant.

@Kinko 's Rewards = 8000 ryo, 40AP

@Kana Mi 's Rewards = 8000 ryo, 40AP

Arantima's Rewards = 16000 ryo, 40AP
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Mon May 29, 2023 6:58 pm

Yugakure embraced by Yugure A9ZAf7m

Yugakure embraced by Yugure RlNMUAA

Arantima had received a missive through his contacts in the black market that allows his shop to run globally, this missive was a simple mission request to delivery some goods to the nearby neutral village of Yugakure. The missive also noted that there may be some extra work involved as the man who hired them had a wife who was known in the circles for being more than easy if there was some ryo involved and the man that was going to be receiving the delivery had found out and might be willing to pay some people to rough up her newest benefactor.

Arantima was laying in his bed, lazily relaxed with his thin sheets draped across his body only as an afterthought in the case of sudden intrusion. He traced the cursemark seal on his chest idly as he read the missive over again just to make sure there wasn't anything amiss with the note before he placed it in a nearby brazier to destroy the missive and any tracking it might have provided anyone. He dressed himself in his Tenkai-No-Ma robes and affixed his Demons Claws along his arms so he was armed but otherwise left the majority of his equipment in his storage space or in his room.

He left his room after dressing and stopped by two doors on his way out gives each door a swift set of three knocks and calling out into the rooms "If you want some work to get out of Yugure for awhile Meet me at the main Gate in Thirty minutes. We have some work that can bring in some money and supplies.  Fresh air wont hurt either." He doesnt linger at the doorways for an answer, just heading off to ensure that air vents on his forge are open for when he returns so that the forge isnt a literal human oven.

He had sent a swift rice paper written message to his contact for his shop to have the delivery ready at the first crossroads they would encounter on the way to Yugakure. However he sent the missive was only able to be seen by a swift one handed Bird hand sign that was made with the same hand that held the message he was sending.  He was at the ceremonial gates that acted as a proper entrance to yugure right before the barrier of the bonded and the Mists beyond, leaning against the wood as he inspected his Clawed gauntlets idly.

Yugakure embraced by Yugure RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1100/1100

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Yugakure embraced by Yugure A9ZAf7m
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Ryo : 59650

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Tue May 30, 2023 1:48 pm
Kana was already getting dressed in her dark rawhide gear within mere moments of Arintima's invitation to leave Yugure. She had lost track of how long it's been since she stepped a foot outside. She wasn't partially complaining, but it was high time that Kana did some work around here.

The gear was a well fitted sleeveless vest that buckled around the woman's midsection, with leggings that didn't restrict any movement or flexibility. She grabbed the rest of her gear, which was simple and only of a few, before vanishing from her room.

Kana proceeded through the hall of the building, her boots making no noise as they collided with the floor beneath her feet. Spending so much time in the wilderness had taught her how to tread through the thickest of brush without giving away her presence. It was perhaps the most basic thing a ninja should be aware of.

With a quick motion of her hand, the woman gently racked her fingers through her fiery hair, in an attempt to detangle some of the tussled strands. It didn't take her very long to exit the building and meet Arintima at the gates. Where he was visibly examining the gauntlets that Kana had seen him with, majority of the time. She was well aware that he had a business that involved weapons and tools, she has yet to make an attempt to learn more, despite her interest. When they return maybe she will. "All set~"
Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Tue May 30, 2023 2:26 pm
Kinko heard a few knocks on his door. This had become the occasion. He began to notice that no one opened the door after they knocked, more announced a message. Kinko wondered if that would ever change. While Kinko knew the relationships were new and privacy was highly respected, he wondered if the relationship would move from a step-mother moving in with her step-son and more into brothers and cousins. Kinko made little movement in terms of reacting to the knock but was surprised to hear Tima's voice. He was expecting Yazui or Mizuki. Kinko had spent almost too much time outside these walls, as his dorm still looked relatively new with no significant character or decor. He let out an exhale and almost no reaction, appearing to almost entirely dismiss the interaction. However, as time passed on, Kinko dawned his classic black robe with burgundy trim, matched with his burgundy gloves and boots. Kinko traveled light and was not one for weapons, as all he needed was chakra. Further, Kinko assumed the missions would be relatively lax. This did not seem like a mission that required much more than appearing. At least, that is the impression he got.

With each step, his heel clapped against the floor, each step pronounced and echoed itself through the halls. It made Kinko feel important but it was needless. Through this, Kinko wondered who would answer the call. He was hoping it was not going to be a weird bunch.

Kinko pushed against the door to reveal the outside, the dewy air, and fresh scents. The birds chirped outside, that was always pleasant to Kinko. He enjoyed the accompany of birds and was quite jealous of their flight.

With each strike of his heel, the sound was muddled by the path but still prominent. Kinko eventually made his way to the gate, seeing a duo that he had not often seen together, Tima and Kana. The two were already here by the time Kinko arrived but he could never really get a sense or grasp the relationship between the two. Kinko knew this would be interesting. He took his final step as he was within conversation distance of the two. "Hey Kana." He said looking down towards her then shifting his eyes and weight towards Tima. "Tima." He said with a nod of his head. Kinko then flared his eyebrows anticipating the next words from Tima while hiding the fact that Kinko was clearly more friendly with Kana than he was with Tima.

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Tue May 30, 2023 7:20 pm

Yugakure embraced by Yugure A9ZAf7m

Yugakure embraced by Yugure RlNMUAA

Arantima looked from his gauntlets as Kana approached, as if sensing her approach from Twenty five meters away somehow.. It couldnt be her heartbeat nor her chakra as he wasnt a sensory type.. Yet there it is.. As soon as she crossed some sort of bubble that was far out of hearing range he looked from his gauntlets and towards Kana-mi. He gave her a quick wave of greeting and took a small bottle from his hip, taking the lid off and popping out a small Red pill, popping it in his mouth before tossing Kana-mi another "Blood pill, Not sure when we all drank last. If you dont need it now, hold on to it for later."

Kinko was the next one he sensed through some strange awareness that set him subtly apart from the rest. He looked towards Kinko long before he was close but waited until he was close enough to speak and when he spoke to Tima he tossed him a Blood pill as well. "Blood pill, I believe I shared one with you before? If you need to drink that will sate it, if not keep it until you do need it." He turned towards the Barrier and reached out for it, placing his palm against it.  A small 3 meter wide circle spread outward from his hand and held itself open as he gestured for Kana-mi and kinko to exit from the opening.

"Jobs shouldnt take long.. Just a quick jaunt over to Yugakure. I got to spend the least amount of time with you two before I was called to send Mizu on her trip before, thats why I knocked on your doors." He gives them both a genuine smile and steps through the opening in the Barrier before gesturing forward into the mist, reaching for Kana-mi's shoulder so that her senses wouldn't be clouded by the mist as they left.

The Delivery packages were about halfway along the road that would take them from the Temple of jashin towards the Village of Yugakure where Arantima took one of the straps to pull one of the sleds of goods along leaving the other packages for Kinko and Kana-mi to grab or drag as they wished. He wasnt much for conversation just yet as their journey was through lands where sounds might attract bandits of some variety or other.

When they got to the gates of Yugakure no sato however he finally spoke up. "The deilvery is simple enough, we drop this off with the tradesman and collect our pay. He might have some other work for us if we press a bit." He shrugs and smiles broadly at the other two as he leads them off towards a small shop that isnt too far from the gatehouse. He drops the strap for his sled out front and kicks the door to knock instead of using his bladed hand as to not destroy the door.

The man who comes out is holding some sort of rough looking cleaver as a defensive or threatening tool "Who'dya thin!!... Oh.. Yer the lot whats.." He looks out past Tima and towards the packages nodding before grabbing a small box and jutting it out towards Tima who steps back from it and gestures to Kana-mi and Kinko. "They will count it and make sure its all there.. Or we take whats missing out of your shipment." The words were not a threat but as cold as iced venom and so matter of fact that it sounded like true casual conversation.
Yugakure embraced by Yugure RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1100/1100

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Yugakure embraced by Yugure A9ZAf7m
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:28 am
Kana caught the pill within her hand, her eyes shifting to examine the small item that was now within her palm. She wasn't accustomed to relying on a pill to keep her appetite stable, but beggars can't be choosers. She allowed the red pill between her teeth, swallowing it at once. Grateful for Arantima always having something up his sleeve.

It wasn't long afterwards that Kinko joined them at the gates that separated Yugure from the outside world. Kana returned his greeting with the slight nod of her head, and a grin that curved the right side of her lips.

And just like that, the three were off to leave the nest. Kana followed through the exit along with Kinko and Arantima. Being aware of Tima's presence that existed along her shoulder, in his reassurance to help guide her from the defense that protected their home from uninvited guests. And then. . she was out.

The kunoichi took in a breath as a sudden burst of excitement seemed to tickle her senses. Her eyes wandered, and found the sleds that contained the contents for the delivery. As Arantima took a strap, Kana did the same. Wrapping her left hand around the lead and pulling it over her shoulder. She might have been much smaller than the other two, but she didn't allow herself to slack off or fall behind. Quietly following suit with the others and allowing herself to stay on guard. Anything that would seem off to her, would easily catch her attention.

Their journey took them through another set of gates, and within the place known as Yugakure. So far. . Easy peasy.

Kana kept her eyes on the tradesmith's bladed cleaver that was tightly clenched within his crooked fingers. 'So this was the delivery point. . ' She thought to herself. Kana gestured towards the rough-looking man as she released her hold on the lead. Letting it fall to her feet as the man tossed the box in her direction.

She took hold of the airborne box, the sounds of the coins within clinked against one another in response. Just by holding the box alone, Kana could already estimate the amount within just by the box's weight. But just to be sure, she took the initiative to count the contents.

When Kana was satisfied that the right amount was due, she handed the box to Kinko. To double check if he'd like, or to keep track of.
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Ryo : 71000

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:00 am
Tima gave Kinko a blood pill and it was akin to giving candy to a child. Before Tima could finish his sentence regarding the decision to eat or not eat the pill, Kinko had thrown it up into the air and caught it with his mouth, similar to popcorn. Of course, Kinko would not just swallow the pill but burst the iron gusher of blood into his mouth. A slight smile of satisfaction overcame him as he could not help but allow a smile showing off his fangs. Kinko would also go through the teleporter and find himself in front of a sled, requiring manpower. 'Yeah, that's it. I need a summon.' He said as he knew he was too lazy to push or pull this sled. Of course he was going to do it but there were much easier ways to do this. Kinko noticed how quick Kana was to perform, she really carried her weight around her. Kinko wondered what the motivation was behind it all. Kinko, to keep things easy, grabbed a strap in tandem and moved along with the squad. The route there was quiet and slow, despite Tima saying he wanted to spend time with us.

He figured the other two were keeping an eye out for danger but Kinko allowed his mind to wonder for two reasons. First, he knew Tima and Kana would protect him and second, his ego knew nothing out here could hurt him. His mind wandered mainly thinking about new techniques he could learn and after the occasional glance of Kana, he wondered more about her story, more about her...He would glance at Tima...with minimal provoking thought. His mind was break with the occasion snap of a twig or break in the wind caused by the natural world but Kinko quickly allowed himself to wander as he disassociated himself from the physical world.

Before a moment, Kinko found himself in front of a man with a cleaver. Kinko reacted minimally as all he did was watch him. Kinko was not afraid of the man and he needed to let everyone know. Kinko could not even be bothered. Though, his attention broke after Kana handed him the cash cache. Without a moment of hesitation, Kinko accepted the box and looked over to Tima. "It's all here." He did not count it, he did not feel to estimate a weight. He simply took the box from Kana and trusted her with her analysis. Most importantly, Kinko tried to show Kana that he trusted her. It did not matter how big or small, Kinko wanted to show Kana he trusted her without a doubt and without any hesitation. Kinko tried not to look too much at Kana but he was curious if she noticed or had a reaction. Of course, Kinko only showed that he was waiting for the next set of orders but inside, he was curious.


Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:07 pm

Yugakure embraced by Yugure A9ZAf7m

Yugakure embraced by Yugure RlNMUAA

When Kana had finished her assessment and handed the box to Kinko Arantima nodded and yet in a flash of motion Arantima's clawed hand was suddenly and swiftly embedded in the wall beside the man, there was no grunt of effort, only the sound of steel cutting through stone like it was butter. "Now, as the contact here in Yugakure.. Are there any other jobs that we might be able to clear out while we have time? We like to keep our friends in the land of Hotsprings happy, so they know who to call in the case of trouble."

The man flinched and pulled out a pair of papers flinching as he went to hand them to Tima but remembering that he had told the man to hand the box to Kana-mi and Kinko and handed the pamphlets to them, one to each mumbling under his breath as they could each feel his heart rate increased in fear.  The page handed to Kana-mi was a mission to go and Rough up a man who had been caught seducing married women to cheat on their husbands. The one given to kinko was an Eviction enforcement notice, as the people inhabiting the home had refused to pay, not out of hard times, just refusing to pay.

The Missions were On the way out of the village from where they were now, as the man to rough up could be found at a local bar and the house was just on the outskirts of the village near the gate out. Arantima removed his bladed hand from the wall and shook it clean of any rubble as he looked at Kana and Kinko with a raised eyebrow as if asking them if the missions looked sound. He gestured to the pair to lead onward should they agree to the missions.
Yugakure embraced by Yugure RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1100/1100

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Yugakure embraced by Yugure A9ZAf7m
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Sat Jun 24, 2023 6:28 pm
Kana witnessed as Kinko returned the box to Arantima, with little to no hesitation on his part. Perhaps the two of them have been around each other enough to where Kinko has found some sort of familiarity with her. Though there was still much about her that Kinko was unaware of, along with everyone else.

Kana briefly gave a nod in agreement, before turning her gaze to Arantima. The first task was simple enough, perhaps a little too simple. She wondered if there was going to be something a bit more tasteful.

Within mere moments of the reward exchange, Arantima had his clawed hand brutally embedded within the wall, a bit too close to be comfortable for the man in front of them. Kana could easily see the color drain from his face, as he retrieved some papers that Arantima had so kindly asked for. He hesitated as to decide who to pass the papers to. In the end, it was Kana and Kinko that received the written parchments.

Kana’s eyes skimmed over the details, before giving off a light chuckle. The missions just got a tad more interesting. She read over the contents of how they were to teach someone a lesson. The man was no more than just some overly-confident homewrecker that had too much time on his hands. Kana didn’t mind convincing him to find a new hobby. “I almost feel bad for the ones that are about to be ambushed by the likes of us. But my sympathy only goes so far.” She folded the paper and got rid of it swiftly, turning her attention to the other two to make it clear that she was ready to head out for their other assignments. “Ready?”
Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Yugakure embraced by Yugure Empty Re: Yugakure embraced by Yugure

Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:07 pm
Kinko watched as Tima thrust his claw into the wall, hearing the steel piercing and crunching through the stone. Kinko almost wanted to question Tima and his intentions. Kinko did not think Tima needed to take it as far as property damage. Perhaps, the mission was to fix and repair the wall! He should know how costly materials are around here! Though, this was not Kinko's issues as he knew Tima would have to go to his own bed at night and think about his actions. He was sure that the man would come in the dead of night to repair this. At least, Kinko would expect this.

Regardless, he was handed a piece of paper from a man trembling. Kinko could sense the man almost had a heart attack as his Kyuketsuki abilities allow him to be sensitive to such body features. Kinko read over the paper from the pale faced man as he muttered with disdain. He did not have issues with evicting people but he just assumed they were never pleasant ordeals. There was no one really winning in the situation and it was an outcome and circumstance of money. Though, Kinko tried to maintain his optimism by hoping the man being evicted was a total scum bag, who may have truly deserved it. Kinko nodded with Kana as he appeared to have a similar sentiment as he held the paper out with two fingers. Allowing Kana to read it if she wanted. "Ditto." He said calmly, then adding context. "Eviction."

Kinko nodded in agreement, he was ready and ready to lead the way. Kinko would be off to head towards the first mission, whichever may appear first.

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